"Done thinking about us
I'm letting you go"
I thought it was shelfed
Thought those feeings were through
Now I again need ask myself
What's my heart to do?
My care for you will not go away
And frankly, I don't mind it decides to stay
Rewind my thoughts
Now an outcome more pleasant
My mind holds many plots
Oh! Yes I'll still give that Christmas present. :)
A few spratic tries for this heart to remend
I'm smiling. After it all, we can still call us friends
That sound
New reasons to smile found
Those words made me grin.
This is not a fail, it's a win.
To the jelly!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Spaghetti Day
There needs always be a day where Spaghetti is served for dinner when the family gets together. It cannot be avoided. It's almost like a tradition, now that I think about it. [Well, something with spag. sauce anyway. My cousin Al just corrected me there. He says his dad's side doesn't always have spaghetti, but they do have lasagna!] So today was that day. But that is all about spaghetti this post contains. :)
Oh! Yesterday was... The Speedy Day. We stayed at Sheila's for most of the day, came to GMa's for a couple hours, then went to this really cool mexican resteraunt. Guess what? There was a balloon artist there! She was SO talented! It was super awesome watching her skills. I got this really super awesome balloon hat. The Muffin took pictures, and they'll be facebooked later. [Haha, my mom thinks it's a little rediculous that facebooked is now like a verb. :)] I meant to call Cl~ and Scales yesterday, but - as obvious in the title for this day - yesterday went by rather quickly. So.. maybe I'll call them today.
Back to today now! The Muffin and I now have dance cards, all ready! We also resolved the fact that the dance in casual, fewf. I only brought one "sunday outfit" and I'd have to wear the same dress to the dance that I did today. *gasp!* We can't have that, now can we? :) Hm, what else about today? Oh here's a little advice for you: If you don't want to be made busy, don't stand idol where adults are doing things, especially dishes. Not that I didn't want to help :P
Yipes, I am now being dragged from my post at the computer by my cousin and The Muffin. I have like no time. Byyyyyyye!
Oh! Yesterday was... The Speedy Day. We stayed at Sheila's for most of the day, came to GMa's for a couple hours, then went to this really cool mexican resteraunt. Guess what? There was a balloon artist there! She was SO talented! It was super awesome watching her skills. I got this really super awesome balloon hat. The Muffin took pictures, and they'll be facebooked later. [Haha, my mom thinks it's a little rediculous that facebooked is now like a verb. :)] I meant to call Cl~ and Scales yesterday, but - as obvious in the title for this day - yesterday went by rather quickly. So.. maybe I'll call them today.
Back to today now! The Muffin and I now have dance cards, all ready! We also resolved the fact that the dance in casual, fewf. I only brought one "sunday outfit" and I'd have to wear the same dress to the dance that I did today. *gasp!* We can't have that, now can we? :) Hm, what else about today? Oh here's a little advice for you: If you don't want to be made busy, don't stand idol where adults are doing things, especially dishes. Not that I didn't want to help :P
Yipes, I am now being dragged from my post at the computer by my cousin and The Muffin. I have like no time. Byyyyyyye!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas #2
Yes that is today's title. I had planned it to be ever since I wrote the post for Christmas number one. Today, awesome. Very happy. I've said in previous posts that there has been way too much food comsumption on my part, and that hasn't ceased to be. Today, I had more Egg Nog than I've had all year. Oh, and I had it straight, didn't thin it out with milk. I always forget you're supposed to do that, I'm pretty sure I've never had it thinned.
My Grandma got me a new backpack! She said she's been told this kind is 'top notch' and hopes I like it. And I do! It's awesome! Oh, and the water bottle pockets are larger, now my tall waterbottle wont fall out!! :D
I also got leg warmers from santa. Haha, how did he know? ;)
Ah, little chilluns. Doncha just love 'em? They make me smile :) Except when they cry, that doesn't make me smile...
I've gotten quite far in my reading of "Pride and Prejudice" and have decided it's very good :) I find myself speaking in a formal way every so often now. It's actually really fun! :)
Well, my dear grandmother needs her computer now, so I am off!
