Alma 20: 19 " is thou that has sought to destroy him"
King Lamoni finds someone to blame, just like Laman and Lemuel would have. When I read this, I had the thought: Satan puts reasons to be angry at people in our minds. That's how they come, and it's because he wants us to be contentious. Don't heed him. It doesn't lead anywhere good, ever.
Alma 20:27
Later, Lamoni is desirous to learn from Ammon. This shows us that once anger subsides, we can see truth, and are often drawn to it. Wouldn't it be great if we could all just skip the anger part? :)
Alma 20-21
As O read the stories of Ammon and his brother's missions, I noticed that the 'failure' writings are shorter and less detailed than the 'success' writings. Did you notice that? :) This shows us to learn from the negative times, but not focus on them. Move on. This is a great application to life.
In the same record, a lt of people fall down 'as if they were dead' after being converted. I got to thinking why this happens, and this is what I got: God needs us to give Him our full attention in order to help convert us. So, when converting those people, He caused them to sleep and then ave them testimonies. Their full attention was given. And, as WE are being re-converted all the time, WE need to give Him our full attention always. :)
This semester has been so great. :)
Good job. I really enjoyed the post.