I have something simple to share with you today. It's simple, but it is very, very big - at least to me.
I have been studying
Preach My Gospel lately. (This is a publication by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, made in order to help people study and share Christ's teachings.) I started right after finals were over, and I committed to study it for an hour every day, all summer long.
It is surprising how fast that hour goes by. Each topic brought up by that manual is a gem. Today, I was studying The Atonement of Jesus Christ (in chapter 3 of the manual) and I found myself cross-referencing not only the scriptures suggested in the text, but scriptures I had scribbled in throughout seminary years and my religion classes at BYU. I have learned a lot about the words of Christ over the years, and much of it has been foundational things I learned from my teachers in Primary, Sunday School, Seminary, etc. However, I was amazed today when it hit me that all of these teachings come
from the scriptures.
This Gospel isn't just a Church. It isn't just a bunch of good people teaching good things - though it is also that. This Gospel is the
word of Christ. What I have been learning my whole life comes straight from the words He gave to His prophets, both anciently and in this time, to teach.
In my Atonement study today, one verse in particular struck me.
Christ understands us because of the Atonement He performed while He was on the earth. He knows us perfectly, and wants us to know He loves us. He also wants to teach us, and that is why He has instructed prophets to teach and record His words - so they can make it to us and we can learn.
This Gospel is PERFECT. Christ is perfect, and He is a perfect teacher. I know this manual was written by those inspired of God, because I feel His Spirit so strongly when I study it. Reading what I did today really solidified to me that
these are His words and His teachings. This isn't just the teachings of "a church." This is true; this is eternal and beautiful
His word. His teachings. His Love. His power. I feel this so very strongly, and I am so grateful for His confirmation of my study and learning. I know He
loves His children. I know He loves me. I say these things in His name.
There is my simple truth for you today.
Onward and upward.