Thursday, December 3, 2009

More little kid stories!

Ok, so when I was little, I had this funny little whimper.. didn't we all? Well, sometimes when I would do it, my mom would mimick me and fakie cry as well. Here's what I would respond:

No mom! Don't you cry then me!

OH OH!!! And there's this one:
Mommy, what's a tantrum?
Well it's when someone gets down on the floor and kicks there legs and arms around screaming. Here, you want to try it? [Proof that my mom is slightly crazy. What parent in their right mind would ASK their child to throw a tantrum?? Haha, love you mom :)]
Little Stripes then gets down on the floor, moves her arms and legs violently and exclaims
A couple seconds later, Little Stripes stops and comments:
Mommy, that's stupid. Why would anyone want to do that? This is slightly ironic because a couple years ago I was a reeeeeal tantrum thrower. Not *exactly* that kind, but kicking things when I got frustrated, which happened easily, so pretty close.

Now? I hardly ever get angry.. or at least, it takes a whole lot more to get me mad. When I am angry though it's not a pretty sight....... don't make me mad :) But that shouldn't be a problem because, like I said, I really don't get mad easily. At all.

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