Yes Scales, in that general direction :)
My Grandma got me a new backpack! She said she's been told this kind is 'top notch' and hopes I like it. And I do! It's awesome! Oh, and the water bottle pockets are larger, now my tall waterbottle wont fall out!! :D
I also got leg warmers from santa. Haha, how did he know? ;)
Ah, little chilluns. Doncha just love 'em? They make me smile :) Except when they cry, that doesn't make me smile...
I've gotten quite far in my reading of "Pride and Prejudice" and have decided it's very good :) I find myself speaking in a formal way every so often now. It's actually really fun! :)
Well, my dear grandmother needs her computer now, so I am off!
Yes Scales, in that general direction :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The ACTUAL Origin of my Last Name
Because Lemons had to leave.... [here are his words again]
ok then....im probably gonna restart it...cant remember what was happening. ill send my magical left shoe into the past to change the history of your name. :D
Back when Genghis Khan held the thrown of Mulan, in China, many legislators figured that if Mulan was a disney movie in the far future, then blu - ray dvd's would be released in the year 2006. These wise men began consulting a alternative. They needed a new emperor or blu - ray dvd's would cause scientists to make cookies out of plastic, and cookies cannot be destroyed.
The first legislator of the 5, remembered Frodo, who had destroyed a ring. Yes, a massive one. It was golden brown and had chocolate along the edges....and SPRINKLES! The legislator spoke of the donut being destroyed.
"wait boys! Frodo destroyed the donut!"
They ignored his reply.
Now you are probably wondering why this was so important. Who cares if Frodo severely over cooked a donut? well off of the ash of that donut was spawned Genghis khan, who was the current emperor. The legislator, who well call Bob, Figured that if they threw Genghis Khan into a huge firey pit, maybe Cuttle-fish would spawn out of his nostrils, and his kidneys would be renewed.
He spoke once again.
"Cuttle fish is to nostrils as genghis Khan is to donut!"
all the legislators looked at Bob, and they began to cry, exclaiming the words, ITS TRUE!!! But bob comforted the terrified men.
"So therefore we cannot throw Genghis into the fire! Cuttlefish are much too dangerous. We must feed him endless cookies to show him that cookies may not be destroyed, and that something else will become the most powerful candy in the universe!!!!!" and everyone cheered for him.
Later taht night they all got togeth, each holding a bag of cookies, each bag filled with 56 cookies exactly.
"He'll never know what hit him." said bob, sneaking through the palace door.
"Who goes there?'' a guard had caught bob in his tracks.
"oh its just a helpless citizen! I am only here until i jettison this food supply to the emperor!" Bob covered himself.
The guard ran after him. Bob turned around and shoved a pancake into the guards mouth, and the pancake contained a heavy dose of novacane, which made the guard vvery ill.
Anyway, Bob made it to the emperors room, after using a total of 47 pancakes on 23 sumo wresters and 24 guards. He found Genghis Khan sleeping like a baby. He was extrmely cute when he was sleeping. when he was awake though, he would feed his slaves dental floss. Poor slaves!
He took one of the cookies and shoved it into Genghis Khans mout, and began doing it rapidly. When he finished all 300 something cookies, Genghis Khan was still sleeping. So then he decided to use his last pancake on him.
When he fed the pancake to Genghis, Nicholas Cage came out from under the bed. he grabbed Bob's legs, and sweeped him to the floor. Nicholas stood. He looked at Bob and said, "I am not a nutcracker."
Bob stood. "well thats good news." he said, Wiping his nose. He then licked Nicholas in the face. "Toodles!" he said waving goodbye, and jumping out the window. unfortunately he forgot about the flights of stairs he had to climb up to get to that room in the first place. He Broke his poor legs, and crawled back home. He dreamed about a burrito when he slept that night. A burrito so great, Jim carrey would have to take TWO BITES to eat it. Jim carrey sunk the titanic.
Anyway Bob decided to ask Genghis of the Burrito. For Genghis was extremely wise. Genghis invented nothing though. he didnt do anyhting. He was interested in Windex, and it destroyed his life.
Bob set up an appointment to see Genghis, and arrived three days later. Why did it take him three days? well Genghis was passed out from eating so many cookies and eating a panckae full of novacane, and there fore....he was in his coma.
