Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dancing Ripple

I feel so much more complete when I write.

Dancing Ripple

Empty is the heart of vain sincerity
Blinded are the eyes who try too hard to see
Belonging is the cry, the need, and plea
Something closed inside whispers "look, discover me"

Dancing water
Stagnant feelings
Pointedly unbreakable
Breakable at flex
Heart-filled daughter
Sleepless reelings
Seemingly unshakable
Shake and end the hex

Folded hands and knees- a strength
Silent is the shout at length
Darkness without reason stays
Soon, cleverly it plays

Comfort discovered
Circling, pleading
Frozen. One frame.
One simple address
Like no other
Constant heeding
Truthfully claim
Partial is the mess

Mixed reflections and fond complexions
Untold lenghts of past connections

Dancing ripple
Ever growing
In place it falls
Never knowing

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tell your friends a story...

Lemons took the challenge. Here is his story. It is called:

There was a young boy who was obscenely large. No one liked to look at him because he was so fat! He was 2 years old, smart as your average 30 year old man, and somehwere around 220 lbs.
And he would waddle.
Which people hated.
Cause all the popular fat kids would roll.
In any case.
Everytime he would waddle by, some one would cry "Dough BOOOOOOOOOY!" And everyone would shield there eyes. Becaues of this, it became really easy for this kid to steal things.
So he liked to steal things cause nobody could see.
And he decided to take advantage of that.
But one day he took it way to far.
He tried to steal the shoes of peoples feet!
And so he would waddle, and hug the persons leg. And the feeling of so much fat on a persons leg was rather disturbing.
and so the person would turn into a bat and fly away.
But suddenly.
Everyone was turning into bats!
And so this kid was like
"Now its my turn!"
So he journeyed to the highest cliffs of the U.S. to attempt his transformation.
He stood at the edge.
Thought about cookies and fattening donuts
and yelled into the sky:
"NEVER BEFORE HAS ANYONE..." Then he realized those were all the english words he knew.
So he just jumped.
from 80,000 ft high.
Hoping he would reach a safe landing, cause he didnt know how to transform yet.
He was biting his toes! Pretending to tickle his sisters nose!
And then he realized.
the oreos he ate the the night before...
They were fat free!
This was so heart aching to this boy.
And I Think ill give him a name.
His name was Antonio Sanchez deMucho Sancosi.
And as he was falling,
He tore his heart out, (or at least the fake stuffy one that he shoved up his shirt every day)
And yelled at it "NEVER BEFORE HAS ANYONE!!!!!!!!!" And shoved it back in his shirt, and grabbed on the cliff that he had fallen 40,000 feet down, so he was basically holding on to a rocky wall 40000 feet above the ground.
He was worried.
So worried.
Like, really worried Kiki.
The worriedness of him made him grow more worried.
Which worried him for being worried about being worried.
And this began to happen over and over again.
Until he was worried 8 times.
But then.
He overcame his fear...
So this kid overcame his fear.
He somehow rolled up the wall and made it back to the surface of the cliff, and began waddling home.
But before he got home
he would knock on everydoor
and tell the only joke he knew!
"Never before?"
and then people would say "What?"
and he would say "HAS ANYONE!"
and he would laugh until the people slammed the door in his face.
Eventually he thought that was actually a good thing.
Cause he was so full of himself and his joke, that surely good things had to come to pass because of ti.


He made it home
and his family was gone.
There was a note on the table
but he couldnt read it.
cause he only knew four words.
So he sat down./
And cried about his family being gone.
He wanted to tell his joke so bad.
But then his family got home
...they were just grocery shopping.
And his mom came up to him and said "Son, you are really overweight. Its about time you overcame all this jiggle honey pickle. Cause you know, there are a lot of people in this world that like to eat dat shuga stuph, and befo they know wha git em, they turn into bats. And sonny boy, if you eva turn into one of dem bats...."
she stood up and left.
His mom was a mystery to him.
Her accent would constantly change as she spoke.
But he knew what she was saying when she spoke that way.
Antonio turned into a whale spirit.
Cause he knew that whale spirits easily touch souls.
And he flew around to all over the earth
blessing people with peanuts and many other things that they were all allergic to
and thus ended the planet of Zilutyalk.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Esplode This Whole House

Title courtesy of adorable Bri~.  We were playing with Legos, and he was telling me about his Lego guns: 
"This one is so huge it can esplode this WHOLE HOUSE!!"
He says many cute and funny things, most of which I forget before long, but they still make me happy - and this one has relevance to the rest of the post. Hey, sometimes things actually make sense. What a relief.
My family is in California this week.  Why? Because some of us are moving there.  Jules' house in Utah is all cleared out.  The Muffin described it as a carcass. Some things were sold, some given away, and most loaded into a UHAUL and totted across the state, er, states.
After a very long drive, and very much wanting to plop down on the first bed or couch I could find, I was told we would be unloading this UHAUL - tonight.  A little flustered, and definitely more than a little impatient, I dutifully trudged outside to help, probably mumbling about my anger and fatigue...
Jules: "Kiki, chill out."
Kiki: *exhales* "I'm chill."
Jules: "That's my girl."

And so, we unloaded.
Then, when we were done, the house looked like, well,
(Heh, I rhymed.)

Boxes. Furniture. Bags. More boxes. EVERYWHERE.
But it was all inside. Well, except the stuff that was put in the shed... or on the back porch.
I was so so tired and frustrated.  When we were just about done, I sobbed out of exhaustion. The Muffin plopped down a mattress that we had just dragged in amongst the other furniture, slapped on a sheet and a blanket, and I went to bed.
It's been a little crazy trying to organize things and function in this little "esplosion", but my family is a group of troopers, so we're doing okay.
At the same time, I feel like I'M going to esplode.  There is so much going through my head.
Decisions to make.
Things to convince myself I'm okay with.
Things I'm really *not* okay with that I need to figure out how to fix.
Worry about things that may soon change.
Peace from the previous worry because of the powerful comfort of the Lord through the Holy Ghost.
Conversations with Grandma (who I am very grateful for, by the way).
Trying to concentrate on only the good.
More decisions.
And a heck-of-a-lot of self analyzing.

