Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Belated Christmas

RAWR!! hahaha. SO! Today was belated Christmas for the WBP family.  (That's us.)  It's been really fun!!  We got Just Dance 3 for Dangerous D's Wii, and us kids have been playing it for.. a while now haha.  Just Dance is the greatest thing ever invented.  True story.

I got a GPS!  Haha.. those who know me know why this is funny.. :)
Wheat. Thins. Favorite cracker ever! And my mom got me a family box of it. ^_^ Happy.
Yaker's present was really cute.  Of course. :) He's an amazing gift giver. :)  He gave me a journal with an adorable note in it, and a framed picture of us.  I Love it. 
Er.. baby food.  Family tradition for Christmas breakfast.
Chocolate oranges, DUH. :D
Other stuff.. :P haha I don't really want to list all the gift's people got, that's lame.

Last night we played 'fill in the blank' for the Christmas story with D and the boys.  It's so fun to have Christmas with young children.  They are so excited about everything.

I Love having a VACATION.  I've had lost of reading time and lots of just.. playtime.  It's been great.  Tomorrow?  Shopping day with grandma!!  Super excited.

I know today's post is small and random.. BUT!  Oh well.  Vacation posts usually aren't themed.. ok that's a lie.  I usually theme them.  And I guess this one has a loose theme.. :P

Maybe I'm not in a creative blogging mood right now.  But still happy, definitely.

<3 K

Sunday, December 25, 2011

California Day One: R and R

R and R. Rest. Relaxation.  That was the day of yesterday.  After traveling for about 13 hours on Friday, (yucky) I had the most part of the next day to just.. be.  I absolutely LOVE days when I can just be.  So, what did I do with my day?  Something I haven't been able to do for what seems like an eternity (or.. just a really long time, because I have SOME understanding of what eternity is, and it didn't seem quite as long as I imagine that will be)... I read.  A novel that *I* really wanted to read, not something that was an assignment.  I'm a little over halfway through this amazing book.  One of my best friends, Twin, recommended it to me a while back.  And by a while back, I mean a LONG time.  I read about 20 pages of it and then got too busy.  I just had other things occupying my time.. and read a couple other books that found their way to the top of my priority list.  But I remembered really liking the first part of this book from my friend, and I kept seeing it by my bed, waiting for me.  So a couple days ago I picked it up again.  This book is called


It's fabulously written.  Really.  It's kind of a chick book.. ok, really a chick book. As so many of them are, but hey, I like it.  Maybe because I'm a chick?  Hm.  I dunno, it's possible ;)

So, what's it about?  If you want to know that is.  And if you're reading my blog anyway.. it's probably cause you like my thoughts for some reason or another, so.. here we go?  (I question because I think I say that a lot.)

It's one of those mythological Love stories.  Yes, with mythological creatures.  Namely.. werewolves.  BUT!! Before you roll your eyes at me too much, it is SO NOT a Twilight kind of thing all over. So not.  I very much enjoy the writing style.  It's beautifully written (I think I've said that three or four times now..) and the imagery and feeling created by that writing is fantastic.  The author, Maggie Stiefvater (guess she's German), uses those kinds of phrases that perfectly describe a.. moment.  Like, when you say there aren't words to describe just how something went?  Ya.  She knows how to find those words.  I find myself stopping and re-reading these phrases, just to take in the beauty of them.  Ah.  It's amazing.  I Love it.

So, yesterday, I buried myself in it.  Read for a few hours, think I got over 100 pages in.  Which for some of you isn't much, 'cause ya read fast.  But I do not.  So I was pretty satisfied.  Plus, I'm not thinking about the length I read, I'm just enjoying the book.  Which is something I don't get to do very often, unfortunately.

After a few hours of this pure bliss, we met my uncle's family and my grandma at this cool Chinese place, Chef Chu's.  Apparently it's rather popular over here, but I don't live here so I didn't know.  We walked in and it was CROWDED.  But it had this happy and fun feel to it.  They sit you down on cool round tables with a turn-table in the middle, because the way the serve is "family style" and everyone just kinda takes off the same entrees.  The food is quite good, though some of it was too mushroomy or peppery for me.  Or tofu-y, but I don't mind that too much, it doesn't have any flavor so it's kind of a filler.  We had various flavors of chicken, including manderine and pineapple.  Oh so good.  .. and various other things.  Soups and wanton-like things and such.  Mmhmmm!  Yummy yummy. :)

After that, we went to watch the Glad Tidings special.  You know, the one with Motab and David Archuletta.  It was fun, full of music and dancing and the spirit of Christmas.  I was tired and missed the majority of the cool story about how Motab started.. but I'm not too concerned.  I came for the music, and that's what I got out of it.  Funny how that works out.  You get what you come for.  Or what you put into it.. or something like that.  Nevermind that thought was connected but now sounds splintery.

So that was yesterday.  And today is Christmas, but it's.. not yet.  Not for us.  Dangerous D's kids are with their mother right now, so we're doing our Christmas with them in a couple days when they get back.  BUT!  We ARE having dinner with some sister missionaries tonight, which I'm excited for.  My grandma is coming, too.

