Saturday, August 23, 2014

Faith is Becoming

Having faith in Christ leads to becoming like Him.

"And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek and lowly of heart." - Moroni 7: 43

Being "meek and lowly of heart" means that we are willing to recognize our flaws, or recognize where there is a gap between where we are and where Christ would have us be.

I want to follow Christ.  And, because Christ is the perfect example of living what He teaches, being like Him is the same thing as following His word.  If we want to become like Him, we must live His teachings and commandments.

Being like Christ leads to a better and more happy life.  One of the blessings promised when we work on the gap between ourselves and Christ is suggested in the scripture above: increased faith and hope.

There's my short thought for the day. Think about it. :)

Thursday, August 21, 2014


"And thus we see that the Lord did visit them in the fullness of his wrath, and their wickedness and abominations had prepared a way for their everlasting destruction." Ether 14:25

The use of the word "prepared" in this verse struck me as I read.  As mentioned in a previous post, the end of the Book of Mormon is filled with war.  Not only war, but war where there doesn't seem to be a "good side" or a "bad side" because everyone has drifted away from God and all things righteous.  It is all about revenge, murder, and power.

This specific record was written by the Prophet of the time, Ether.  He had before prophesied that if the people did not repent, destruction would come upon all of them.  The people continued to pull further and further from God until, at the end of the record, everyone is dead.  Just before this, Ether reminds us why he is including this part of the story, as full of carnage and evil as it is.  He reminds us that the choices the people made are what prepared their destruction. They prepared their own deaths.

When I read this, I thought: 

What am I preparing for?  

Every choice I make will be a step in one direction or another.  Reading that word, prepared, helped me form a goal to think about my choices and their consequences a little bit more.  

When I make the choice to run in the morning even when I'd rather fuse with my mattress, I'm preparing to have a healthier body and heart.  When I decide to read my scriptures even when I'm tired or busy, I am preparing to have the Spirit of the Lord with me as I go throughout my day.  When I study to come closer to Christ, I am preparing for the coming of Christ.

I make small choices every day that prepare me for something. We all do.

What are you preparing for?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Building Hope

It's cool what you learn when you go back and re-study your own notes.  I had missed something important even though I wrote most of it down - which I'm glad I did, because now I have all these spiritual gems to look over again.

Hope is connected to patience. This came up in my study of Christ-like attributes, which I've been discovering are all connected through Christ.  Here is the connection, found in Paul's letter to the Romans:

"...but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us." (Romans 5:3-5)

Hope is an expectation, or trust, that the Lord will fulfill His promises to us.  When we hope, we can have patience through confusion and pain as we go through hard things. In addition, when we remember to have patience with ourselves and with the Lord, our hope is built up as we rely on Him.  This is all made possible through the presence of His Spirit, which is "shed abroad in our hearts" as we remember and feel His love.

So, my friends, I want you to know something.  I want you to know that no matter how hard things are right now, no matter how long it's seems to take for things to get better, your patience will be rewarded - maybe not with a solution just yet, but with an abundant feeling of God's love for you.  He does love you, and He wants to show you just how much.  Talk with Him, and you will feel that love.

And if you need a listening ear, mine is open.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Christ Will Dash My Fears

"...and with that awful fear of death which fills the breasts of all the wicked, did they await to receive them." Mormon 6:7
Footsteps n the Sand, a poem. 

The end of the Book of Mormon is filled with prominently one thing: war.  By the sixth chapter of Mormon, all but 24 of the entire Nephite people is slaughtered by the Lamanites.  The verse above quotes Mormon's comments on how the Nephites felt before the final battle.  They were very afraid.

Previously in the stories of the Book of Mormon, the Nephites often prevailed in war, because they were righteous and had the Lord on their side.  In these final chapters, however, Mormon tells us as readers that the people of Nephi were very wicked and refused to repent.

Mormon specifically says in the above verse that this fear "fills the breasts of the wicked.

Worldly and temporal things let fear dominate our hearts when we are far from the Lord.  It makes sense to me, then, that the opposite would be true: when we are close to the Lord, fear for things we know of in this life will not overwhelm us, for God brings us strength and peace.