Esplode This Whole ME.

But it's all going to be okay, because even when it seems no-one else GETS IT (and trust me, it seems like this a lot), I know one person who does.  He is the one who has given me the consistent, unceasing, and powerful comfort I have needed in this crazy life.  He is, or rather, they are, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. How grateful I am.
"And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times,
It's YOU, it's you,
You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word,
You're everything."

(This song just esploded with meaning for me.)
He is everything, and I could not, COULD NOT go on without Him.

I also could not go on without my friends who cheer me up and support me. Thank you.
Onward and upward in this esploding life of mine. Cheers.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


"And there came a day, a day unlike any other... when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat... to fight the foes no single superhero could withstand... on that day, The Avengers were born.  " - Fury

 "I thought we were having a moment."
"I was having 12% of a moment."  - Stark and Pots

"His first name is Agent!" - Stark

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" 
"I'm not overly fond of what follows." - Stark and Loki
 [By the way, once the lightning started, I knew exactly who was coming, and I became incredibly excited.  Thor is my favorite. :)]

"There is only one God, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like either of them."  - Captain America

"No hard feelings Point Break, you've got a mean swing." - Stark

"Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster."- Stark

"He's my brother."
"He killed 80 people in two days."
"...he's adopted." - Thor and Widow

"You people are so petty... and tiny."  - Thor

"There is no throne, there is no version of this where you come out on top! Maybe your army will come, maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you! Because, if we can't protect the Earth, you can be da[rn] sure we'll avenge it!" - Stark

"I have an army."
"We have a Hulk" - Loki and Stark

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!"
"I have a plan - attack!" - Captain and Stark

"Let's go, Legolas."  - Stark

"Doc... I think now is the perfect time for you to get angry."
"That's my secret Cap, I'm always angry."- Captain and Banner

"...and Hulk? - Smash."  - Captain America

"Guys, I'm bringing the party to you!"
"...I don't see how that's a party."  - Stark and Widow

"I am a god! I am not going to be bullied by a - "
"Puny god." - Loki and Hulk

"What happened?  Please tell me nobody kissed me."
"We won."
"Oh, good." - Stark and Captain

AVENGERS is now my favorite movie.  Wow, it's so good.  The dialogue, as is illustrated above, is incredibly clever and quite hilarious; the actors were absolutely amazing; and each hero got a substantial amount of face-time.  It was so very well done, and I Loved it Loved it Loved it.

Oh, and the best way to watch a superhero movie is with a bunch of nerds who Love it just as much or more than you do.  Why?  There is a wave of anticipation when a new hero is about to be introduced, and a roar of excitement once they are.  Man that was great.

Until next time!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


You know, it kinda sounds like "what's up?"
Ya ok it's not that funny.

I saw this wet-hair-rolled-in-a-sock idea that's supposed to give you these way cute curls when it dries:

Awesome! So I decided to try it.
I made a little sock-bun

Then I put my hair in it. It looks promising, yes?
.... not exactly what I expected. At all.
It's a wavy, tangly mess.
Well, if I ever need a wavy and unkempt look for some costume or something, here's one way to get it!
I guess I'll style this mess with a curling iron or something.  Another novel styling idea failed. Better luck next time!

Also - AVENGERS TONIGHT! Gosh I'm excited. :)

Pins; made of bottle rings, paper, safety pins, lots of hot glue, and silver paint.

Also, we're going to Wingers for dinner. :) Yum yum yum.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Inspiring Professor-Student Conversation

This has been floating around, and I finally read it.  I liked it so much, I wanted to share it - but, if you're like me, the first few times you saw it you probably didn't click "read more", or even see that it SAID "read more"... I thought people were suggesting I read what was on the board in the picture.
And I was like WOAH
Then I was like NOOO way!

Or maybe I'm just silly. Either way, I decided to post it as a post so it's all IN YO FACE!
Kidding.  I do not wish to be intrusive.
Please read this! It's amazing! Well worth it. :)

Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?

Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD good ?

Student : Sure.

Professor: Is GOD all powerful ?

Student : Yes.

Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent.)

Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Is satan good ?

Student : No.

Professor: Where does satan come from ?

Student : From … GOD …

Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?

Student : Yes.

Professor: So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer.)

Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, who created them ?

(Student had no answer.)

Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD?

Student : No, sir.

Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?

Student : No , sir.

Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?

Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.

Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?

Student : Yes.

Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.

Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has.

Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

Professor: Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as cold?

Professor: Yes.

Student : No, sir. There isn’t.

(The lecture theater became very quiet with this turn of events.)

Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.

(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)

Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?

Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?

Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?

Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man ?

Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how?

Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.

Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going.)

Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class was in uproar.)

Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain?

(The class broke out into laughter. )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable.)

Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.

Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.


I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. And if so, you’ll probably want your friends / colleagues to enjoy the same, won’t you?

Forward this to increase their knowledge … or FAITH.

By the way, that student was EINSTEIN.

 Hope you enjoyed this! I know I did. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


When I first saw Anastasia, my little girl heart melted at the sight and sound of Dimitri.  I'm sure I wasn't the only one, but I Loved him - as much as any little girl can Love.  It was kind of ridiculous, but I was twitterpated by a cartoon character. Yep.  I mean, just look at him!
Ok, so he looks like a total dork in this one. But it's the best one I could find, and I was tired of looking. Besides, his dork-ish nature is one of the reasons I adore him so much.

And when he was a youngin'?  Cutest thing ever!

On top of that, he's a nice guy with a great personality.  I know, how cliche of me to say, but I can't think of a better way to say it.

--He knows how to make a girl laugh - even when she doesn't want to
--He's a little snarky.  Admit it, girls, this is very often a good thing - who doesn't like a little bit of playful banter?