At church today, Tiki and I decided to sing with the choir.  It was a spontaneous decision, kind of.  Grandma asked us if we would, and she really wanted us to, so we decided to make her Christmas just a little better and participate.  It was fun!  A little 'woah' at times, because it was the first time Tiki and Kiki had gone through the music.  BUT!  We did sing one of my mom's arrangements, Here by the Lamb and Oxen Mild.  It's beautiful.  Love it. :)  Grandma told us she really appreciated us singing with her, and was glad we got the chance to do so.  I'm glad, too.  It was a good experience and singing with grandma is fun.

Speaking of grandma, she's taking us shopping.  Because that's what she does on the few occasions that she's sees us.  Which is very nice.  And always exciting. :)  I may finally find the perfect pea-coat.  One with a hood would be fabulous, but I'll settle for one I really like without one, too.  We shall see what I can find.

So far, this trip has been full of much.... well, that about sums it up.  It's been full of much.  There have been some cool bonding moments between Mastermind and myself, and some times where things haven't gone so well on the agreement level.  But that's how families go.  And I Love them, as always.

I'm very excited for Dangerous D's boy's to get here tomorrow night.  I miss them dearly.  They are so adorable.  Beyond words.  Love them too.

That's all for now!  Merry Christmas all! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011


I posted a status about a leetle itty bit of my thoughts on this the other day. But, it WAS a leetle itty bit. And I want to elaborate. And, like a lot of my posts tend to be, it may not be particularly organized. Because to me, a blog is a thought bin. Where I toss in all my thoughts. You're fully welcome to organize then and put them together as you wish.. although taking things that I (or anyone else, for that matter) say out of context probably isn't the best idea and could get people hurt and in trouble with their friends.  Or not friends. Whichever. DON'T TWIST PEOPLE's WORDS! It's not nice.  Anywhoosen (hey, I miss random words like that. College forces me to use real ones.. lame. ;)) Here we go.

Doesn't this look odd to some of you?  Is that even a word?  It could be.  And I think to a lot of people it is, though they might not admit it.  Compare:

Santamas                                    Christmas

See it now? One of these things is not like the other... It's the NAMEs. Notice the name in the more familiar word. Christ.  And the other one?  Santa.  Sadly enough, much of the world chooses the latter over the former.  Santamas.  That just doesn't have the same ring and happiness to it that Christmas does.  And guess what?  There's a reason why.
Here's Christmas to much of the world:
Buying presents.
Organizing parties.
Stress for the hosts.
Feelings of discouragement for those who can't give as much as their heart wants to.
Silent (or not so silent) competitions between family and friends about who got, or gave, the best gift.
Horrendous amounts of planning.
Lots of food making.
An excuse to eat an excess amount of sweets.
Gift wrapping.
Competitions for who has the best Christmas lights and decor.
Making sure to go see Santa and tell him what you want.
Some even hate the holiday season.  Because it's turned into something they can't handle.  It's too stressful and some wish it would just end already!

This is very very sad to me.  This is Santamas.  And while not all of the things on here are bad, the spirit of Santamas isn't exactly a joyful one.

Bringing families together.
Enjoying the happy faces of a Loved one when they open a present they really really like.
Laughing together.
Remembering past Christmases.
Singing Christmas music.
Cooking together.
Helping those who have taken on the huge task of being in charge of the family's holiday season.
Creating happy memories.
Encouraging family traditions.
Letting go of grudges and fixing rifts.
And, most importantly, remembering the person whom this incredibly important holiday is named after.  Remembering the reason we celebrate, the reason we give, Love, and enjoy this season.  Christ.  It's CHRISTmas!  This is why I Love it.  It's a reminder, and a huge one at that, to be as Christlike as possible.  Why?  Because the Love of Christ creates the holiday spirit.
Woah.  Epiphany.
Let me say that again.

The Love of Christ CREATES the holiday spirit.

Christ's Love is what I think of when I try to describe how I feel during the holidays.  That joyful, excited, giggle-making, feeling that makes the children jump of the walls and seems to encourage people to fall in Love.  It's the Love of Christ.  It powers the holiday spirit.  Take a minute to think about that, because I JUST pieced that together myself.. and I need a minute to process it too.



Have you sufficiently thought about it?  Do you get it?  Isn't it amazing!? 

So, most people celebrate a combination of Christmas and Santamas.  That's fine.  But I personally want to focus a little more on Christmas this year, and I invite and encourage the same from all of you.  Why?  Because Christ's Love is the thing that makes the holiday spirit go.  Try not to stress.  Let the Love of Christ fuel your holidays.  And for those of you who aren't in charge of the planning, try to help those who are as much as you can.  Showing that Love to them will make the holiday season that much more memorable and happy for both of you.  I Love this season because of the feeling it creates.  Don't you?  And now I know what creates that feeling.

Let's celebrate Christmas this year.  Who's with me?? :)

I Love you all.  Merry Christmas.  Let it be full of the Loving care of Jesus Christ.
<3 Kels

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My lessons from Alma

Alma 20: 19 "...it is thou that has sought to destroy him"
King Lamoni finds someone to blame, just like Laman and Lemuel would have.  When I read this, I had the thought: Satan puts reasons to be angry at people in our minds.  That's how they come, and it's because he wants us to be contentious.  Don't heed him. It doesn't lead anywhere good, ever.

Alma 20:27
Later, Lamoni is desirous to learn from Ammon.  This shows us that once anger subsides, we can see truth, and are often drawn to it.  Wouldn't it be great if we could all just skip the anger part? :)

Alma 20-21
As O read the stories of Ammon and his brother's missions, I noticed that the 'failure' writings are shorter and less detailed than the 'success' writings.  Did you notice that? :) This shows us to learn from the negative times, but not focus on them.  Move on.  This is a great application to life.

