Sunday, November 29, 2009

Shining Demise

An Edgar Allen Poe style poem, written by Potatoes and yours truly, for Snyder's class. I've never written something.. dark.. before. We had fun writing this.... muahaha :)

Hand upon this gruesome sore, I’ve collapsed here on the floor.
As I’m crawling out the door, escaping her echoed yell.
Running from my home once dear, every creaking limb I hear
And I cannot help but fear if this abandoned path should end well.
If to darkness it may steer, how much more of my story is there to tell?
Or when will I escape this hell?

From each tangly, gnarled tree, I every so often hear a plea
As if they’re calling me to see some unknown perilous end.
A tortured spirit I seem to sense, I cannot ignore it’s presence
Or is all this only false pretense? Is my mind only playing pretend?
As I walk these dusk ridden woods, a light from the brush appears through the blend
My feet through these leaves, I send.

I enter, and see a clearing so bright, filled with a strangely eerie light.
I shudder at this contrary sight, for a moment it makes me go blind.
I can’t decide quite how to feel, this psychedelic glow makes my head reel
I sense that away all this light will soon peel, causing only darkness to be left behind.
Like the calm before the storm, peace and tension combined.
Soon torment, correct? Or am I losing my mind?

I then see, in the direct center of this illumination, a delicate flower - bizarre creation.
Can it be no more than imagination? Any ounce of reason my mind seems to lack.
It’s petals are velvet, and seem to shimmer. Did this blossom appear as a hopeful glimmer?
No. Now, at hope that I thought couldn’t get any slimmer, some invisible force seemed to hack.
Still I follow further this mysterious track, even as each twig I step on warns with a loud crack
Of this entrancing rose - black.

Suddenly my vision went dark. Then snowy white, cold, and stark.
A writhing being came in to my view, and over the scene a bold sign.
Twas an image of the rose, only it’s petals were closed
An unseen power this picture proposed, I felt soon this cursed fate would be mine.
The pain then struck me! Oh, punishment divine!
And thus my end. My death I did find.

Now we go back to that once called home, inside there she sat, alone.
Looking on this scene with malignant tone - then so quick you can’t see with your eyes
It did cease to exist. Now, that forest setting you may miss
Does not here desist. It cane back, with the same shrubby disguise
There appears that same clearing with the black flower, and sits in wait for the next one to surprise
With this Shining Demise.

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