When he saw Genghis, Bob fell to his knees in horror, and laughed for a good amount of time, and Genghis laughed with him. Unfortunately the laughing caused Genghis' Pancreas to shoot up into his arteries, and defuse his liver which caused a weird form of brain cancer. (dont ask how your pancreas causes brain cancer) and caused Genghis to die on the spot. Genghis had nine lives.....actually more.
But Bob never got to talk to him. Bob became depresesd, and so he went to the post office. But when he left the palace, The village had been over run by Krispy Creme Donut Trucks. Bob was overwhelmed. He wasnt watching the other legislators and that caused them tyo order 6789797 dozens of donuts...from Krispy Kreme, who back then raised tobacco, but didnt put it in there donuts, for a refreshing donut. :D
So everyone began buying these donuts....and the were very scrumptous. and absolutely ginormous. :D
So when Bob went to go try one....he licked it. he loved the flavor....so he licked it again. but he came upon a curse with his licking. With every ten licks, his brain forced him to say the word "Partridge."
So a man walked up to him and asked him for his name. Bob replied...well, bob.
"Bob - who?" the man asked back.
Bob licked the donut and replied, "Partridge."
The pacific ocean changed into chocolate for 6 seconds and everyone was in awe. for a new name was born.
Make sure The Muffin knows the story of her last name! :D
ok then....im probably gonna restart it...cant remember what was happening. ill send my magical left shoe into the past to change the history of your name. :D
Back when Genghis Khan held the thrown of Mulan, in China, many legislators figured that if Mulan was a disney movie in the far future, then blu - ray dvd's would be released in the year 2006. These wise men began consulting a alternative. They needed a new emperor or blu - ray dvd's would cause scientists to make cookies out of plastic, and cookies cannot be destroyed.
The first legislator of the 5, remembered Frodo, who had destroyed a ring. Yes, a massive one. It was golden brown and had chocolate along the edges....and SPRINKLES! The legislator spoke of the donut being destroyed.
"wait boys! Frodo destroyed the donut!"
They ignored his reply.
Now you are probably wondering why this was so important. Who cares if Frodo severely over cooked a donut? well off of the ash of that donut was spawned Genghis khan, who was the current emperor. The legislator, who well call Bob, Figured that if they threw Genghis Khan into a huge firey pit, maybe Cuttle-fish would spawn out of his nostrils, and his kidneys would be renewed.
He spoke once again.
"Cuttle fish is to nostrils as genghis Khan is to donut!"
all the legislators looked at Bob, and they began to cry, exclaiming the words, ITS TRUE!!! But bob comforted the terrified men.
"So therefore we cannot throw Genghis into the fire! Cuttlefish are much too dangerous. We must feed him endless cookies to show him that cookies may not be destroyed, and that something else will become the most powerful candy in the universe!!!!!" and everyone cheered for him.
Later taht night they all got togeth, each holding a bag of cookies, each bag filled with 56 cookies exactly.
"He'll never know what hit him." said bob, sneaking through the palace door.
"Who goes there?'' a guard had caught bob in his tracks.
"oh its just a helpless citizen! I am only here until i jettison this food supply to the emperor!" Bob covered himself.
The guard ran after him. Bob turned around and shoved a pancake into the guards mouth, and the pancake contained a heavy dose of novacane, which made the guard vvery ill.
Anyway, Bob made it to the emperors room, after using a total of 47 pancakes on 23 sumo wresters and 24 guards. He found Genghis Khan sleeping like a baby. He was extrmely cute when he was sleeping. when he was awake though, he would feed his slaves dental floss. Poor slaves!
He took one of the cookies and shoved it into Genghis Khans mout, and began doing it rapidly. When he finished all 300 something cookies, Genghis Khan was still sleeping. So then he decided to use his last pancake on him.
When he fed the pancake to Genghis, Nicholas Cage came out from under the bed. he grabbed Bob's legs, and sweeped him to the floor. Nicholas stood. He looked at Bob and said, "I am not a nutcracker."