In the same record, a lt of people fall down 'as if they were dead' after being converted.  I got to thinking why this happens, and this is what I got: God needs us to give Him our full attention in order to help convert us.  So, when converting those people, He caused them to sleep and then ave them testimonies.  Their full attention was given.  And, as WE are being re-converted all the time, WE need to give Him our full attention always. :)

This semester has been so great. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011


One of my first weekly BoMs was about how I really liked what Brother Griffin said about 'making the veil a little thinner'.  I had an experience on Sunday that really showed me how that has happened for me this semester.  On Sunday, I had recently found something out that was going to make things potentially very hard.  I was sitting in relief society, having a difficult time with it and feeling really sad. At the end of the meeting, we sang "The Spirit of God", a very powerful song anyway, but it really hit me that time.
"The Lord is extending, the saints understanding"
I started crying and had this overwhelming feeling of "whatever happens, I (the Lord) will help you through it and it will be ok." and I was also reminded of the fact that I'm learning a lot of new stuff/insights because of this class and my new ways of studying scriptures. 

"The veil ore the earth is beginning to burst"
This reminded me of what Brother Griffin said the first day of class, when he talked about how "the veil" is what keeps us from remembering how well we know God.  And when that is removed, (aka when we see Him again), we will be SHOCKED by how well we know him.  He then said that he hopes that, in this class, he can help us "make the veil a little thinner" (aka know God more and come closer to Him).  As we sang that line, I was having trouble singing because I was in tears.  MY VEIL is beginning to burst.  I know I have come so much closer to God in the course of this semester, and that feeling of "it's gonna be ok" was really true and that the Lord CAN AND WILL help me through whatever happens.  I felt the spirit so strongly in this moment, it was absolutely amazing.

"as Jesus descends with His chariot of fire!"
Now I audibly sobbed. (But I was in relief society so it's ok ;)) I didn't sing most of the chorus.  I imagined a Glorious being in a chariot coming to ME.  My testimony of Christ and how close He is to me (and how close I've become to Him) grew so much in that moment.  And while I was still sad about the difficult thing coming up, I felt very full of the spirit and very close to and grateful for the Lord.  I feel that way again as I write about it.

This experience was AMAZING.  And I will always feel differently about that song now.  I'm so, so grateful that Brother Griffin has taught us so much, especially this thing about 'thinning the veil'.  Without this class, I wouldn't have had this experience, any many other little mini miracles that have happened this semester. 
Christ LOVES us! He really can help us through absolutely everything, and he wants to, so badly.  He is all powerful and knows exactly what to do to guide us through any difficult time.  I'm so glad I've grown closer to Him in just the past few months.  This is an experience I will never ever forget. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He Strengthens

Just as a pre-note, I've really recognized the significance of scripture study this past week or so.  Unfortunately, I haven't been as focused in my scripture study as I usually am.  And it's made a notice-able difference. When I don't read scriptures, or just don't focus on them very much, my day tends to go bad. When I do, good things happen. It's amazing to me. :)

Mosiah 17: 13-15 Abinadi was whipped with sticks and THEN burned.  And he still preached to the people.  This is a great example to me of perseverance.  If the Lord can help him accomplish *that*, he can help us get through our challenges, no problem.
Mosiah 24: 15  "yeah, the Lord did strangthen them that they could bear their burdens with ease"
Sometimes when we ask for the Lord's help, rather than take the trial away, He strengthens us so we can pull through it.  Sometimes we need the trial, for whatever reason, but we don't have to do it alone. I find great comfort in this, and I know the Lord is always willing to help me.

P.S. I'm incredibly tired. I got my weekly BoM in just before the deadline, as you can see...And that's why it is short today. I apologize. Goodnight!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Living with His Might

Mosiah 9:18 "And God did hear our cries, and did answer our prayers, and we did go forth in His might."  Whenever we are in great need, we can call upon the Lord and His Might will be with us as we push through.  This is a very important principle to me, that the Lord will make us strong if we only ask.  I need this more often than I know how to say, and I'm so grateful for it.

Something that comes from living with His might is the ability to see things from a different perspective.  I know some of this is because of me, but I can't deny that the Lord is helping a lot.  In Mosiah, after Zeniff finishes explaining the sin his people are in, he says: (Mosiah 7:28) "Therefore, who wondereth that they are in bondage, and that they are smitten with sore afflictions?"  This brings up an interesting point.  If you feel like things are unfairly bad, think of what YOU can do better.  We are more in charge of our lives than we sometimes like to admit.

I'm so glad for teachers and prophets that give me insight so I know how to receive more on my own.  Mosiah 8:19 says: "and these interpreters were doubtless prepared for the purpose of unfolding all such mysteries to the children of men."  All of our prophets and teachers are 'interpreters' of a sort, and unfold mysteries and bring us great understanding. Amen, amen.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"Except it were for the help of these plates"

I know I say this every week, but I'm every so grateful for the scriptures, and the power of the spirit that is magnified as I read them.  It brings so much truth and insight into my life. 

Mosiah 1:4 "except if were for the help of these plates"
Just like the people in Mosiah's time, we cannot learn the things the prophets of old wanted to teach us, except through the scriptures. And, as stated in verse 6: "these sayings are true... records are true... also the plates of Nephi... they are true, and we can know of a surety because we have them before our eyes."  The scriptures are a gift of truth to us in the confusing world.  If we use them properly, not only will we know of their surety, but we will be more sure and confident about the truth in our own lives.

