Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back to "I wish"

I know it will be better this way
And I responded "so be it"
Who knows if there will come a day
(Though right now we may not see it)

When exactly what is here now may quit
It may come to an end
Wont we be glad, if right on through it
We can still call the other a friend?

The kind of friends we want to be
I'll be one you can count on, as I know you'll be for me

That wall I've spoken of is down, it's true
I'll clean up the rubble, make a clear path for you
This path will become my way too
I know as friends we'll make it through

What I feel for you has not changed
Only now, it has new perspective
I wouldn't say much has been rearranged
Back, now, to almost my original objective

"True friends", the only thing I did originally seek
Back when my feelings were guarded and meek
So now at the future I begin to peek
Though, to me, my exact feelings my heart refuses to speak

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