Bob stood. "well thats good news." he said, Wiping his nose. He then licked Nicholas in the face. "Toodles!" he said waving goodbye, and jumping out the window. unfortunately he forgot about the flights of stairs he had to climb up to get to that room in the first place. He Broke his poor legs, and crawled back home. He dreamed about a burrito when he slept that night. A burrito so great, Jim carrey would have to take TWO BITES to eat it. Jim carrey sunk the titanic.
Anyway Bob decided to ask Genghis of the Burrito. For Genghis was extremely wise. Genghis invented nothing though. he didnt do anyhting. He was interested in Windex, and it destroyed his life.
Bob set up an appointment to see Genghis, and arrived three days later. Why did it take him three days? well Genghis was passed out from eating so many cookies and eating a panckae full of novacane, and there fore....he was in his coma.
When he saw Genghis, Bob fell to his knees in horror, and laughed for a good amount of time, and Genghis laughed with him. Unfortunately the laughing caused Genghis' Pancreas to shoot up into his arteries, and defuse his liver which caused a weird form of brain cancer. (dont ask how your pancreas causes brain cancer) and caused Genghis to die on the spot. Genghis had nine lives.....actually more.
But Bob never got to talk to him. Bob became depresesd, and so he went to the post office. But when he left the palace, The village had been over run by Krispy Creme Donut Trucks. Bob was overwhelmed. He wasnt watching the other legislators and that caused them tyo order 6789797 dozens of donuts...from Krispy Kreme, who back then raised tobacco, but didnt put it in there donuts, for a refreshing donut. :D
So everyone began buying these donuts....and the were very scrumptous. and absolutely ginormous. :D
So when Bob went to go try one....he licked it. he loved the flavor....so he licked it again. but he came upon a curse with his licking. With every ten licks, his brain forced him to say the word "Partridge."
So a man walked up to him and asked him for his name. Bob replied...well, bob.
"Bob - who?" the man asked back.
Bob licked the donut and replied, "Partridge."
The pacific ocean changed into chocolate for 6 seconds and everyone was in awe. for a new name was born.
Make sure The Muffin knows the story of her last name! :D
The Day of the Gingersnaps
Ok so this title isn't partially as entertaining as the other ones... this one could actually be figured out pretty darn easily :P Oh and I just realized I didn't explain the other titles at all.. did I plan to? I don't remember. But I'm not going to. Haha. So be confuzzled all you want, you'll know how I feel pretty much all the time :)
Today. More traveling and then WE GOT TO SHEILA'S!! I love my family. A lot. HUGS! Haha. Gotta love those :) I was all smiles, especially when Alex showed up. He's my geeky cousin, and he's amazing. Favorite geek evers. =D
We are now at my grandma's house and have eaten yet another big meal... I'm eating way too much... doncha LOVE the holidays?? Haha I know I do :)
I miss all you of my awesome friends at home. Cl~, Lemons, Gordo, Gladiator, The Queen, Mr. Smooth, Sync... sigh... but I PROMISE I'm having an awesome time here! I'm tired at the moment but that's just from all the awesome that's happened :) TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE DAY! AH!
love you all, more fun later.
BYE! <3
Today. More traveling and then WE GOT TO SHEILA'S!! I love my family. A lot. HUGS! Haha. Gotta love those :) I was all smiles, especially when Alex showed up. He's my geeky cousin, and he's amazing. Favorite geek evers. =D
We are now at my grandma's house and have eaten yet another big meal... I'm eating way too much... doncha LOVE the holidays?? Haha I know I do :)
I miss all you of my awesome friends at home. Cl~, Lemons, Gordo, Gladiator, The Queen, Mr. Smooth, Sync... sigh... but I PROMISE I'm having an awesome time here! I'm tired at the moment but that's just from all the awesome that's happened :) TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE DAY! AH!
love you all, more fun later.
BYE! <3
Done thinking about you
And your silly games
Done wondering where
Went those passion flames
Done wishing you'd forget her
And come back to me
Done asking questions
When neither of us the answer see
Done missing
What you used to do
Done wondering
If your words were true
Done almost tearing up
When ever I see something cute
Done feeling alone
Those feelings? Boot.
Done with those words
"Confused" "Misused" No.
Done thinking about us
I'm letting you go
To the jelly.