Something I really like about Mosiah is that he never forgets to mention that the Lord has given us everything, and is behind everything in our lives.  He is a great example to me, and I want to follow him and learn to NEVER forget the Lord in anything and everything I do.

Mosiah 2:8: Mosiah had his words recorded, so that all could learn from them.  Today, we follow that pattern.  Through church magazines and other literature, we have the words of the prophets recorded so we can be taught from them.  Just like Mosiah, our prophets want us to hear their words.

These insights in Mosiah have really helped my appreciation for prophets, old and new, grow.  They care about us, and they have guidance for us that will help us in ways we usually can't see.  I now have a new resolve to listen more intently to their words (or read them more carefully) and learn to apply them in my life.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rely on Him

In reading this week, I found a string of scriptures that relate to each other very well.  It amazes me how this seems to work out.  One thought leads to another and then you have a whole list of cross references to help you out in your life.  The power of the Holy Ghost is amazing!
2 Nephi 32:3: "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." 
It's comforting to know that Christ has all the answers, and that whenever we have a tough decision, if we rely on Him, he'll help us find the answer.

Jacob 5:7: "It grieveth me that I should lose this tree;"
Not only CAN Christ help us through everything, he really really wants to.  He is sad when He is losing us.  He cares about EACH ONE of us greatly, and wants to help.

Jacob 5:12: "watch the tree, and nourish it"
Because God cares about each of us so much, he wants  us to be happy and looked after.  It is our responsibility to help Him carry some of this out.  We need to watch and e there for our ward members and other around us.  They need our strength, friendship, and knowledge.

And this one isn't necessarily connected to the above string of thought, but I though it was cool anyway. :)

Jacob 5:36: "evil fruit"
Evil is not a word one would normally use to describe fruit.  It's probably used that way here so we recognize the fact that this is a metaphor.  In helping Joseph Smith translate the BoM, God knew what wording would be needed. All of these little miracles are always amazing to me.  (And the farm boy does it again!)

Inspiration-ally enough,  my Sunday school lesson today followed the same type of message as my scripture reading this week.  I Love this gospel, and how much each aspect in it relates to the rest.  Here's the jist of today's SS lesson:

By the way, Sunday School today was taught be Steve Robinson. He is great!
We started out by talking about Faith.  In the modern, English interpretations of this word, we put meanings on it that the people who wrote it didn't mean.  When we think of Faith, most people think of something related to belief.  Faith is not a belief word.  It is a behavior word. :)  When we think of a"faithful husband" (or wife) we think of someone who is loyal and committed.  Coincidentally, the interpretation of the ancient language's term for Faith means things like loyal, pillar (steadfast, sure, certain), and being  committed to a covenant.

He connected this with the concept of the Lord's law.  Merely following a list of do's and don'ts (however good they are) does now necessarily show Faith, or 'save' you.  When we merely follow a list of things to do, we are always striving to be perfect in doing them.  We try and try to make ourselves perfect, and are constantly discouraged because we never make it up to par.  How do we get Home?  By being FAITHFUL to Him.  Be loyal.  Be committed to the covenants you have with Him.  We do need to follow the commandments, but the law alone will not save us.  (This is said throughout scripture a lot, but today we were talking specifically of Paul's teachings.)  We need not focus on doing every little thing and being a quote on quote 'perfect person'.  That is not the point of us being here, nor will it bring us where we need to be in the long run.  The point of us being here is to learn to rely *wholly* on Christ.  To be faithful.  And by that, Paul (and other teachers) doesn't just mean believe.  Belief alone also will not save us.
"Believing is not sufficient.  The devil believes, he knows God exists.  Belief isn't what divides us, it is *behavior*." --Brother Robinson

I Loved today's lesson, and how Brother Robinson taught us that the most important thing is to rely on Christ always, and not be so worried about being completely perfect.  Through relying on Christ, we will become the people we need to be, step by step. I Love Love LOVE this concept. And I Love this gospel!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Soul Delighteth

2 Nephi 25:13: "Wherefore, my soul delighteth to prophesy concerning Him, for I have seen His day, and my heart doth magnify His holy name."  Nephi's testimony burns so brigthly that he delights to speak of Christ.  I'm developing that same kind of testimony, and I'm so thankful for the Joy His gospel brings!

2 Nephi 26:24: "He doth nothing save it be for the benefit of the world."  And for me.  He/His prophets will not do or say anything unless it will benefit us.  This is very good motivation to follow them, because it's for our own good.  After reading this scripture, I found this one: (verse 33, same chapter) "He doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men."  This was a great follow up scripture to confirm my previous insight.  His law is simple and direct, follow it!

2 Nephi 28: 21 + 30: The devil "leads carefully down to hell"; step by step and little by little.  Across the column from this is the concept that Christ leads us "line upon line, precept upon precept".  I'm finding that the devil has many counterfeits to the Lord's way of doing things.  This is one of them, they both lead us the way they wish us to go little by little.  The devil works with the same kind of methods that the Lord does.  Don't fall for it.