I'm tellin' ya, Vladimir thinks it's quite amusing, too. Just look at that satisfied and knowing expression.

--He's ambitious and has enough confidence in himself to take on almost any task,
--He's strong - I mean, he basically bopped the head off of Rasputin! Look at this!
Then again, Rasputin was kind of a Zombie. Oh, well, it was still a triumphant moment and Dimitri rocked it.
--He dances.  Cutest part in the movie.
Need I say more?  No. But I will. :)
--He's great at starting conversations
--Underneath the snarky, he's really a softy, super sweet, and would do anything for those he loves (awww :P)
--He's kind of a heart-throb

Cute cute cute.

I've talked to a few people about this - mostly Twin - and we joked about me meeting someone who is just like Dimitri, and how I would instantly be swept off of my feet. Pretty much.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hello.  I just watched Abduction.  For a teen-audience romance/action flick, it was actually pretty good.  It was cheesy, the action was much better than the dialogue, the make-out scene felt painfully long, I audibly laughed at some of the ridiculousness of the hormone-filled-slash-awkard-teen-romance...

and, yes it has Taylor Lautner in it.
And no. I do not rave about Taylor Launter.
Every time I see him I can't help but think:


Oh, dear. *flicks small tear away*
What a dork. What an adorable little dork.

That, and those teeth.
Too. White.
(Nice cheeser, PS.)

And then again...

Can I just say how much I absolutely adore when a guy smirks? It's a lot.

Bikes are starting to get to me, too.

This almost made me wish I were her, for just a second. But only kind of. It made me wish for the situation, not necessarily this specific love-boat.

Ok, so I gotta admit he's a good looking guy.  And a fairly talented actor, though not absolutely amazing.

So no, I do not rave.
But do I smile?

Ya, just a bit.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

One of those...

It's just one of those days.  Yesterday was similar.  I just need to get this out of my system so I can more effectively continue my day, and typing is faster than writing.  Plus, I thought this might make some of you laugh a little, because I'm feeling a bit snarky.  Also, I seldomly write a "random what Kiki is feeling" post anymore, so I decided now would be a good time.

I hardly ever feel like I'm actually *looking* for something to happen that would make me upset, but yesterday and today it's like part of me was searching for a reason to be peeved.  I had to really remind myself that I was just in a mood, and I wasn't actually upset... but part of me wanted to be upset.  See the inner conflict, here?  I do.  There were things that would make me laugh or help me feel content and subdued, but the on-edge feeling didn't go away, and still hasn't.  I don't want to feel angry, but, as the post title refers to: it's just one of those days.

I feel like everything has the potential to go wrong, and that it probably will.  The pragmatic side of me realizes this isn't true, but I still feel it.  I just want to be lazy and have everything fall together perfectly for me.  But then again, just sitting around makes me anxious.  Inner conflict, again.  I feel kinda twisty inside because my brain can't decide what it wants.  I probably  just want to turn off.

Yes, that's it.  I want to just shut down and make my brain stop intruding on my inner peace for a bit.  So much has been going through my head that I think it's starting to scream at me that it has had too much stimulus.  Sorry, brain, I promise after finals you can have a few hours to veg.  But, even then, I don't think it will fully veg.  I'll still be thinking 5 miles a minute.  I wish it would all just


But it wont.  Silly brain, you don't know how to give yourself a break.  I need to teach it how to.  But, the thing is, it's MY BRAIN, so I actually can't *teach* it anything.  Does anyone have some advice on how to make your brain leave you alone for a few hours??

I just feel tense and frustrated.  I probably need yoga or something, but I don't feel like stretching or deep breathing right now.  Maybe after I've actually been a little productive I'll feel better.  But I've had a hard time feeling productive with all of this stuff rushing through my head.

Which brings me back to the original reason for this post.  I just need to get it all out.  But, really, it's impossible to get it ALL out, isn't it?

How frustrating.

It's just one of those days.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Think Big

Ether 3:14: We talked about a LOT of stuff with this verse in class.  In fact, we spent a whole lecture on it!  One thing I really liked was an overlying concept of the discussion.  After talking about all of the notions, ideas, and various explanations that are out there, Brother Griffin told us that it is these ideas that encourage us to THINK BIG.
Our Gospel is not a closed-minded one.  It encourages thought and progression.  We ponder things we read and learn and apply them to ourselves in different ways - sometimes in a different way every time we learn it.  We are open to new applications and ideas. Think Big. :)

Ether 3: 26: Because the brother of Jared had so much Faith, he saw God, as well as the Vision of the Prophets.  God "could not withhold anything from him" because of his Faith.  Just like the brother of Jared, if we have enough Faith, God will reveal things unto us that will help us in our lives.  I like to think that, if we have sufficient Faith, not only will He not be able to withhold the insights, but He will want to tell us.

Moroni 6-7: These are great chapters about the Miracle of Forgiveness.  The verses I specifically liked were: 6:8; 7:9; and 7:28-29.  I like 7:28-29 a lot.  Moroni asks the question: "have miracles ceased?" and then follows it up with "For He answered the ends of the law, He claimeth all of those who have Faith in Him."  Claiming refers to saving us from the law or "answering the ends of the law."  Without Christ's mercy, our imperfection would condemn us.  But, with it, we are miraculously saved.  This is the miracle of forgiveness.  It is an every-day miracle. And how thankful I am for it!

So, have miracles ceased?
"I say unto you, nay."

I hope all of you are enjoying these last few chapters of the BoM just as much as I am!  Happy studying!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Winged Victory

Nike Winged Victory of Samothrace
Favorite. Favorite. Favorite.
A while ago, I said I would make a post about this piece. Because I LOVE IT, and why I Love it seems to need some explaining. :)  So I'm going to explain. Finally. (I know I promised I would a couple months ago.)

First, just look at it.  It is beautiful, in and of itself, is it not?

I think so. Anyway, let's break it down.