And your silly games
Done wondering where
Went those passion flames
Done wishing you'd forget her
And come back to me
Done asking questions
When neither of us the answer see
Done missing
What you used to do
Done wondering
If your words were true
Done almost tearing up
When ever I see something cute
Done feeling alone
Those feelings? Boot.
Done with those words
"Confused" "Misused" No.
Done thinking about us
I'm letting you go
To the jelly.
I'm here thinking about you again
My feelings confused
Have I been misused?
I know you burn through...
What's my heart to do?
These words echoe through my head
Not enough
Not enough
Despite all those things you said
Not enough
Not enough
I know part of me is right
Not enough
Not enough
Couldn't keep you holding me tight
Not enough
Not enough
When ever I see a perfect moment
I ponder reflection
And then your rejection
That wall was protection
For my easy affection
These words echoe through my head
Not enough
Not enough
Despite all those things you said
Not enough
Not enough
I know part of me is right
Not enough
Not enough
Couldn't keep you holding me tight
Not enough
Not enough
I guess you simply lost interest
That's why these sad words insist
Is there something I missed?
What happened to that blind bliss?
That's it.
The bliss was blind
My heart is kind
The answer find
Still, feelings entwined
I'll find friendships anew
And happiness too
My head knows what to do
Will my heart follow through?
A new thought rips asunder my flaw
I'm more
More than enough
Despite all those things I saw
I'm more
More than enough
I don't wish you here tonight
I'm more
More than enough
The Spirit and friends hold me tight
I'm more
More than enough
Enough to keep my smile on
Enough to shoo my doubts, they're gone
Enough to still have happiness
Even find that peaceful bliss
These words echoe through my head
Not enough
Not enough
Despite all those things you said
Not enough
This is enough
I'm more
More than enough.
To the jelly.
My feelings confused
Have I been misused?
I know you burn through...
What's my heart to do?
These words echoe through my head
Not enough
Not enough
Despite all those things you said
Not enough
Not enough
I know part of me is right
Not enough
Not enough
Couldn't keep you holding me tight
Not enough
Not enough
When ever I see a perfect moment
I ponder reflection
And then your rejection
That wall was protection
For my easy affection
These words echoe through my head
Not enough
Not enough
Despite all those things you said
Not enough
Not enough
I know part of me is right
Not enough
Not enough
Couldn't keep you holding me tight
Not enough
Not enough
I guess you simply lost interest
That's why these sad words insist
Is there something I missed?
What happened to that blind bliss?
That's it.
The bliss was blind
My heart is kind
The answer find
Still, feelings entwined
I'll find friendships anew
And happiness too
My head knows what to do
Will my heart follow through?
A new thought rips asunder my flaw
I'm more
More than enough
Despite all those things I saw
I'm more
More than enough
I don't wish you here tonight
I'm more
More than enough
The Spirit and friends hold me tight
I'm more
More than enough
Enough to keep my smile on
Enough to shoo my doubts, they're gone
Enough to still have happiness
Even find that peaceful bliss
These words echoe through my head
Not enough
Not enough
Despite all those things you said
Not enough
This is enough
I'm more
More than enough.
To the jelly.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Day of the Wannabe Mermaids
Oh. So, yesterday was The Day of the Iron Turtle.. but we were traveling most of the day so there's not much to say about it. Well kinda. I drove for about 2 hours, but it was all stop go traffic. Easy and boring. AND it's so so funny how dumb people are when all three lanes are going slow. Every space they see they move into it... cause they think that will get them going faster. Really, people? So I left a cushion of space at all times, for all the ding dongs. I gave them all names too, based on either their license plate or some decoration on their car. But most of them we just called DoDo [like the bird, pronounced Doe-Doe. Refer to the Willoughby's.. we listened to that book on tape while traveling. It made me laugh! Good story, weird, but good :)]
Once we got to Danny's we had a very large spaghetti dinner.. then later went to bed.
We went to the beach. In the WINTER!! It was like 60 degrees today. So so so nice! It was funny to see people wearing coats and boots.. some even LEATHER coats... you California people don't even know what COLD means. Haha jk some of them really do. Seriously though. Leather. In 60 degree weather?? And BOOTS! Hahaha.