ISAIAH TIPS! Actually, just one.  Isaiah is a poet, and his words are MUCH better understood when read like poetry.  However, his poetry does not follow the same criteria that most of our poetry does today.  Isaiah is a Hebrew poet.  They don't necessarily rhyme or have a specific rhythm scheme, but something my professor told us is that Hebrew poets *repeat themselves*.  Isaiah follows suit to this rule.  He makes a habit of saying something, then saying it again a different way.  For example: "red as scarlet... white as snow" followed by "red as crimson... white as wool."  I'm seeing this repetition all over the place now.  It helps me really get Isaiah and I'm ever so grateful for that.  I can now join Nephi in saying "My soul delighteth in the words of Isaiah." :)  Thanks Brother Griffin!

Monday, October 3, 2011

His Claim

I have reached a lot of really cool insights in my scripture study this week.  I'm so very grateful we have the spirit to give us insight, it brings me much Joy. :)
2 Neph 9:25: "the mercies of the Holy One of Israel have claim upon [us]."  We are in debt to the law, because we all have sinned.  Christ and His Atonement payed the price for us, and that's very much the same as buying us out of captivity or slavery.  We are now His servants, and must begin to repay the debt through doing His will.  I say "begin" because we cannot ever fully  repay it.  when we do His will, He blesses us even more, leaving us forever in His debt, which He is more than willing to do.  We talked about this is Gospel Doctrine a little while ago, and it's cool to be able to pick out again throughout scripture.
2 Neph 9:51-52: "Hearken diligently unto me, and remember the words which I have spoken; and come unto the Holy One of Israel, and feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and *let your soul delight in fatness*"  I take from this to focus on the important things. God gives us an unlimited supply of the joy of the Gospel to feast on, and we should take advantage of it and let our souls delight in fatness. :)
2 Neph 10: 2: "That which will give them true knowledge"  We don't always have *immediate* knowledge, but the Lord gives us that which will GIVE us knowledge, after application of Faith.
2 Neph 10:20 "We have been led to a better land"  Because we came to this earth, the Land of our Eternity will be that much better. :)
2 Neph 19:4 : "But His hand is stretched out still."  Even after we have discouraged Him by making mistakes, He is REACHING out for us. This is AMAZING to me.

Again, I'm very very grateful I've been learning so much about how to receive insight from the spirit. The Gospel is true!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Be Like Nephi - a thermostat

Brother Griffin made a really good analogy in class this week.  In comparing Laman and Lemuel to Nephi.  How they are thermometers (reactors) and he is a thermostat (actor).  A thermometer tells you when it's too cold or too hot, while a thermostat will say "It's too cold, I'll make it warmer."  To be a thermostat, you need to exercise faith in the Lord and *take the next step*, even if you don't know what the outcome will be.  These steps related to receiving revelation.  When we receive guidance from the Lord, we need to act on it in order to receive the next step in the plan, or the next bit of revelation. What is even MORE amazing, is that, this plan is the "blueprint" that's designed to make us into temples, or an extension of Heaven.  I absolutely Love how well all of these concepts connect, and it gives me *huge* motivation to be better, to be like Nephi.  Or, as Brother Griffin has said before:
"Try a little harder to be a little better, take another step of faith today."
Today. Nephi always acted right away, and that's one of the reasons I look up to him as an example of how to be.  Taking a step of faith sooner, rather than later, brings up more revelation and more blessings.  Something else Brother Griffin said that I really liked was: "Don't stand there paralyzed for too long."  Act.  Take a step of faith. These concepts are so amazing to me, and I'm incredibly grateful they are accessible to us in the scriptures.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Be

I don't always see things clear
And you don't like when my words give you fear
There's no such thing as perfect Love
So I may ask you: "What counts as close enough?"

You don't always treat me right
(But we all make mistakes)
And we seem to have the tendency to fight
(Forgive if that's what it takes)
When it looks like we can't get along
We hash it out and come back looking strong

Oh, where would I be without you
To keep me, build me?
Where would I be to let go
If you dropped me, spilled me?
How would I feel
If what's real-lost it's zeal-and it wouldn't
It forces me to think
Where would I be?

If my Love for you
Is too broad or ill-defined
Or it seems the same
As others in my mind
Just know I don't always have the cure
I can't always give a strong and firm for sure

So please let me be who I be
One still building, learning
Just let me be, who I be
Know that I am yearning
To just be me
Who I be.

Oh, where would I be without you
To keep me, build me?
Where would I be to let go
Because you spilled me
Onto the floor
But then you -picked me up-and gave me
I can't just be me
A new girl you helped me see
Yes, you helped to build
Who I be.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


1 Nephi 17 gave me many insights, and I'm very glad I had the Spirit with me so I could focus enough to have the thoughts that I did. 
Verses 7, 9, 10, 11 and 16: When Nephi was commanded to go and build a ship, he went right away. He was quick to obey. Not only that, but he didn't ask the Lord to GIVE him tools. He asked Him where he could find the means to make them himself. Nephi will do all he can, and *then* ask for Divine assistance.  Nephi is a do-er! I want to try to be more like Nephi and work on DOing more, and asking less. I get the feeling that, the more we DO, the more the Lord blesses us. And His blessings help us, so: The more we try on our own, the more help God will give us. What a cool thought. :)

Verse 41: There were a couple of things that struck me in this verse. One was the word 'straiten'. We talked a bit about the word 'strait' in context of the Strait and Narrow earlier this week. Basically, it means a narrow or rigorous path. It's interesting to me that it's used here, and I think what Nephi means by it is that God SHAPED, or molded, them in the wilderness; He helped them be the people He needed them to be. Thinking this brought up a couple questions: "Where or what is my wilderness?" and "How is the Lord shaping me?"
Another thing I picked up from this verse is the simplicity of the healing serpent.  Often, the Lord gives us very simple help.  Sometimes so simple that we don't think we can believe in it.  **Do it anyway.** You will benefit.
Very strong impressions as I read this week. I'm so grateful for the Spirit and His ability to bring us divine thought. :)
I Love this Gospel!