BACKGROUND: I think I should probably include a little bit of historical/cultural info.  The Nike is the Greek goddess of victory, usually shown in art next to Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and war and the patron for the capitol city, Athens. When these two goddesses are shown in a work, it is to symbolize the support of the gods in whatever battle is being shown.  The Nike also indicates that the hero was successful, or victorious - hence, victory. Go figure. :)
In this portrayal, Nike is not next to Athena, but is alone. Just Nike. Victory.  She was originally placed on the front of a battle ship.  Putting her there is a way of praying for her help in the upcoming battle, so that they could be victorious.

CARVING: This is made of marble.  Imagining the process of carving that tough stuff just boggles my mind regardless of anything else I know and Love about this statue. This marble is carved so realistically, it almost makes me forget that this was originally a clump of rock.
First of all, the cloth, or drapery.  This is arguably my favorite part of the whole work.  Not only does it look convincingly like folded cloth, but it is cloth that is blowing in the wind, and looks WET. (Wet drape is a characteristic trait of High Classical art, by the way.) How this was done, I don't know, but it's amazing.  AND it makes sense because she is on the front of a ship, where it would be wet and windy. Coincidence? I think not.
Next, the wings. Oh my goodness, the wings.  This lower image is a fairly good picture of them.  The way they are carved makes the light fall on them just so, and it gives them LIFE.  I don't have much to say about the wings, other than they are just beautiful.
And the skin.  It doesn't look like rock, it looks like it has the texture of flesh. It looks soft. Wow.

AND SO: (ya, creative little subtitle there, I know.)
Nike is flying at the front of a ship, ready to support her loyal troops in battle.

Her wings are spread,
the wind is flowing through her dress,
she is stepping forward in anticipation,
she looks like she could be flying, though she is made of stone.

I really wish I knew who the artist of this was so I can thank him/her for it in the afterlife.  Maybe someday I will know.
This is absolutely beautiful. Ah, I just can't describe how much I Love it.

Hope you enjoyed this. I feel quite happy.
Thank you,

Monday, March 26, 2012

River Angel

Thought I would bring this up again. It was one of the first poems I wrote, and it's not as good as my more recent ones, but it still makes me smile. :)
This is a poem dedicated to all of my close friends. I will probably tag ya'll on Facebook again when I get on this Saturday.

Water to a Riverbed...
they go together like you and me.
Without the Water in that Riverbed,
it's dried up and empty.
Nothing grows on dry ground.
It's void of the joy and beauty of life.
Just like I become without you.

The eyes of an Angel;
what I see when I look at you.
And your smile is an Angel's
you may not think it but it's true.
You don't know how much I need you
but that's not a problem
because you're always there for me
you have the Soul of an Angel.

A flower without a stem...
I float aimlessly without you.
Somehow knowing there's something missing
but not knowing what or how to find it.
And those delicate petals eventually tear in ways that seem

But, you Angel
you can heal me.
Help me get together the pieces
fill that Riverbed.

The eyes of an Angel;
what I see when I look at you.
And your smile is an Angel's
you may not think it but it's true.
You don't know how much I need you
but that's not a problem
because you're always there for me
you have the Soul of an Angel.

I'm so lucky to be blessed with a friend like you.
Thank you for being there
comforting me through any pain I may have.
You are all Angels in my mind.
My love for you is so great, I just want you to know that.
Thanks again!

Moroni's How Tos

There are times when Mormon is quite blunt, and a little harsh, about what we need to do to survive and live righteously in a corrupt world.  I, for one, am grateful for his council.
Mormon 9: 20-21: "and the reason he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief... whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Rather in the name of Christ is shall be granted him." The only reason He may stop helping us is because of our doubt and unbelief in Him.  Without Faith, He can't help us. Faith is a connector between us and God.  This can very much be related to aligning our will with His - see "When Prayers Go Unanswered" in a previous weekly BoM post.

Ether 1:38: Jared and His brother have great faith in the Lord, and are incredibly obedient.  They ask what the Lord would have them do, and say  "who knoweth but the Lord will carry us to a land which is choice above all the earth?"

Ether 2: 25 "ye cannot cross this deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea and the floods which shall come" Though the Lord was referring to a literal situation (Jared and his family needed to cross the actual sea) this can be related back to Helaman 5:12 - about the sea we go through in life, and how we need the Lord's help.  We "cannot cross this deep save [He] prepare[s us] against the waves of the sea and the floods which shall come"

I have some more thoughts. Wait, Kiki, MORE thoughts?? Ridiculous. ;)
I really really like doing this weekly BoM thing.  Why?  It shows me how much I have gained from my scriptures in the past week.  It shows me how much I am learning and progressing.  I think there is a reason my amazing and fabulous BoM teacher (Brother Tyler Griffin) has us do these weekly discussion boards.  I think, in my future religion classes, and in my study for the rest of my life, I am going to do a weekly post on what I learned from my scripture study.  It's so refreshing and makes me so happy how much I really am gaining from all of it! And I also sometimes hope what I have to say will help someone else.  It's been a really excellent growing experience to do these, and I want to continue.

Happy studying, happy living! Love you lots!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Being Right

Just ask yourself if you find this situation familiar: You are in an argument. You KNOW you are right.
"I am right! You are not! And I wont stop talking about it until I convince you I am right, too!!! GRAH!!!!"
And here's the kicker - the person you're arguing with is thinking the exact same thing.

I do this a lot.  There are a lot of times when I'm fully convinced I'm right, and I'll be incredibly stubborn about it. To the point of yelling at and being bitter at those I Love and cherish.  I got to thinking about this last night, and then I thought:

Is it really that important?
Being right, that is.  Even if you are in the right, and whoever you're talking to is in the wrong...

Is it more important to be right than to keep others from hurting?
Is being right more important than a sibling?
Is being right more important than a best friend?
Is it so important to be right that you would risk a day, an hour, or even a few minutes of time that could have otherwise been a happy memory - merely to prove yourself?
Is being right more important than being Loving?