The Muffin and I played in the water. It was so great! I couldn't stop singing "I LOVE the ocean! I LOVE California!!" Because I do. It was amazing. :)
We made another SuperSister video. Yeah a CALIFORNIA ADDITION!!! It was way awesomeness.. like WAY awesomeness... you all should be really looking forward to it, it's.. amazing. :) We are total spaz's I love it :)
We saw a couple really strange things at the beach. Two more memorable ones..
Strangeness #1: The dancing man. He had some old music with a good beat on.. and was dancing. He did the same basic move during the whole song, then changed what he was doing for a new song. People looked really confused at him. I know I was. The Muffin took videos, facebook! Haha :) OH! K, but he was just warming up. After maybe 15 minutes he started getting into it. His 'moves' became more.. interesting, and hilarious, and he did maybe two or three of them repeatedly for each song. The sleeper! Oh and don't forget to fluff the pillow.. now wake up... floss.. and so on and so forth. Holy fun! :D
Strangeness #2: The flock of gulls. Ok, so at the beach there are usually a lot of gulls, right? Well, randomly a huge flock of them came toward the boardwalk, strangeness.. then I noticed something even strangnessER. There was this guy.. and he had CAUGHT one! AH! He was holding it by it's wings and showing off how oh-look-at-me-I-can-catch-a-gull-and-withstand-it's-pecking he was. Emma kept saying "Let it go!" It was pretty cruel. Yeah, so those are the strangenesses.
Another big huge meal at Danny's... oh and we're making cookies. And apple pie. I got to ride in Danny's Corvett!!! Holy amazingness! Actually, it's a restored red Corvett Stingray. He restored it himself and is very proud of it. It's way cool.
Done blogging for now! More as these superawesome days continue :)
Once we got to Danny's we had a very large spaghetti dinner.. then later went to bed.
We went to the beach. In the WINTER!! It was like 60 degrees today. So so so nice! It was funny to see people wearing coats and boots.. some even LEATHER coats... you California people don't even know what COLD means. Haha jk some of them really do. Seriously though. Leather. In 60 degree weather?? And BOOTS! Hahaha.
The Muffin and I played in the water. It was so great! I couldn't stop singing "I LOVE the ocean! I LOVE California!!" Because I do. It was amazing. :)
We made another SuperSister video. Yeah a CALIFORNIA ADDITION!!! It was way awesomeness.. like WAY awesomeness... you all should be really looking forward to it, it's.. amazing. :) We are total spaz's I love it :)
We saw a couple really strange things at the beach. Two more memorable ones..
Strangeness #1: The dancing man. He had some old music with a good beat on.. and was dancing. He did the same basic move during the whole song, then changed what he was doing for a new song. People looked really confused at him. I know I was. The Muffin took videos, facebook! Haha :) OH! K, but he was just warming up. After maybe 15 minutes he started getting into it. His 'moves' became more.. interesting, and hilarious, and he did maybe two or three of them repeatedly for each song. The sleeper! Oh and don't forget to fluff the pillow.. now wake up... floss.. and so on and so forth. Holy fun! :D
Strangeness #2: The flock of gulls. Ok, so at the beach there are usually a lot of gulls, right? Well, randomly a huge flock of them came toward the boardwalk, strangeness.. then I noticed something even strangnessER. There was this guy.. and he had CAUGHT one! AH! He was holding it by it's wings and showing off how oh-look-at-me-I-can-catch-a-gull-and-withstand-it's-pecking he was. Emma kept saying "Let it go!" It was pretty cruel. Yeah, so those are the strangenesses.
Another big huge meal at Danny's... oh and we're making cookies. And apple pie. I got to ride in Danny's Corvett!!! Holy amazingness! Actually, it's a restored red Corvett Stingray. He restored it himself and is very proud of it. It's way cool.
Done blogging for now! More as these superawesome days continue :)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Origin of my Last Name :)
I don't know if this is complete, Lemons had to go. Here are his words:
alright then
It began on a dark night, so long ago we dont even know the year. But Other people do.
There was a man dressed in total black, and his eyes were golden. It was the dead of winter and every where you would go, it was covered with snow, and the man loved that sentence. for it rhymed.
but one day the man came upon a most peculiar sight. a sight that no man could even think aobut. Unless youve earned your stripes.