I may write a poem with the same title as this blog post. Because it feels like it should be one. We shall see.
Much Love!
Kiki :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Disclaimer: This post has the potential to be very, very random.
Why?  Because I'm writing about thoughts, which also have the potential to be very, very random.  Right now, I'm going to write about some specific thoughts that I've been having very recently.  Actually, pieces of these thoughts have been entering my mind over the past year and a half or so, but I think they've finally come together.  The thing is, I thought they had come together already, a few months ago.  BUT now they have been added on to, and they're coming-togetherness makes more sense and, actually, gives me great pleasure.  It gives me much joy to present: MY THOUGHTS. (Which is what I normally do on here anyway, so this shouldn't come as much of a surprise.)

So what HAVE I been thinking about as of late?  Well, I just finished reading a section in my Humanities book that talked about writing about the arts.  I won't go into detail about that, because what I want to say pertains to more than just that.. and I don't feel like writing about those thoughts.  Also, yesterday, I read a chapter in my Drawing 101 class about Art Appreciation.  Or understanding art, or something like that.  In reading these two texts, it came to me, once again, how much I enjoy studying Humanities type subjects, especially when it comes to the meaning and beauty of art.  Something about it just invigorates my mind and soul and makes me SO happy to learn about.  So happy.  I want to just keep learning about it, and learning about it, and learning about it. 

Maybe this is what it feels like when you find something that you think is 'what you're supposed to do' or 'the thing that's right for you'.  There are a few ways I could go with this desire that I have found.  I could major in Art History, minor in Humanities, and get a teaching degree so I could teach Art History!  This career choice is actually something I think I would ENJOY doing, because I would have the opportunity to share my Love and appreciation for art and the reasoning of great artists.  (And not so great artists, because oftentimes they have beautiful thoughts and works, too.)  I would LOVE that!  However, I know teaching isn't the most secure career to go into, by any means.  But I'm beginning to think that's a career I would really like.  AND I would Love to be an art critic.  Though building a reputation for that is probably quite difficult, and I don't know if I'd ever be able to make a name for myself in so doing.. in this life.  But, frankly, it's worth a shot.  When there's a will, there's a way.  And my will is to make my career something I really enjoy.  And guess whhaaaatt? I enjoy art.  I enjoy studying it, analyzing it, and the excitement that comes when I feel like I know something about a work or genre of works.  I don't know how to explain how amazing all of this is to me.  I Love art!  I'm so glad I took that AP Art History class, even though it was very time consuming.  It helped me develop the appreciation for art that I've always had, but never really focused on.

That Art History class.. hm.  Maybe one of the reason I Love it so much is because of all the work I put into it.  My wise instructor, adopted older brother, and one of my best friends said to me recently: "When you put that much dedication, work, and energy into something, you become passionate about it; it will never leave your heart.  If you stop it, there will be a lingering void, and you will want to come back to it."  (That may not be EXACTLY what he said, word for word, but it's close enough and portrays what me meant pretty dang well.)  I find this entirely true.  So, maybe, anything I put that much effort into I will come to Love.

To a certain extent.

The reason I specify with the above comment is... in order to put enough effort into something for Passion to happen, you have to have some sort of liking of it in the first place.  There are things I've worked hard on that I don't necessarily feel connected to.  I think this whole Passion thing is a continual process.. like this:

Desire: No matter how small or seemingly insignificant, one must have the desire to do something before they are willing to put TRUE EFFORT into it.
Work: The hard stuff.  Practicing.  Fixing mistakes until you can not only get it right, but no longer get it wrong. (That is advice from another one of my instructors, who I also admire.)
Passion: Like my wise friend told me, this passion is a result of real effort.  After desire, the more effort one puts into it, the more passion they will develop for it.
More work.
Increased passion.
More work.
More increased passion.
More work.
More increased passion.

Get the picture?
Anyway, those were.. my thoughts!  And they took up a lot of space.  Well, thank you for your time.  Much Love! :)


Sunday, September 11, 2011

And The Farmboy Does It Again!

Brother Griffin said that about five times this week.  I like it, because it is an expression of how wonderful the Book of Mormon is, and how grateful we are that Joseph Smith (the farmboy) helped give it to us.

1 Nephi 10: 8.  "...prepare ye the way of the Lord." I don't know about the rest of you, but reading that instantly reminded me of those cartoon-church-movies I watched as a kid.  I think they were a series called "The Miracles of Love" or something like that.  In my house, we called them "Jesus movies".  As I read this verse, it came to me how such profound teachings are put into church media, like those kid movies.  Also, I knew what prophet Nephi was referring to because of those movies.  I remember the song with those words in it, and how they played it while showing the John the Baptist portion of the movie.  We are taught of the Prophets, through these movies and other church media, from a very young age. This is amazing, and tells me that Heavenly Father really does inspire those in charge of church functions in order to help his saints progress.  The church is true! :)

Oh, and a special thanks to Momma S. for cheering me up the other night.