So what if I prove myself right -  if I hurt someone I Love dearly in the process? 
So what if I think my undeniably "right" answer needs to be realized? Is that need so much that I would make someone else dislike me, be bitter, or even cry?

That's when it came to me.  The people I hold dear are much more important to me than that. Much, much more.

So next time I'm being accused of saying something I know I didn't... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way - I meant it like this."
Next time something is taken from me without my permission... "It's just a thing. You're more important to me than that. Could you ask next time, though?"
Next time I have something oh-so-knowledgable to contribute, I will refrain - if what I have to say is going to spar a hurtful fight.

Being right is not more important to me than my sisters, my parents, my friends...
If being right will cost me a relationship, or even one could-have-been-happy moment, it's not worth it; that cost is something I'm not willing to pay.
Are you?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Until Now

This is a poem that I started in May. Yes, May. It's now completed.
This is a sort of sequel to a poem I wrote in September of 2009. Here's the link to that one, if you wish to read it.
From The Start.

And now back to your feature presentation... :)

Until Now

You know me, that is certain
Predict a reaction
with only a fraction
of doubt - draw the curtain

Different on our own
How I should have known
Conversations so keen
And with that certain ring...

Cling. Words through my mind
Memoirs of old
What was done, what was told
You and I - now I find

A puzzle. Me.
Always unfinished
Yet something diminished
brings more - see?

A new understanding?
Too many thoughts landing
so much I've been handing

Built up and then broken
The warmth of the summer then

Only the same on our own
How I should have known; should have seen
Things we wouldn't say
If they weren't away... certain ring

Cling. Rush through my head
This or that feeling instead
What was done, what was said
gather - and then have fled

Thoughts so kind...

Shouldn't be this way
Neither go nor stay
From the Start - Until Now
Can I attempt to say how?


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mormon's How Tos

4 Nephi 1:23 "rich because of their prosperity in Christ"
You can cross reference this to Mormon 5:10, where Mormon says: "realize and know from whence their blessings come"  This is the reason Mormon is including the pride cycle, so the people who read the book can realize the source of the problem, and know where their prosperity comes from so they don't fall into the same cycle.  Let's apply the wise words of this prophet!

4 Nephi 1: 41 "and they did... build up churches unto themselves" I had an interesting thought with this phrase: They did not build their churches unto God, the one who instigated the churches for them in the first place.  They were using things He created to build unto themselves.  We will get so much more out of life is we build the things in it unto their original creator - God.  A life dedicated to and built for the Lord will be a happy one. :)

Mormon 2: 26 "and did beat them nevertheless the strength of the Lord was not with us" Don't fight this way. Mormon is giving us examples of this so we can recognize when we fall into doing it.

Mormon 3:1 "preparing their lands and their arms against the time of battle" Mormon has definitely read his scriptures! He is applying the war tactics of Moroni. This reminds me to apply the words of the prophets, just like Mormon did.

Mormon 5:1 "and did repent of the oath which I had made that I would no more assist them" The word "repent" used here is interesting.  It reminds me that, though Mormon is probably the most righteous among them, he is still repenting and constantly turning to the Lord. Righteous people are always repenting, that's what makes them righteous.

Mormon 5:24 "tear you in pieces, and none can deliver" This is a portion of the same phrase from 3 Nephi 20:16 and 3 Nephi 21:12.  I'm still not sure exactly what it means. (Refer to this post, scroll down to 3 Nephi 20:16.)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Christ is With Us

3 Nephi 26: 9, 11: "And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they shall have first, to try their faith, and if it shall be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be manifest unto them... Behold, I was about to write them all which were engraven on the plates of Nephi, but the Lord forbade it..."
There is MORE in the teachings of Christ to the Americas that we do not have in the Book of Mormon.  However, in reading this, I got the feeling that much of what is missing thee came after the Lord "tried the faith" of  the people - and that we have it in the D+C as well as through the words of prophets today.  Those words are the Lords words, they are incredibly important! :)

3 Nephi 26:13: "...the Lord truly did teach the people for the space of three days... and did break bread oft..."
By including this detail, Mormon reminds us that Christ is to be remembered, though the sacrament, oft.  This can happen not only on Sunday, but as we remember our covenants with Him throughout the week.  What a great reminder. :)

3 Nephi 27: 13-21: "this is my gospel..."
In the next 9 verses, Christ lays out a concise version of His gospel.  It's amazing how He does it, and is a great place to reference back to!

3 Nephi 28:9: When Christ is speaking to His newly ordained apostles, he says: "And again, ye shall not have pain... neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world.. for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me"  This is a promise to all dedicated missionaries!  How did I get that out of it? "...for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me" - anyone who has this same desire (namely, dedicated missionaries) have this same promise. 

All of the things I've found in my reading this week testify that Christ is still with us and guiding us today. He lives and he Loves you. :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Believe, Do, Become

I absolutely Love what Brother Griffin taught us about Christ's New Law, and how it is a law of "becoming".  We talked about how the be-attitude in 3 Nephi 12:8, "pure in heart" refers to one's motive.  Our motive is why we do something, and we need to ask ourselves if we follow Christ's law for the right reasons, or because it's expected or because others around us are doing it.  Brother Griffin stressed how this Gospel isn't about saying the right things, or even DOING the right things (which is a little surprising), it's about becoming the right person.  This is interesting to me, because I remember a general conference talk one given about how, when we really believe something, we will DO something about it.  It encouraged action.  While this 'becoming' concept still encourages action, it raises the bar, making the concept like this: Believe-->Do-->Become.  I Love this concept, and how each persons progression is an incredibly personal process with them and the Lord.  He has a path for each of us, and a way for each of us to come to Him.  All we need to do is ask Him what we need to do to get on our personal path to Him, and He will help us. :)

 Here's some more insights from my reading this week, if you want to read those, too.