When I am close to the Lord, I will not be overwhelmed by stress for school or work or the future

He will support me and calm my troubled heart.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Maybe it's because of my new favorite movie.  Maybe it's because of the name of my blog.  Maybe it's because I have found that life can spin so fast it almost feels out of order as we all try to live our lives to the fullest in some way or another - most of the time missing the point as to what that really means.

But mostly, it's because I've been learning a lot more about genuinely appreciating everything and everyone around me.  Every day, every breath, every taste, every person I meet can be so magic - and I want to be enchanted by it all; to feel the tingle, the sparkle of light in every moment as it falls into any given day.

Is it impossible to do a little movie magic on life?  To mentally slow down the most precious parts, add some music, and make the glow of the people and things you see so perfect that it is near impossible to mistake their importance to your own personal plot?

I think not.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


something about times of old
the magic of a story told
enchantment, wonder, and romance
the seeming fool's errand of taking a chance

unsaid until the very phrase
the perfect coupling of clarity and haze
unknowing of what the future holds
so long as together it folds

the charm of a broken palace
of all it's past hearts housed
to enter in without malice
praise and awe upon it dowsed

if we know better now
than they knew in the stories
it is only because of how
in their ruins, we see the glories

marvel every broken piece
every cobbled floor
fingers tingle at each parchment's crease
every dent adore

Ruin, you see
makes enchantment.
The wonder and romance enhancement.

Beauty, to me
is when he or she
embraces and learns how to dance it.

but in order to be
something naturally
another must the ruin see
and know to chance it

something about the times of old
the magic of a story told
each crack, dent, pebble, and break
the reason for your wonder make.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Eye to Eye

I read something hopeful in my study today.

18 Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing, for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion. (3 Nephi 16:18)

The world is full of so much confusion and disagreement.  Everyone is constantly coming up with arguments and trying to prove their way right and other ways wrong.  It's hard to know what sides to take sometimes - and it's very confusing when you want your personal beliefs to coincide with everything else you think about, be it morality, modesty, equality, etc.

Besides making me think of this song, which is happy in and of itself, this scriptural promise is comforting.  First off, it is comforting in a sense of a future perspective, looking toward when the Lord will come again, rule, and the world will simply make more sense.

It's also hopeful in another way, though.  The chapter summary says this will happen "when the Lord brings again Zion," which could very well be referring to what happens when people are close the the Lord.  When we seek Him, He helps guide minds and hearts, and people tend to agree more. The Lord, through both His infinite wisdom and His astounding love for all of us, makes things match up.

Maybe love is the reason why
For the first time ever,
We're seeing it eye-to eye

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


From the Thoughts of Life blog
Therefore, thus saith the Lord: Because of the hardness of the hearts of the people of the Nephites, except they repent I will take away my word from them, and I will withdraw my Spirit from them, and I will suffer them no longer, and I will turn the hearts of their brethren against them. - Helaman 13:8

I've been thinking a lot lately about how the Spirit works and what it does for us.  Whenever the Nephites win a battle in the Book of Mormon, the prophet who is writing acknowledges that it is because they had the Spirit of the Lord with them, which gave them strength.  I think this can be interpreted in various ways, one being that the Spirit can literally give us strength when we are fighting our battles, because the Lord fights alongside us.  Sometimes, the strength of the Lord even keeps enemies away instead of letting them attack in the first place.

Another way that rings true to me is this: when we have the Spirit, we are more in tune with God's will, and we are thus guided through our battles to an end that He wants for us.  The truth is, we do have battles to fight, and often our enemies are stronger than we are.  The Lord doesn't always take these battles away or fight them for us, usually because He needs us to gain something from them.  However, the Spirit gives us guidance, and because that is Heavenly guidance, it is another kind of strength - a strength in divine knowledge - that cannot be gained any other way.

I am so grateful for the guidance of His Spirit in my life. It really does help me through my battles.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Perfect Power

I made an exciting and enlightening connection in my study today. I'm currently reading My Redeemer Lives, a compilation of Easter talks. The talk I'm on is Elder Belnap's To Them Gave He Power to Become.  In this talk, Elder Belnap discusses the Atonement and the perfection of Christ.

In one section of the talk, he references Hebrews 4:14-16, which says that Christ is without sin.  When I thought about this, I realized that it feels right to me to think of it this way: Christ isn't endowed with some unique anti-sin power that we can't have - He has power over sin because of His closeness to His Father, and because of his determined resistance to temptation.  If we want Satan to be bound, we must do that same thing - come close to both Christ and our Father so we can gain the strength to resist temptation.