Sorry for the short post. I have many a thought but they're not even close to organized yet. More to come later. :)

<3 Stripes

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Love BYU

I'm learning SO much at college. It's crazy to think about.  Right now, I want to talk about my BoM class.  Brother Griffin is AMAZING! Even after only two classes, I've already learned new ways to think about things and it's really really cool! Here's some of the stuff I wrote in my scripture journal this week:
Something I really liked in lectures this week was a comment Bro. Griffin made about the veil.  He mentioned how, when we see Heavenly Father again, we will be shocked by how well we know Him.  We will wonder how it's possible that we ever forgot Him.  Bro. Griffin said the veil is thick enough to stop us from remembering a lot of what we know about Him.  Then he said: "I hope we can help make that veil a little thinner, help you see yourself a little more how God sees you."  I really liked the idea that, as we seek and learn about our Father, we can, in a sense, "thin the veil" and know more of Him, bringing ourselves closer to Him.

1 Nephi 3:7.  "I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commanded them.  I know this is a very widely used verse, and I have thought about it before, but new meaning came from it as I read it today.  While I was in my Humanities class, my professor was discussing the important of general education.  She mentioned how the people who come up with the required generals BYU students have to take are on the board of trustees.  These people are apostles. So, our "generals" are part of what God wants us to learn.  He doesn't give a commandment without preparing a way for us to accomplish it.  In other words, we can do it! *I* can do it.  Because He has prepared a way for me to succeed. It was a powerful moment.

I can already tell that this class is going to be very different for me than high school seminary was. Not to downgrade seminary, I absolutely Love it too!  I'm really enjoying my time at BYU and am gaining a new excitement for culture and learning.
Tata for now!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just Begun

There is a girl who I've just begun to know
Complex and somewhat contained
And as more about her began to show
I saw what had long been restrained

She who looks confident, upbeat
She'll smile
More understanding, then she'll retreat
For a while

Is it fair that, when I've started to see,
And my  mind settled on what she could be
All of the sudden life will force her to change
What I only just learned will be re-arranged

This girl who I thought I knew
And was beginning to understand
As this change continues to brew
How can I reach out and take her hand?

Looking to the examples of others
Seeking comfort and guidance from Fathers and mothers
My perception is limited, more must be won
But is that possible, when she has only just begun?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Growing Up?

So, it's been a while.  Well, I post the poems I write, but I haven't written an actual post in a while.  So, here I go.

I have learned SO much in the past few months.  About myself, friends, family, and life in general.  And because of the stuff I've learned, I'm a different person.  Well, I'm still me.  But I'm a more careful me.  And I've become more aware of things in my life, especially about myself, that I need to work on.  This is mostly due to my MARVELOUS adopted family, the Shelley's.  They have helped me find ME so so much.  How I look at life and the things in it is definitely different, but I am quite happy.  Happy.. in a different way than I ever have been.  I wouldn't say "more happy" necessarily, but happy on a greater level.  I have been very very happy like this before, but this feels deeper and more real.  Just like everything else in my life. Deeper. More real.  Think about that.  So many things in my life before the past six or seven months were very superficial.  There were things like my passion for Marching Band, the Love I had for my friends (well actually sometimes that was a little shallow, too...)
Now that I think about it, none of the things in my life have never felt THIS REAL before.  I have a new and greater appreciated for so many things.  My testimony is stronger.  I Love in a deeper way than I thought possible to Love.  I'm not as scared of certain things anymore.  I'm still unstable about some things, you know, I'm human.  But I've become aware in ways that are a first step to fixing it.  I feel so much more satisfied with life in general.  My very good friend Gladiator brought this up a little while ago.  And he's quite happy for me.  I'm grateful he cares. More than I know how to say.
More than I know how to say.  I've been saying and feeling that a lot lately.  It's part of this 'deeper' concept.  Things have become SO real and deep that I find it hard to describe just how much is involved.  How much feeling, thought, reality, everything.
I've been extremely thoughtful today, as you can probably tell.  When I write about fun things, well, I write.. well.. with a LOT of enthusiasm.  Really. ^_^ When I write like this.. I'm thoughtful.  Well I guess most of my posts here have leaned more toward the excited way.  I think college is influencing my writing and thinking processes. haha. SPEAKING OF!
I finished a 32 page Essay Book for my Family Processes class today. :D It feels like SUCH an accomplishment!  That class has helped me in so many ways.  Well, in connection with all the other influences I've had it has.  I can't help thinking all of this was supposed to happen at the same time.  Along with getting closer to the Shelley's.. and the influences of college... I've gotten closer to my dad.  This has also resulted in my having more insights about life, because he is a VERY wise person.  I've also been discovering that many many of my tendencies are like his.  I am more like my dad than I used to think, and it's a fun and exciting thing to discover. :)  I Love my dad!
I know I do this a LOT. But there are a few people I'd like to thank for helping me through the past few months.