3 Nephi 20:16: The phrase "As a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth into pieces, and none can deliver" appears in this verse as well as in 21:12.  I'm not exactly sure what it means, and I'm curious.  I'm a little ahead in the reading, so maybe Brother Griffin will talk about it in class today. :)

3 Nephi 21:8: I find it interesting the the words "see" and "consider" are both used here.  I think this implies that we need to not only have open eyes (see), but open minds and hearts, too (consider.)

3 Nephi 21:17-18: "thou shalt no more worship the works of they hands; and I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee"  Confused at this usage of groves, I went to the cross reference in the foot notes. (1 Kings 16:32-33)  This term refers to a place for a bunch of idols.  The reference says: "And he reared up an altar for Baal... and Ahab made a grove; and Ahab did more to provoke the Lord..."  Combining these to tidbits of knowledge, the verse in Third Nephi us telling us that worshiping the works of our own hands is a form of idolatry.  We should not put our own work and accomplishments above the Lord - ever.

3 Nephi 21:29: "for I will go before them... and I will be their rearward"  Christ is in front of us, leading, as well as behind us, supporting. I Love this. :)

Happy studying!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

"because I am with them"

3 Nephi 14:14: "Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." 
'Find' implies action on our part.  We don't just stumble across doing the right things and being on the path to Christ, we have to find it, search for it, and make an effort to stay on it.

3 Nephi 14:16-20: "Ye shall know them by their fruits..." this little scripture block reminded me of Jacob 5, and I think it adds some cool insights to it.  Cross reference it and take a look if you like. :)

3 Nephi 18:4-9: There is a repeated phrase on this page.  That phrase is "and were filled".  I found it interesting that the same wording was used all of the four times the disciples and other ate.  It struck me that we are filled (completed, full, satisfied, etc.) by Christ.  It was a good reminder and a sweet insight about how Christ really does complete us and make us feel whole.

3 Nephi 18:32: "for unto such shall ye continue to minister... and I shall heal them, and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them" We are helping Christ heal and save others when we teach them of Him. :)

3 Nephi 19:22: "they pray unto me because I am with them." Christ was literally with these people, but this verse reminded me that we should always pray to Christ, and that implies that even when he is not physically with us, we should strive to have Him with us always.  This means to live in a way that His spirit can continually abide in us.  It was a good reminder.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Counsel from Christ - Can I just say I Love Third Nephi?

3 Nephi 12:2: Christ lists a bunch of things we should do/be in the next few verses, and I liked how the FIRST thing he asked was for the people to believe in Him and His words.  Believing in Christ is very important. :)

3 Nephi 12: 23-24: "be reconciled to thy brother, and then come to me with full purpose of heart."  This reminds me of something from last week; Brother Griffin gave us some insights about prayer and how our will and actions must change to meet His.  The reason this verse reminds me of that concept is that it asks an action and change of heart before you go to Him.

3 Nephi 12:30: "for it is better that ye should deny yourself of these things wherein ye will take up the cross than that ye should be cast into hell."  Reading into this a little bit, I realized that it is a verse about the Atonement.  When we deny/forsake our sins, we can use the Atonement and then we are better. :)

Sorry it was short, and late! What counts is that I found some gems. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

When Prayers Go Unanswered...

Something I really really LOVED from class this week was something Brother Griffin told us about prayer, and our will versus God's will.  He had us look up 'prayer' in the bible dictionary:

When the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought together.

Our will is what we desire, His will is what He desires for us.  Brother Griffin then took two markers, said one was God's will and one was our will.  He brought each marker closer to each other, and said: "So this is how it works, right?" and looked at us expectantly.  Most of the people in the class caught his flaw fairly quickly.  His flaw?  He brought God's will down to ours, and our will up to God's, making them meet somewhere in the middle.
A compromise?  That's not how God works.

God's will doesn't change, what must change is our own will, our own heart, so that we can then gain the blessings He already has the capacity to give us.  When we refuse to change, the blessings we receive are less, or compromised, because we did not meet God's will.  His will doesn't change, but the blessings that come from Him lessen according to our willingness, or unwillingness, to change.
Brother Griffin told us that sometimes what we need to do is ask for what WE can do to meet Him and gain the blessings, NOT for Him to change His will to what you want.
I had an interesting thought with this: When we don't change our own will, when we just ask for God to give us what we want, this is when prayers seem to "go unanswered" - because we refuse to align our will with His, to CHANGE.

Brother Griffin then asked us to "put our will on the alter" and ask "What would thou have me do?"

WOW.  This almost made me cry, I felt the truthfulness of it so strongly.  Thank you, Brother Griffin.  I Love this class, and more importantly, Christ and His restored Gospel.

Here's some more awesomeness from my reading, if you're interested.
Helaman 16:16: "Some things they may have guessed right... but behold, we know that all these great and marvelous works cannot come to pass." This is an evil doctrine: Prophesy is coincidence.  Satan will always try to convince us to remove God from everything in our lives. Let's please not let him. :)

Helaman 3:12: I got really excited when I found out that Lachoneus was a good guy.  It was one of those fist-bump moments.  I Love when I have those while reading scriptures. Go righteousness!

Helaman 4:2-4: "But behold, there were no wild beasts nor game in those lands which had been deserted by the Nephites, and there was no game for the robbers save it were in the wilderness... Therefore, there was no chance for the robbers to plunder and to obtain food, save it were to come up in open battle against the Nephites..."
I took a really cool principle from this: Just like the Nephites did, when you leave a place that can harm you (like a sin or something that is tempting you), leave it completely.  Leave it desolate, then the enemy can harm you with it no longer.

3 Nephi 6: This connects back to the pride cycle, and how quickly it seems to happen, sometimes in the course of one chapter.  In reading this, I was reminded of the phrase "oh, how quickly..." and thought how obvious it seems to us now that these people are jumping into the pride cycle over and over again.  I guess, when you're the characters in the story rather than the ones reading it, it's harder.  So, knowing that it is hard, we should really pay attention to our own lives and strive to not fall into pride and iniquity.  Let us not have anyone say of us "oh, how quickly...", but rather, Go righteousness!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

March on, Christian soldiers.