Christ really did set the example for us in all things.


To be the star most glowing
Wandering revealed
Progressing images of you showing
What with me was once concealed

We'll find if in this world we might -
Wondering if this was right...
If I was right.

My doubts
Along with my faults
My heart pining
Searching for a way to prove
That, to all of me, you can move

Desiring past experience varied
Fearing that it must
As with memory away carried
Carry with it trust

For the light that you will have to earn.
And will my thoughts upon you mark
But fall on me to burn.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Letter To Me

Dear me at nineteen,

You just moved away from home for the first time.  This is the most dramatic change of your life so far, and you're excited, scared, shy, and feeling a little small - but you are also overcome with the feeling of BIG.  This is a big thing for you - and the roommates you have now will become the best thing that ever happened.  You'll gain so much from them, laugh more than you thought possible, scream at the TV, learn beauty tips, and experience Pangaea (you just wait).  Your heart will never let go of these girls - even when they get married before you do.

I may very well have listened to Letter To Me by Brad Paisley for inspiration here (yes, you will come to love and appreciate country).  You will receive a lot of comfort from that song come March – thank you to one of your darling girlfriends for that one.  You’ll be roommates with her in Summer 2014, and she’ll continue to be a great example of love, understanding, and acceptance for you.  Take advantage of that.  In fact, take advantage of all of the wonderful examples in the next twenty months.  You will meet many, some very unlikely, and they will teach you a lot.

One will help you realize there is messy craziness in the world, but that entropy is part of life and it’s okay.

One will teach you how to be truly observant of yourself.  He will help you feel yourself out and be in tune with your emotions in ways you didn’t know you needed.

Another will remind you that even the happiest, most social people need to feel noticed.

One very important person will show you that you are worth loving, and that soaking up each moment is the best way to live.

That same person will teach you to embrace your quirks, love your under-appreciated movies, and not be embarrassed of your affinity with exceptional phrasing… even puns.

You will be reassured that God is with you through many sources, scriptural and otherwise.  The Lord will be closer to you than ever before.

A dear friend at work will remind you to move forward in faith, taking action even when you are unsure.

One will help you solidify the idea that listening to silly pop-stars helps – especially when you are crazy emotional.

Similarly, you will learn from multiple people that indie music can brighten your mood and really help you think.  Don’t reject this idea – I know you want to.

Shannon Hale, that lovely genius of a woman, will teach you that embracing your love of the Austen world is okay.  Beneficial and therapeutic, even.

You will learn to see beauty in the world more fully.

An unlikely friend will help you break barriers related to sharing your emotional stories.

He will also show you that, even though things are messy, you are strong – and, more importantly, you need not be ashamed of your past.

One will tell you the meaning of matching energy levels to make connections.

One will show you to challenge your beliefs.  Don’t reject this, because it will only strengthen your convictions.

A supervisor will teach you that there is meaning in rules and guidelines.

Following promptings will come to mean more to you.

You will learn to be persistent, encouraging, and even how to change lives.

You will read, listen to, and watch things that will blow your mind and change your perspective about absolutely everything.

You are going to learn things about yourself that you’ve never thought of.  In all honesty, chica, I don’t believe in writing “what I wish I knew in…” style things, because 

I don’t wish 

                   you knew then 

                                         what I know now.  

                                                                      I know you.  

You learn things when you are ready for them, and you’re not ready to learn everything you will yet.  I will tell you, though, that you will be ready to learn more than you ever thought you could when it’s all over.

You will find heroes, and you will discover just how much the concept of heroes means to you, because of your connection to their personalities.  Keep your heart open, and these next twenty months (I can hardly believe it has only been 20 months) will be the BIGGEST of your life.  Listen to people, especially to your own thoughts, and you will stretch yourself.  You will learn, and you will change – but don’t be scared of that. 

Remember how mom once said, very wisely, that the only thing constant in life is change?

That’s still true.

Love, with all the encouragement and reassurance I can muster,

You at twenty-one.

Monday, June 2, 2014


My heart was very full yesterday. Testimony meeting was incredibly uplifting, Sunday school gave me stuff to think about, and Relief Society brought me a lot of comfort and a great reminder of God's Love for me.