Yaker. My amazing boyfriend.  He makes me feel like I'm in a dream.  Or a romantic-comedy.  There are so many times when he does things so perfectly and according to what I really like that I wonder if it's all real.  He has made me happy on countless occasions and helped me get to know myself as I get to know him.  He's one of the best guys that I've ever met, and I Love him more than I've ever Loved anyone else.  Besides family.. maybe.  Ok that's unfair, because the Love I feel for them is on a different level.  I didn't think the level of Love I have for Yaker even existed.  He brings me SO much Joy. :)
Gladiator. He has earned my absolute trust in so many ways.  And helped me through so many tough times.  I will forever be in debt to his friendship and kindness.
MommaS.  She's so crazy and fun.  She has helped me through quite a few tough times too.  I am so so grateful I know her.  I Love her so very much. :)
Cookanoove.  Even though I only knew him for all of a month before he went on a mission, he helped me in my life too.  And continues to with his letters from Florida.
Beekanoove.  Iwubyoumoost! This girl is so much fun.  She makes me laugh endlessly and accepts me for who I am despite all the very strange things I do. I Love her too.
MrDarcy.  My amazing padre.  The talks I've had with him recently have helped me so very much.  And all the help he's given me with college?  I'll always always always be ever so grateful for him. I Love you dad!
Soza.  The small acts and words of kindness and reassurance he gives me are more help than he could ever know.  This guy has helped me so much in the past three years. Thank you.
Poker.  Despite our childish banter, we have tons and tons of fun.  Not only that, he has helped me feel better on a few bad days.
Twin.  As always.  I Love my Soul Sister. FOR LIFE. :D
Sleepy (or J.B., whichever).  Though we don't talk a whole lot, when we do I feel rejuvenated and happy.  This guy is so sincere and caring, and it shows.  I'm grateful for him as well.
Blunt Guitar Man.  Advice Advice Advice!  We have had quite a few long talks.  He makes me feel important and sometimes says things that help me SO much I can't even describe.. :)
TheMuffin.  We have had a few sister dates and they have been quite awesome, if I say so myself.  I Love her.
Timon (D~).  With his listening ear and reassuring words.
RFarm.  She's so beautiful and fun and has helped me be happy more than once in the past little while. I Love her! 
MooseP.  Super fun. Spastic. Always brings out the silly me. I Love this girl SO very very much!
There are so many people who have helped me throughout.. life!  But these are the ones who've made a rather strong impression on me as of late.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sincerely, Stripes

Friday, July 29, 2011


Some sing sweeter when they're on the verge of tears
Greater courage when you've had a million fears
Grasping time after only a few years

Ever faster will it flow
Moving on and letting go
Flex the old, establish new
Keep what you hold true

See this new phase of life begin
The chill of worry settles in
Shiver, breathe, and move along
Even when things may go wrong
Don't freeze yourself looking for a heater
Just make every moment sweeter

To the great and unfathomable the mind expands
Remember to leave it in His hands
Live now, you have a job to do
Not re-create His.  Focus on you.
Don't lose yourself looking for life's meter
Just make every moment sweeter

Some sing...
Sing in your heart
Sing out loud
Make those happy memories crowd
Sweeten the start
Sweeten the day
Let a joyful moment play

Grasping time after only a few years
Greater courage when you've had a million fears
Yes, there is meaning behind those tears!
Have the Faith that each wall clears
That He your crying hears

Don't let yourself succumb to the Faith Eater
Jut make every moment sweeter

Thank you to all of those who've helped me in the past few days. Actually, you have helped me much more than the past little while, so thank you for all of it.  You really have helped more than you probably know. :)

Monday, March 28, 2011


This was inspired by the lesson we had in relief society today.  The main focus of the lesson was that conference talk about Good, Better, Best and focusing on the basics.  I thought how sometimes it's pretty much impossible to cut anything out, and had a wonderful insight.
The Lord can help you slow down and accomplish the things you  need.  Let Him help you find what is most important.  Let Him help you focus.  Your relationship with God is the most important "basic".  He will help you with the rest.  Taking a little time to ask Him to help you.  You will accomplish more when you do this.  Spend time alone with the Lord.  Just like any other friend, you become closer when you get to know Him.  Allow Him in and help Him be your friend.  Alone time.  Not only away from other people, but from your worries and other distractions.  For a few minutes every day, talk to Him.  Learn something from Him.  INVITE Him in.
As I was thinking of all the stuff I have to do, I was going crazy.  I think I had a legitimate ulcer.  This added to pondering today's lesson is what brought this poem to my mind.  Enjoy.  :)

Lord, give me the strength to overcome
Help me fight my battles, as I cannot do it alone
Teach me how to simplify
To better focus and fully Live my Life
Guide me to the most valued things
Help me realize what knowledge your Love brings
This is impossible to face - on my own
But I know, with your help, I am not alone
Lord, give me the strength
I need you here
These steps stretch me further through each length
Teach me not to fear
I Love thee.
Stay with me.
Help me fight.
Show me, please, the Greater Light.

Oh, and thank you so much to all of you who help me out.  Even a simple question like "How did that test go?" really lets me know you care.  I hope you know how much I appreciate you.
Much Love,

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Only longing to be loosed
Affection remembered
While trust dismembered
Pass by.
These feelings boost.

If either will break the wall
Or if there's even a thought
To alter the plot
Will both trample under
And neither answer the call?

A smile from the middle
An avoided glance from the side
The heart twists
For when both exist
It seems neither can abide

Remember the water's Rush
And the goal to make it hush.
Think of the sound that everyone heard
Be careful to let out a word.

What to think?
What to say?
Should it stay this way?

What to do?
What to hope?
Or just find ways to cope.

Always tension before a break
And should neither side choose to make

Now must accept that the thread is snipped
Neither needle is equipped

To pull closed the space
The trimmings displace

With all hope for fixing gone,

Both begin to erase.