Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank You's

Basically, life is great :)  I'm not saying there aren't bumps in the road, but overall it's been quite enjoyable :) I Love my friends!!  I'd like to give a thank you to:
ChuddaChudda, who makes my day, everyday.  There are so many things I could say here, but I'll just sum it up by saying he's my everything. :) He always knows how to make me smile and helps me be happy - even when he doesn't know he's doing it. I Love you :)
MomWebb, who is my inspiration and my hero.  I Love her more than I can say.  She always knows how to make things right when everything is falling apart, and she's one of my best friends :)
Michilli! [sorry if I spelled that wrong] My gorgeous little sister, I'm so glad we have become such great buds :D
Twin, who lights up my world ;)
LittleSis, who is always eager to Love.  And gives some of the best hugs ever!
Gladiator, who laughs with me [not at me] when I'm being a dork, and smiles at my randomness.
Tiave, who makes me smile.. despite how ridiculous he is to deal with, sometimes.  Love ya :)
SilverLight, Eli~.  I just came up with this, because she has like water-blue-silver eyes, and she.... just glows.  She always says hi to me when she see's me, and smiles.  She has a way of making you feel wanted just when you really need it.
KyDancer, who gives me reasons to laugh all the time.  I'm much better off because of her bright pretty face :)
Wall, who also makes me laugh.  Everything about this amazing gal puts a smile on my face :)
Katie J., just adorable in every way!  She really hasn't changed since we were six.  Her smile is SO contagious.
ZANK! Because he always knows just when to be a dork, when I really need to smile. Hey hey hey ;)
Soza, who is courteous.  He always says thank you, even for the small things, and always says hi to me.
Poker, who is good at making me smile.. most of the time :)
Jareth! Isn't that one of the coolest names you've ever heard?? He's an upcoming freshman, and has decided to join the lovelyness of guard!  I've only known him two days, but so far he's made me smile :)
Sketch.. Wow.  She attacks me everytime I see her, and makes me feel SO Loved. 
Scales. Always excited to see me. :)
Dream, who I can trust, and can trust me. Great listener :)
There are probably many more people who do little things to make me smile, but these are the ones I remember the most right now.  Thank you all so much!  You are the ones who make my life happy :)

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