Sunday, December 27, 2009

Spaghetti Day

There needs always be a day where Spaghetti is served for dinner when the family gets together. It cannot be avoided. It's almost like a tradition, now that I think about it. [Well, something with spag. sauce anyway. My cousin Al just corrected me there. He says his dad's side doesn't always have spaghetti, but they do have lasagna!] So today was that day. But that is all about spaghetti this post contains. :)
Oh! Yesterday was... The Speedy Day. We stayed at Sheila's for most of the day, came to GMa's for a couple hours, then went to this really cool mexican resteraunt. Guess what? There was a balloon artist there! She was SO talented! It was super awesome watching her skills. I got this really super awesome balloon hat. The Muffin took pictures, and they'll be facebooked later. [Haha, my mom thinks it's a little rediculous that facebooked is now like a verb. :)] I meant to call Cl~ and Scales yesterday, but - as obvious in the title for this day - yesterday went by rather quickly. So.. maybe I'll call them today.
Back to today now! The Muffin and I now have dance cards, all ready! We also resolved the fact that the dance in casual, fewf. I only brought one "sunday outfit" and I'd have to wear the same dress to the dance that I did today. *gasp!* We can't have that, now can we? :) Hm, what else about today? Oh here's a little advice for you: If you don't want to be made busy, don't stand idol where adults are doing things, especially dishes. Not that I didn't want to help :P
Yipes, I am now being dragged from my post at the computer by my cousin and The Muffin. I have like no time. Byyyyyyye!

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