Thursday, November 26, 2009


As most of you know, I got my wisdom teeth out on my birthday. Don't feel sorry, it's not so bad. Here's what I was acting like just after I woke up at the hospital, my mom told me all of this.
"We waited for nearly an hour for the doctor to come in. When he did, he put in the IV so quickly and smoothly, you didn't feel it at all. (There's something in my arm??)

He gave you valium through the IV, which he said would make you feel loopy. Then he gave you the sedative, and said you'd start to feel sleepy. Your speech started to slur almost immediately. You said, "I don't feel sleepy, I don't think it's having any effect on me." The nurse smiled and said, "You don't think it's working?" No, you answered. Then the doctor said, "Well, try counting backward from 100." "Okay. One hundred.....(long pause)... 89... mumble.... mumble..." The nurse laughed. "Did she just say '100, 89'? You eyes fluttered, you mumbled very softly, and you were gone.

It only took them about 30 minutes to pull the teeth. It took you at least another 30 minutes to wake up. When I came into the recovery room, you said "I was thinking about JB. You know, the one who plays the guitar?" You made an air guitar gesture under the blanket they'd covered you with. Then you mumbled really fast, and Icouldn't understand you. I heard "Christmas" and "Facebook", but that's about all I could get. A few moments later, you said "Is Potatoes here? I though he was here." You made blinking motions with your hands in front of your face, and asked if you could open your eyes now.

You were confused that you couldn't close your mouth all the way, that something was stopping it. I told you it was because you had gauze in you mouth. "I have gauze in my mouth?!?" That conversation was repeated at least five more times.

You told me I looked like Turtle.

With your eyes closed, you asked "Am I on facebook? Because I swear I'm looking at the Facebook page, and I'm scrolling down with this hand."

You were worried that you coulnd't feel your feet. [Insert! I remember thinking "This remind me of The Princess Bride, when Westly had just taken the Resurrection pill and couldn't move yet. End of insert.]

The nurse was giving me all the post-op instructions, and you wouldn't stop talking. She kept trying to tell you that you needed to stop talking, because it was moving the gauze in your mouth. "I have gauze in my mouth?!?"

You told me to film you, and I told you I hadn't brought my camera. "Is it in the car?" "No, I left it at home."
"Then I'll film myself whie you drive home." "Honey, I didn't bring my camera." "But it's in the car, right?" You asked me two or three more times where my camera was.

The nurse had you sit in a wheelchair so she could take you out to the car. You seemed mostly awake when you got in the car. I covered you with a blanket and turned on the heater. I told you it would be best to just stay quiet and rest for a little while. "But I'm not tired." You fell asleep almost immediately. Once we were nearly home, you woke up and said, "How did I get in the car?"

By the time we got home, you weren't very "funny" anymore. You ate some mashed banana and a yogurt drink, then you fell asleep for a couple hours. Around 8:30, you woke up in a lot of pain. You ate small survings of tomato soup, mashed potatoes, mashed avocado, ice cream, and applesauce. "Whoah, that's a lot of applesauce." Sixty seconds later, you'd polished the whole thing off. I gave you Lortab and Phenergan, and you were geeling much better within about 15 minutes.

I really do wish I'd had my carea at the doctor's office. You were hillarious."

Yeah, I wish that too, mom. :P

I can't post the vids of me once I got home yet. They're on the computer at my moms house, I'll post them later. They're funny :) and a bit embarrassing, but hey, I was on drugs :)

1 comment:

  1. I saw the video of you on the pain meds. Hilarious! It reminds me of my dad on his.
