Saturday, November 14, 2009


That was Kallie. Aw man, you gotta love primary kids. The primary program is so fun to watch. Little kids are SO cute.

Firstly, that Kallie girl? She likes to sing. Loud. Problem is, she only remembers every fifth word, and it's usually 2 seconds too late. So we get this funny one child echo during every song.
There are lots of cute things about those kids, but I just picked out some of the ones that made me laugh the most [mostly inside, but sometimes I just couldn't keep it in, oops.]

~ "The famnee is orgained of Dod." -- Grayson
~ Sweet Boy Swindler [at least, I think that's the one] pulling quotes out of his head. Literally. He was making a little fist on his forehead and withdrawing it when he tried to remember it.
~ Sophie waving at people in the congregation, then turning to her teacher bashfully. "oops.."
~ 'Fewf, I'm done... oops! forgot to smile!' DING! -- Quincey
~ Hand gestures. No, I'm serious. Breezers was in her own little world, using her own little sign language.
~ I never knew John 3:5 began with "scoot over"
~ "I think being baptized is WAY cool and I can't wait 'til it's my turn." Brook
~ You must say "The temple is a house of God" very fast for full affect. According to Quincy that is.
~ "Grandpa Swinder read the whole book [of mormon] very quickly, trying to find a way to prove it wrong. He soon found out it was all true. Grandma was annoyed." --Atticus Swindler

Last but definitely not least...
"Oh I love how this microphone doesn't make krinkley noises!" -- Sammy

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