What about it reminded me of God's Love?
(sorry for the poor quality, there's not much of this short available on YouTube)

In this super-cute Pixar short, a sad little sheep is reminded of his unchangeable worth, regardless of his absence of fluff.  He complains how his friends think he looks "ridiculous, funny, and pink."  The jackalope responds to this by assuring him there isn't anything wrong with pink.  The sheep is pink, so what?  It's part of his sheep-ness to be pink.

"Pink. Pink?  What's wrong with pink?  Seems like you've got a pink kink in your think."

This made me think of what things I don't like about myself - and that, hey, "what's wrong with pink?"  It's part of my me-ness to be (fill in the blank).  This, combined with the message from President Uchtdorf that we matter to God really strengthened me.

"God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that you matter to Him."

This is a testimony from a Prophet of God, and is my testimony as well.  Be okay with everything that makes you YOU, all the "-ness," because you matter to Him.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Powerful Day

Today has been powerful for many reasons.  I have been comforted by the Lord in ways I hadn't felt for a while, and I have been reminded of just how much that comfort can mean for me.  It is always comforting to feel that the Lord needs me, and even more so to feel that He is proud of me.  I have really needed everything the Lord has given me today, so I am feeling very grateful.

But one of the biggest reasons today was so powerful was that it was the official homecoming of (former) Elder Keith Eberhard, one of my dearest friends.

This is Keith.
In his homecoming talk today, he spoke with such deliberance (is that a word?) and surety.  I know he has a very strong testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of His Gospel here on the earth today.

We must decide to choose the path of happiness, or not-so-happiness.

This is the truth.

We are imperfect.  But God gives us imperfections to help us grow.  I know we will grow from our trials, because I have grown from mine.

Our spirits are blessed with gifts.  These are part of our personality, and also things we learn to develop.

That's how we make decisions. By following the Spirit.

Through God, all things are possible.  Through God, we can become the people He wants us to become.

I know the Book of Mormon is true, and I declare it amidst much opposition.  I know, through the Spirit, that this is His Gospel.

He's pretty cool.
It was so good to see him today and to hear his testimony, which has been strengthening my own from the time he gave his farewell talk, to the very first letter I received from him while he was in Washington, until now.  I know it will only continue to do so.  I'd like to thank this astounding young man for his faith and strength.  You've done great things for the lives you've touched,
and I know you will never stop.

Good to have you back, bud.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


In my study of Preach My Gospel today, I did a lot of thinking about charity.

Love is the first and great commandment of God (Matt. 22:36-39).  Charity is Christ's pure love, and we are to develop it.  It is also a gift from God to us.  Charity is something we receive from God, but that does not mean it is something we obtain and then leave alone.  We cannot have charity if we are not close to God,as  it is a gift from Him.  However, we also need to do our part: use the gift and develop it.

I think this is true of all gifts from God; we need Him in order to have and keep His gifts, but it is our responsibility to develop those gifts.  Charity and all other gifts mean very little unless we use them and help them grow.

Onward and upward.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Another Testament

I have been learning and re-learning many simple truths of Christ's Gospel lately.  Today in my study, Preach My Gospel   asked the question: How has my study of the Book of Mormon influenced my testimony of Jesus Christ?  I would like to share my thoughts on this.
What I have learned from the teachings of the Book of Mormon is the bulk of what I know and believe about Christ.  I got some basics, crucial ones, from primary songs and teachings of those around me when I was young, but the central point to my love for and testimony of Christ lies in the Book of Mormon.  I learned so much about Christ my freshman year at BYU when I was in Brother Tyler Griffin's Book of Mormon classes - largely because he was a very good teacher, but also largely because of how he helped me understand the Book of Mormon and just how perfectly it helps us understand and get to know Christ.

The Book of Mormon really is, as it says on its title page, "Another Testament of Jesus Christ."  The Bible and the Book of Mormon together contain the fullness of the Gospel of Christ. (Doctrine and Covenants 42:12).

A central purpose of the Book of Mormon is to convince all people that Jesus is the Christ. (Preach My Gospel, Chapter 5.)

And that it does.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


among the growth
one seat alone
as if on oath
something to own

unlengthy phrases
but everything humming
things in phases
left still running

live extra
ordinary spark
but much apart

a new care
the finish white
find me there
one instance polite

sidewalk broken
forward start
meet me a moment
in a heart

a part
heart part

In His Name.