Sometimes these war chapters are really hard to read, because of the wickedness that causes them.  I really like how Brother Griffin has been helping us to find our lives in them, because it makes them a huge source of learning, rather than just a gory storyline.  As I read, I can't help but feel like I'm marching through this learning process as  the people on the page march through war.

Helaman 1:32-33 - "the Lamanites did yield themselves into the hands of the Nephits... and Moroni... caused that the Lamanites who had been taken prisoners should depart out of the land in peace."  In reading this, I likened the captured Lamanites to our sins when we capture them.  Sins yield for us when we get ahold of them, and we can then have them depart form us in peace.

Helaman 4:13 - "And because of this their great wickedness and their boastings in their own strength, they were left in their own strength."  If we think we can refute the Enemy all alone and refuse to let God help us, because we think our own strength is enough - that's what we'll be left with: ourselves, alone, with our own strength.  This seems like a no-brainer, but think about it.  What would it be like to have to go through all the hard stuff about life completely alone, with no strength save that which was given to our human bodies?  It would be incredibly difficult.  I'm so very glad I understand and know how to ask for and use the Lord's help, as I know there are a lot of times I would fall short of success without it.

--I've been finding many lists (good and bad).  The are a great help.  I hope you're finding them too!--

Helaman 11:17 - The Lord takes the famine away, because Nephi prayed for it.  I thought it was interesting that very similiar wording is used in Nephi's prayer and in the result (11:13, 17).  That brought me this insight: If you are righteous, your prayers will be answered with exactness.  This is a fabulous promise :)

Read on, Christian Soldiers! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Forces Are Strong Enough

Alma 53:5 - Channel the "lamanites" in you (desires, passions, etc.) to do good works, and you can more easily guard them.  I really like this notion that, when we are focusing on doing good things, it is much much easier for us to NOT do bad things, or to even be tempted by them.  It seems like a no-brainer, but it's always good to be reminded, and to be able to tie it in to the scriptures.
Alma 53: 5 - LIST! Find Christ.  I really liked that Brother Griffin told us that whenever we find a 'good list', we should look for Christ in it.  Not only that, but we can take that list and try to develop the same attributes so we can become more like Christ.  The Book of Mormon is the teaching manual for how to become like Him.  It's amazing.  However, it can also be a teaching manual for how to become like Satan, because those lists, the 'bad lists', are in there too.  So lets take those as "DO NOT" lists, and the Christ lists as "DO" lists.  What a great learning tool. :)
Alma 54:17 - "Evil is just that silly."  I really liked how Brother Griffin explained this.  When we dig deep - actually, not even all that deep - into the arguments and justifications of Satan and his 'followers', it's just plain silly.  It's shallow and easy to see past.  It's not worth pondering.  What IS worth pondering, then, is the reasons and joys of Christ!  Those aren't silly, and they help us to more easily see the things that are. :)

***Alma 57:2 - "We were sure our forces were sufficient to take the city of Antiparah by force..."
This was an excellent reminder to me that MY forces, combined with God's, are strong enough to turn down the 'deals' of the adversary.  I don't need his compromises to be able to get back the 'city' that is mine!  I am a child of God! I don't need to settle for less just because Satan makes it seem easier.  TAKE THAT! I Love triumphant insights like this. :)***

Alma 62: 41 - Better vs. Bitter.  We all know what the right answer is, but implementing it is harder than you might think.  Or maybe you already know; when something really difficult happens to us, we have a tendency to feel like victims and get bitter, when what we really should do is find Christ and get better!  It's hard to do sometimes, but we can do it! HURRAH! :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

In Responce, or, In Addition

Alright.  So, as many of you saw, I "liked" an article I read on a blog recently.  However, I read this blog-post a couple months ago.  The reason I "liked" it today is because I just finished writing an OpEd (for my writing class) in response to it.  I found it thought provoking and true enough to choose it for my topic.  So, for those of you who are interested, I'm posting my OpEd here.  I hope all of you who have or will read this, and the article my thoughts sprung from, will get the same message from it that I did.  Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I address a mainly LDS audience here, but it applies to all Christian's, and even those who aren't but believe in treating everyone around them with respect.  I don't mean to offend anyone with anything I say. Thanks. 

Title: I’m always nice. Except to you, and you, and you…

I recently read an editorial entitled: “I'm Christian, unless you're gay." (Pearce). Simply the title of this article tells readers that someone has noticed un-kind behavior, even from those who are otherwise caring, when it comes to how people act towards homosexuals. The article stressed that everyone should treat everyone with respect and care. “They’re people too!” it seemed to shout, and they need to feel loved and accepted just as much as everyone else. The author made an accusation of hypocrisy and a plea for change. I’m here to say that, though his words were some-what harsh, all Christians (specifically us as Latter Day Saints) really should re-evaluate how we treat others, and if our actions reflect who we profess to be. There are always people whom many around us don’t agree with or accept. When we encounter these people, our initial response can be anywhere from ignoring to acting repulsed by them; when what we should do is follow the example of He whom the name “Christian” is taken from and care for them as we would anyone else – even if they’re gay.

A little while back, I learned the opinion of an area-authority on this issue, and I believe it to represent how we should all feel about it. In my area’s last stake conference, the presiding member of the bishopric held a question and answer period for the last part of the meeting. Someone brought up, rather humbly and timidly, how they had recently found out someone close to them was homosexual. His voice shook as he asked the speaker if he had any advice on how to help this friend. The speaker responded that the best thing to do, and in some cases all we can do when faced with this situation, is to pray. To pray for aid in helping them, to pray for them, and mostly importantly – to pray for the Lord to open our hearts and help us love them.