The only way to earn one's stripes is to either eat a ton of frosted flakes, or just be incredibly lucky.
so the sight he came upon, was so out of the ordinary that the man lost his pants that day.
while he was walking through Kansas
he saw a hippo of the floor, sun bathing in the middle of winter
the hippo was an odd color, and it was eating alot of stuff. Not food, stuff. which is quite a broad selection i know.
but the hippo was for some reason....yellow.
The man lost his pants and ran home, and began playing apples to apples, but he had an inspiration! he decided to make a game about colored hippos.
alright so he couldnt comprehend such hippos. when his game was almost complete, a hippo ate him in his sleep, for the legendary colored hippos were very secret to the world.
and the was a man in black next to him when it happened. So he ran to his moms house, where he found many things to behold
alright then
It began on a dark night, so long ago we dont even know the year. But Other people do.
There was a man dressed in total black, and his eyes were golden. It was the dead of winter and every where you would go, it was covered with snow, and the man loved that sentence. for it rhymed.
but one day the man came upon a most peculiar sight. a sight that no man could even think aobut. Unless youve earned your stripes.
The only way to earn one's stripes is to either eat a ton of frosted flakes, or just be incredibly lucky.
so the sight he came upon, was so out of the ordinary that the man lost his pants that day.
while he was walking through Kansas
he saw a hippo of the floor, sun bathing in the middle of winter
the hippo was an odd color, and it was eating alot of stuff. Not food, stuff. which is quite a broad selection i know.
but the hippo was for some reason....yellow.
The man lost his pants and ran home, and began playing apples to apples, but he had an inspiration! he decided to make a game about colored hippos.
alright so he couldnt comprehend such hippos. when his game was almost complete, a hippo ate him in his sleep, for the legendary colored hippos were very secret to the world.
and the was a man in black next to him when it happened. So he ran to his moms house, where he found many things to behold
Christmas #1!
So I get to have three Christmases this year. Yeah I feel pretty darn lucky! =D One at my mom's house before we go to Cali, one in Cali with my awesome extended fam, and then one with me padre once we get back! Amazingness!
Christmas #1. Small and beautiful :) Straightener, for one thing. Haha my hair is soft :) Awesome hat too.. one of those cool ones that has flaps over your ears.. and it has little fuzzy pom pom's on strings! K, that's just cool. :) I gave my sisters and my mom fun stuff too. Can you believe Mastermind asked for Mascara??? Well, for "playing" but she did. SOO I got her some. Haha :) I got The Muffin bright pink tights! Yeah I know, I'm amazing :) She picked them out. But still!
I need to go pack now. Yes, getting ready for Christmas number two already. Talk to you all later! :)
Christmas #1. Small and beautiful :) Straightener, for one thing. Haha my hair is soft :) Awesome hat too.. one of those cool ones that has flaps over your ears.. and it has little fuzzy pom pom's on strings! K, that's just cool. :) I gave my sisters and my mom fun stuff too. Can you believe Mastermind asked for Mascara??? Well, for "playing" but she did. SOO I got her some. Haha :) I got The Muffin bright pink tights! Yeah I know, I'm amazing :) She picked them out. But still!
I need to go pack now. Yes, getting ready for Christmas number two already. Talk to you all later! :)
Dear Heart (again)
I write to you again as my name you seem to call
Remembering the line "If you could only tell me all"
Completely that you did not do, never told me if I really did fall
I now realize too, that order was a bit tall
Echoes of enchantment ringing in my ear
I declare "No regrets" for my friends to hear
And though it hurt a little, I did not shed a tear
Remembering too much is now my only fear
I promise I'm not angry, just a little bit confused
I know I've been replaced, and now should I feel used?
His thoughts and pleasent dreams I may have entered and amused
Soon will disappear this faint and short termed bruise
Half recognizing your song, my hearts plea
For his peace and smiles I find myself asking on my knees
Knowing now it's someone else who holds that special key
She's the one who makes him happy now, not me.
Dear heart, I feel as if I should one thing her entreat
Ask her to try always to keep his joy complete
And let her know not to worry, for him I will not compete.
My only hope for us now is that our friendship will get back on it's feet.