Last week, I posted about how I'm studying Preach My Gospel, and a couple of things I have been learning. I have a little more of that for you today.  Today's study was mostly focused on the topic of spreading the words of Christ. Many promises are made to those who preach of Him.  One of the promises is that He will be with those who teach.

From the words of the the Lord given through Joseph Smith in August 1832:

"But a commandment I give unto you, that ye shall declare whatsoever thing ye declare in my name, in solemnity of heart, in the spirit of meekness in all things.  And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say." (Doctrine and Covenants 100:5-8)

I have always been taught to end prayers, testimonies, and lessons "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."  This can seem like a small detail, but the importance of it became very real to me today.  Saying things in His name indicates to Him that we are inviting Him to the message we are saying, and that we are inviting Him to us.  When we do this, He comes.  Christ comes whenever we invite Him in - He is an immediate RSVP-er.  When we bear our testimonies in His name, He is there testifying with us.  When we ask things of God in His name, He is there in that prayer, listening to us.  And, when we teach in His name, He is teaching with us.  Christ is always with us whenever we invite Him in, especially when we speak in His name.

I am so grateful for His presence.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I have something simple to share with you today.  It's simple, but it is very, very big - at least to me.

I have been studying Preach My Gospel lately.  (This is a publication by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, made in order to help people study and share Christ's teachings.)  I started right after finals were over, and I committed to study it for an hour every day, all summer long.  It is surprising how fast that hour goes by.  Each topic brought up by that manual is a gem.  Today, I was studying The Atonement of Jesus Christ (in chapter 3 of the manual) and I found myself cross-referencing not only the scriptures suggested in the text, but scriptures I had scribbled in throughout seminary years and my religion classes at BYU.  I have learned a lot about the words of Christ over the years, and much of it has been foundational things I learned from my teachers in Primary, Sunday School, Seminary, etc.  However, I was amazed today when it hit me that all of these teachings come from the scriptures.
This Gospel isn't just a Church.  It isn't just a bunch of good people teaching good things - though it is also that.  This Gospel is the word of Christ.  What I have been learning my whole life comes straight from the words He gave to His prophets, both anciently and in this time, to teach.
In my Atonement study today, one verse in particular struck me.
Christ understands us because of the Atonement He performed while He was on the earth.  He knows us perfectly, and wants us to know He loves us.  He also wants to teach us, and that is why He has instructed prophets to teach and record His words - so they can make it to us and we can learn.
This Gospel is PERFECT.  Christ is perfect, and He is a perfect teacher.  I know this manual was written by those inspired of God, because I feel His Spirit so strongly when I study it.  Reading what I did today really solidified to me that these are His words and His teachings.  This isn't just the teachings of "a church."  This is true; this is eternal and beautiful DIVINE TRUTH.
His word.  His teachings.  His Love.  His power.  I feel this so very strongly, and I am so grateful for His confirmation of my study and learning.  I know He loves His children.  I know He loves me.  I say these things in His name.

There is my simple truth for you today.
Onward and upward.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Another scent with just a few drips
Each trigger anew the character slips

Paint a picture as if in a mirror
The colors: portrayal of who is the seer

Searching for where the mind can be quiet
Thoughts always pushing me to fight it

Ever present, expectations tug
Asking me to pull the plug
And let flow some unfound mystery
Some wonder I know I cannot see

Crawling for the secret switch
Only to find an infrequent twitch
The power. One hour.
No hitch.

More drips of color have joined, but hit the mirror
Now to be viewed by every seer.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

