Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Powerful Day

Today has been powerful for many reasons.  I have been comforted by the Lord in ways I hadn't felt for a while, and I have been reminded of just how much that comfort can mean for me.  It is always comforting to feel that the Lord needs me, and even more so to feel that He is proud of me.  I have really needed everything the Lord has given me today, so I am feeling very grateful.

But one of the biggest reasons today was so powerful was that it was the official homecoming of (former) Elder Keith Eberhard, one of my dearest friends.

This is Keith.
In his homecoming talk today, he spoke with such deliberance (is that a word?) and surety.  I know he has a very strong testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of His Gospel here on the earth today.

We must decide to choose the path of happiness, or not-so-happiness.

This is the truth.

We are imperfect.  But God gives us imperfections to help us grow.  I know we will grow from our trials, because I have grown from mine.

Our spirits are blessed with gifts.  These are part of our personality, and also things we learn to develop.

That's how we make decisions. By following the Spirit.

Through God, all things are possible.  Through God, we can become the people He wants us to become.

I know the Book of Mormon is true, and I declare it amidst much opposition.  I know, through the Spirit, that this is His Gospel.

He's pretty cool.
It was so good to see him today and to hear his testimony, which has been strengthening my own from the time he gave his farewell talk, to the very first letter I received from him while he was in Washington, until now.  I know it will only continue to do so.  I'd like to thank this astounding young man for his faith and strength.  You've done great things for the lives you've touched,
and I know you will never stop.

Good to have you back, bud.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


In my study of Preach My Gospel today, I did a lot of thinking about charity.

Love is the first and great commandment of God (Matt. 22:36-39).  Charity is Christ's pure love, and we are to develop it.  It is also a gift from God to us.  Charity is something we receive from God, but that does not mean it is something we obtain and then leave alone.  We cannot have charity if we are not close to God,as  it is a gift from Him.  However, we also need to do our part: use the gift and develop it.

I think this is true of all gifts from God; we need Him in order to have and keep His gifts, but it is our responsibility to develop those gifts.  Charity and all other gifts mean very little unless we use them and help them grow.

Onward and upward.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Another Testament

I have been learning and re-learning many simple truths of Christ's Gospel lately.  Today in my study, Preach My Gospel   asked the question: How has my study of the Book of Mormon influenced my testimony of Jesus Christ?  I would like to share my thoughts on this.
What I have learned from the teachings of the Book of Mormon is the bulk of what I know and believe about Christ.  I got some basics, crucial ones, from primary songs and teachings of those around me when I was young, but the central point to my love for and testimony of Christ lies in the Book of Mormon.  I learned so much about Christ my freshman year at BYU when I was in Brother Tyler Griffin's Book of Mormon classes - largely because he was a very good teacher, but also largely because of how he helped me understand the Book of Mormon and just how perfectly it helps us understand and get to know Christ.

The Book of Mormon really is, as it says on its title page, "Another Testament of Jesus Christ."  The Bible and the Book of Mormon together contain the fullness of the Gospel of Christ. (Doctrine and Covenants 42:12).

A central purpose of the Book of Mormon is to convince all people that Jesus is the Christ. (Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5.)

And that it does.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


among the growth
one seat alone
as if on oath
something to own

unlengthy phrases
but everything humming
things in phases
left still running

live extra
ordinary spark
but much apart

a new care
the finish white
find me there
one instance polite

sidewalk broken
forward start
meet me a moment
in a heart

a part
heart part

In His Name.

Last week, I posted about how I'm studying Preach My Gospel, and a couple of things I have been learning. I have a little more of that for you today.  Today's study was mostly focused on the topic of spreading the words of Christ. Many promises are made to those who preach of Him.  One of the promises is that He will be with those who teach.

From the words of the the Lord given through Joseph Smith in August 1832:

"But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness in all things.  And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say." (Doctrine and Covenants 100:5-8)

I have always been taught to end prayers, testimonies, and lessons "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."  This can seem like a small detail, but the importance of it became very real to me today.  Saying things in His name indicates to Him that we are inviting Him to the message we are saying, and that we are inviting Him to us.  When we do this, He comes.  Christ comes whenever we invite Him in - He is an immediate RSVP-er.  When we bear our testimonies in His name, He is there testifying with us.  When we ask things of God in His name, He is there in that prayer, listening to us.  And, when we teach in His name, He is teaching with us.  Christ is always with us whenever we invite Him in, especially when we speak in His name.

I am so grateful for His presence.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I have something simple to share with you today.  It's simple, but it is very, very big - at least to me.

I have been studying Preach My Gospel lately.  (This is a publication by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, made in order to help people study and share Christ's teachings.)  I started right after finals were over, and I committed to study it for an hour every day, all summer long.  It is surprising how fast that hour goes by.  Each topic brought up by that manual is a gem.  Today, I was studying The Atonement of Jesus Christ (in chapter 3 of the manual) and I found myself cross-referencing not only the scriptures suggested in the text, but scriptures I had scribbled in throughout seminary years and my religion classes at BYU.  I have learned a lot about the words of Christ over the years, and much of it has been foundational things I learned from my teachers in Primary, Sunday School, Seminary, etc.  However, I was amazed today when it hit me that all of these teachings come from the scriptures.
This Gospel isn't just a Church.  It isn't just a bunch of good people teaching good things - though it is also that.  This Gospel is the word of Christ.  What I have been learning my whole life comes straight from the words He gave to His prophets, both anciently and in this time, to teach.
In my Atonement study today, one verse in particular struck me.
Christ understands us because of the Atonement He performed while He was on the earth.  He knows us perfectly, and wants us to know He loves us.  He also wants to teach us, and that is why He has instructed prophets to teach and record His words - so they can make it to us and we can learn.
This Gospel is PERFECT.  Christ is perfect, and He is a perfect teacher.  I know this manual was written by those inspired of God, because I feel His Spirit so strongly when I study it.  Reading what I did today really solidified to me that these are His words and His teachings.  This isn't just the teachings of "a church."  This is true; this is eternal and beautiful DIVINE TRUTH.
His word.  His teachings.  His Love.  His power.  I feel this so very strongly, and I am so grateful for His confirmation of my study and learning.  I know He loves His children.  I know He loves me.  I say these things in His name.

There is my simple truth for you today.
Onward and upward.