We have been given a perfect example of applying this concept; our example is Christ. He spent most of His time on earth with those termed “sinners”, “publicans”*, and other people who were not accepted by many others around Him. He helped them, forgave them, and loved them. Just one of the examples Christ gave us in this matter is found in Luke 7: 37-50. This passage tells about a time when a woman, known as a sinner by all in her area, approached Christ in penitence and sadness. A nearby Pharisee questioned His acceptance of her presence, knowing she was a sinner. Christ responded: “Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee… her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much… and he said to the woman, thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace.” (Luke 7:40, 47, 50). While those around Him disapproved of this woman, Christ, fully aware of her circumstances, cared for her and treated her well. This is a prime example of how we should act when we encounter people who are “different” and isolated by many in society, especially when we think our refusal to accept them is justified.

In addition to using Christ’s actions as a guide to how we should treat others, we can use those “golden rules” which we have heard again and again. I bet you can guess what these rules are: “love they neighbor as thyself” and “treat everyone as you want to be treated;” they imply that we show as much respect for everyone else as we would give ourselves in any given situation. Doing this promotes a feeling of empathy, a Christ-like trait, to others and their circumstances. When we allow this to happen, it makes treating others with love an easier task, because we’re thinking of how we would want to be treated given the same circumstances.

Ultimately, caring about and showing respect for those around us is the best way to deal with all kinds of social pressures. I say “pressures” because there does seem to be a drive, especially in our sometimes closed culture, to isolate those who are different from the group. It is almost as if you won’t be accepted if you choose to accept those who aren’t accepted by the general group. How’s that for a confusing assumption? But if you think about it, it’s true. Haven’t you ever had an experience where you felt it was wrong to isolate someone because of their differences, but felt as if you would be ‘kicked out of the club’ if you chose to befriend them? Not only is there a negative attitude toward those who are (quote on quote) “different” from the group, but the same negative attitude exists even for those in the group who choose to associate with them. It can be very hard at times, but if we choose to care about everyone, we will more easily overcome the pressures around us and make our actions parallel our beliefs.

Let us not fall into the trap of “I’m Christian, Unless You’re Gay”; but rather exemplify the attributes of true disciples of Christ regardless of our disagreements with others. Let us follow the golden rules of “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, and “treat others as you want to be treated”, as well as follow Christ, always - regardless of the circumstances.

Pearce, Dan. I'm Christian, unless you're gay. Single Dad Laughing (Blog): Pearce, Fall 2011. Web. (

*Scriptures: Topical Guide- Sinner. Web. 26 January 2012.
Scriptures: Topical Guide- Publican. Web. 26 January 2012.

Bible: King Jame's Version-St. Luke. Scripture. (Luke 7:37-50)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Learning from War - Lessons from Cap. Moroni

Alma 46: 30
Moroni knew that if he didn't stop Amalickiah, he would bring war to them.  This is very simmilar to how Nephi was commanded to "stop" (kill) Laban. (1 Nephi 4:10-13) Nephi could have just taken the plates while Laban lay drunk and ran, but the Lord knew Laban would cause trouble for His people if he awoke. So, to avoid battle in the wilderness, and more from there on out, Laban had to be killed. Yay for scripture connections!

Alma 48
Moroni provides a very good example of how we should fight our battles in life.  In contrast with Amalickiah, he shows us that we should obtain power through God rather than the world (Alma 48:7).
Also throughout these war chapters, we are reminded not to be on offense, but rather defense.  In other words, we are taught to not intentionally offend others, but to only fight when we are defending ourselves.  This has numerous applications to our lives today. :)

Alma 48:15 - "yea, warn them to flee, or to prepare for war...)
Sometimes, instead of fighting, God tells us to not get involved at all but to run away.  When He knows it's better for us to stay away, as is the case with bad influences, inappropriate movies/media, etc., out best way to fight is to "flee".

Alma 49
The enemy was "astonished exceedingly" at the strength of the defenses Moroni prepared (in a city that was usually vulnerable). So, what does the enemy do?  Go to the next weakest place.  The devil uses this same strategy - he attacks our weakest spots, and if he finds it too strong and gets scared, he goes to a weaker one.  In the words if one of my high school seminary teachers, Brother Little, "What a punk."

Alma 51: 22-23 "Behold, it came to pass that while Moroni was thus breaking down the wars and contentions among his own people... the Nephites were not sufficiently strong in the city of Moroni, therefore Amalickiah did drive them, slaying many..."
It is when we are at war with ourselves that the devil sees the biggest opportunity to attack - when we are already unstable. Again, what a punk.  However, when we know this, we are better prepared to defend ourselves against him. :

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Faith and a Knowledge of our Savior Bring New Insights

Alma 42: 4-5  "there was a time granted unto men to repent, yeah, a probationary time... For behold, if Adam had put forth his hand immediately and partaken of the tree of life, he would have lived forever, having no space for repentance... and the great plan of salvation would have been frustrated"
This life is a time for us to repent.  As this passage refers to The Fall, and the tree of life, it brought an interesting thought to me.  During this 'probationary time', we EARN the tree of life for ourselves.  This thought puts a new spin on Lehi's dream for me, and makes the path to the tree more real to me.

Alma 42: 23  "mercy claimeth the penitent"
I don't have much more to say about this phrase than: I like it.  The reason - Because although we know justice has a claim on all, because we all sin, it is nice to be reminded that mercy has a claim on us, too - if we are repentant.

Alma 43:21  "they were exceedingly afraid of the armies of the Nephites because of their armour."
This made me think of the armor of God - which gave me this insight: Enemies are afraid of the armor of God.  His protection is POWERFUL.  It gave me a new conviction/reason to choose to wear the armor always.

Alma 43: 23-24  "Moroni.. knowing of the prophesies of Alma..." Moroni had faith that the Lord would help his armies  through Alma.  And later... "Alma informed the messengers of Moroni, that the armies of the Lamanites were marching round about the wilderness, that they might come over into the land of Manti"   Thus: Faith brings the Lord's help!  Always!  I Love seeing reminders of this throughout my study.