Monday, May 11, 2009

Popsicles are my new Stalker Food.

When you give Stripes and Bri~ crayons, strange things happen....

I drew the first thing that came to my head, and it went from there. If you ask me what it is, I'll just say "That's what happened when the crayon hit the paper!" Because it is. That's probably what happened with Bri~ too, but we didn't use her creation when we went Stalking.

We also had an extra popsicle, a green one. It was slightly melted, but we decided to do it anyway. We texted Mr. Tumble (Sp~) and asked if he was home. "Depends what you're plotting" He responded. So we came, set my random creation on the doorstep, knocked, and ran away. But not far away. The next thing we heard was "umm... thanks!" and we came out of our hiding spot laughing like idiots! :) We explained to Mr. Tumble's family that.. well we couldn't really 'explain' because it's unexplainable, but we tried. They called Mr. Tumble out and you could so tell he was thinking "Here we go again..." We laughed like a bunch of hiyena's on drugs.. and semi- explained the weird gift to him too.

Then Bri~ took me home.
And I ate Peanut Butter.
It made my mouth all sticky!


  1. That was a fun adventure!!! Most enjoyable! I think his mom hates me though. Lol but that's ok. She still let's him hangout with us which is good. I love how you call him Mr. Tumble. BTW I changed his sign name because Miss. Bastian told me what the sign for that is. It's not much different though, which is good :)

  2. And the picture I drew was just that, "That's what happened when the crayon hit the paper". Normally I would draw something cooler but my art matched my thoughts at the time. A jumble. A mixture of totally randomnesses trying to get on the paper all at once. And tada! You've got... Whatever that was.