It Depends on the Connection

Knowledge can be a stumbling block.  I have heard this in a variety of contexts before, many from the scriptures in reference to “the learned” who are “stiff-necked” and unfaithful.  Elder Kevin J. Worthen talks about this important topic in an address to BYU students.  In reference to Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians, he talks about how caring is more important than knowing.  Paul states it this way:
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not acharity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
 And though I have the gift of aprophecy, and understand allbmysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
I Corinthians 13:1-2
So, should we avoid knowledge?  Elder Worthen responds with a resounding “no.”  Knowledge is still important, but without charity – it is nothing.  He lays out a good analogy to visualize this: Knowledge is like dots on a page.  We can connect them and learn, but “if we do not consider the impact our actions and knowledge have on others, we will see neither all the dots on the page nor the multitude of connections that might be made to give more clarity to the picture.”  He argues, then, that charity and knowledge have a symbiotic relationship, meaning that they build each other up, and one cannot prosper without the other.
I absolutely love what he does at the end of this discussion.  This symbiotic relationship works perfectly with the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  He says: “Perhaps only when He completely realized the full measure of the pain He was being asked to bear was it possible for Christ to exercise the kind of pure love that constitutes full charity.”  When I read this, I thought: He can understand each of us because He has been thereHe has perfect empathy for every situation – empathy that really means something. Like this:
(Brené Brown, The Power of Empathy.)
Christ is the perfect example of this. Elder Worthen exhorts us to make it a priority to gain this kind of charity – even as much effort as we put into gaining knowledge.  He makes a thought-provoking comment about this:
 “It requires just as much energy and perseverance to acquire charity as it does to obtain knowledge.”
Only Christ has perfect knowledge and perfect empathy. In order for us to feel that much charity for another person, or other people, we need to connect with Christ.  In order for us to gain completely knowledge of anything, we need to connect with Christ.  Both of these endeavors rely on our connection and closeness to Christ.
This was a very inspiring reminder to me. I’m glad I read this talk.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Walk with me on a blustery day
Can I know if you heard me say
String when pulled begins to fray
Then rewound, though loosely, stay

Swirling spindles to and fro
Further into night we go
Hard to see the whisping flow
All around somehow I know

Stepping wind that makes us light
Dancing with no end in sight
Away one current for a right
Open span to then take flight

Curled from pressure, tight and wrong.
Twirled composure, now a song.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Drifting apart where each droplet once clung
As down a new path their journey begun
Dripping off surface as if they were wrung
And quickly fall into, rush certainly stung

Away go each little bead upon the wind's shiver
As dewdrops from leaf fall into the river.

Friday, January 10, 2014


A sigh of recognition came
As the artist began
As the sign by that simple refrain
Changes each can't into can

Can find a link.
Leave all segregation for a time
Now under agreement in invisible ink
Can again see how we together rhyme
Of old fashion values and virtues, we think
Despite the surrounding confusion and crime

Something found, hold. Don't lose it.
Such is the connection kept through music.

(These words came to me during a dear friend's senior recital last November.)

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I am a writer.
I've been a writer since before I completely knew what that meant. My mom told me that even my stories as a young one-digiter showed her that I had a taste for creative expression through words.  I wrote stories about princesses, tigers, traveling, and even pineapples.

Today, I often forget the imagination and drive I found in those one-digit years; I write so many things in accordance with structured expectations of essays and papers that all of my writing, personal and academic, begins to feel flat.  It then becomes easy to forget why I want to write in the first place.  Writing is a very large part of my soul.  In fact, it is so much a part of me that my mind often feels blocked and stunted when I haven't truly expressed myself in writing for a few weeks.

Lately, I have had long periods of time void of new poems, or even blog posts.  I'm aware of this, but I have been telling myself that personal writing must be one of the first things to go when I feel I'm pressed for time, that I don't really need it.  In the past few days, I've had the shock of realizing that writing, or the lack thereof, has a much bigger effect on my life than I thought.

Because it is the medium that connects my mind to my heart.

When I have a lot to think about, a lot to do, and most importantly a lot of things to resolve, my brain goes into this mode where I separate logic from emotion.  In this mode, emotions are often pushed aside  in order to approach things in the supposedly "best" way possible.  While this helps me to react to many inflammatory situations without fire, it blocks a very important part of my inspiration process, and ultimately my overall happiness.

As my mom has always told me, I tend to be very pragmatic.  However, no matter how much of me wants to believe otherwise, logic will only get me so far.  I need my emotions, my heart, in order to really find the answers and joy I am seeking.  The Lord can only help me if both pathways are open.

He speaks to me through my mind AND my heart. (Doctrine and Covenants 8:2)

...and I have discovered that they key to reconnecting these two pathways when I am in logic-mode is writing - personal, expressive, and vulnerable creations of words - which I have unfortunately neglected lately.

I plan to remedy this.  I would say this is my new-years resolution, but we all know how long those usually last.  So, it's simply a resolution.

A resolution to reconnect.