Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blushing Smiles

So, I think I've figured out the person who makes me blush the most. Whenever I'm with this person, they always seem to find some way to make me squeemish. This person must really know what would do that, because some things that others get embarrassed about don't affect me... but pretty much any comment this person makes about me or something I did gets to me. Ok, so I'm pretty easily embarrassed, it's my shy side... but for some reason I'm always MORE shy and blushy when I'm around this person. Can anyone guess who it is?

My mom's best friend, Lo. (Oh and Pflower too)

Yep! I dunno how she does it, but it happens. Every time. Like tonight, oh gosh nevermind I'm not sayin'.

My mom says it's because I'm growing up, and they feel they can treat me like a 'contemporary'. Haha, right. I think by now they can just tell what I'd be embarrassed about, grab hold of it, and run. But maybe my madre has a point. Are Lo and Pflower treating me like they would one of their other gal friends? Maybe so. Does that lessen my chances of going red? Nope. Not in the slightest. Aaaand of course my mom goes along with it.
I do admit it makes me laugh... but in an "Oh my goodness gracious change of subject please" kind of way.

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