Friday, February 8, 2019

Her Own

I was reading a great article today. It was on feeling belonging and fulfillment through our relationship with Christ. There were many things that stuck out to me in it, and I think it would benefit anyone to read it. You can find the full article here.

Right now, though, I want to focus on one aspect of it. It talks about the emotions associated through a relationship with Christ, one of which is that we will feel a sense of belonging. I feel that I've been struggling with connection lately, everything from realizing I haven't had BFFs to rely on lately to learning new twists and turns in my relationship with my husband. I've been trying to pray, ponder, and study this out, and as I was thinking about that this morning, this jumped out to me:

"...belonging [through Christ] seeketh not her own"
(derived from 1Cor 13:5)

Has my yearning for a sense of belonging been self focused? Have I been seeking to fill other's lives with joy or have I been selfishly assuming that it is another's responsibility to do that for me? It's hard not to feel a sense of belonging, but this article taught me that maybe a better sense of belonging comes not when we are seeking it for ourselves, but when we seek to bring it to other people.

A short thought, but full of things to think about.

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