As I think about that day, I know those friends were heaven sent.
That night... I actually enjoyed, it was a time well spent
And only for a small moment did my emotions rent
Any thank you's I now give out are very strongly meant
Right now will be the hardest time, but someone else will come
Someone who will again make me shine, and cause my heart to hum
I will give him smiles, and my words he will strike dumb
But for now maybe a protection, for a while I may feel numb.
I've been trying to decide if I should remove this band
I can no longer call on you to comfort, or take my hand
Something like this, I was expecting, though it's not like it was planned
Now to prevent me from too much remembering,
I let go that gift, and in my world of pages it will land
Thinking on the lines I said when I was back to wishing
I felt a hint of what it would be if you I began *fully* missing
I guess I had prepared myself so you, my heart, could faster take wing
Now faith for a better life, and his *friendship* doth happiness bring
After these days stronger friendships come to me
Especially this one - To the jelly! =D
Thank you so much to Cl~, Sync, Lemons, Gordo, Mr. Smooth, and Jelly [E.S.]. I don't think you'll ever fully understand how much you helped. I love you all :)
Remembering the line "If you could only tell me all"
Completely that you did not do, never told me if I really did fall
I now realize too, that order was a bit tall
Echoes of enchantment ringing in my ear
I declare "No regrets" for my friends to hear
And though it hurt a little, I did not shed a tear
Remembering too much is now my only fear
I promise I'm not angry, just a little bit confused
I know I've been replaced, and now should I feel used?
His thoughts and pleasent dreams I may have entered and amused
Soon will disappear this faint and short termed bruise
Half recognizing your song, my hearts plea
For his peace and smiles I find myself asking on my knees
Knowing now it's someone else who holds that special key
She's the one who makes him happy now, not me.
Dear heart, I feel as if I should one thing her entreat
Ask her to try always to keep his joy complete
And let her know not to worry, for him I will not compete.
My only hope for us now is that our friendship will get back on it's feet.
As I think about that day, I know those friends were heaven sent.
That night... I actually enjoyed, it was a time well spent
And only for a small moment did my emotions rent
Any thank you's I now give out are very strongly meant
Right now will be the hardest time, but someone else will come
Someone who will again make me shine, and cause my heart to hum
I will give him smiles, and my words he will strike dumb
But for now maybe a protection, for a while I may feel numb.
I've been trying to decide if I should remove this band
I can no longer call on you to comfort, or take my hand
Something like this, I was expecting, though it's not like it was planned
Now to prevent me from too much remembering,
I let go that gift, and in my world of pages it will land
Thinking on the lines I said when I was back to wishing
I felt a hint of what it would be if you I began *fully* missing
I guess I had prepared myself so you, my heart, could faster take wing
Now faith for a better life, and his *friendship* doth happiness bring
After these days stronger friendships come to me
Especially this one - To the jelly! =D
Thank you so much to Cl~, Sync, Lemons, Gordo, Mr. Smooth, and Jelly [E.S.]. I don't think you'll ever fully understand how much you helped. I love you all :)
Monday, December 14, 2009
VedySmot and the tales of Stripes
Created and told by VedySmot [An~]
Well, ya see... you're on a date with Tardy [VedoSmot's new name for JB] and you're driving on the highway.. and Cherry [A~] sees you. He's standing up on the exit ramp. He pulls out his pistol. He's pretty angry because he was on a date with you earlier that day. So he starts shooting people. And you're like "Oooooh no dude, you are not gonna mess up MY date with MY man." So you push Tardy's leg and you force him to stop the car. And you jump out in the middle of the highway, pull out your rifle, and blast off Cherry's head. And then! You go to jail.. prison.. whatever works for you. And Tardy being the sweet boy that he is, visits you every day. And brings you a rose, every day. For 25 years. When you get out, you get 500 dollars from VedySmot and VedySmot turns on "Open Arms" by Journey as you run in to Potatoe's open arms. Now, where is Tardy, you may ask? Well, he fell in love with your German cell mate, Helga. She has five teeth, they're gigantic.. and a gigantic mole with 10 hairs and blonde cornrolls.. plus she's like 7 feet and size 26. Aaaand they got married and moved to hm........ China and had 72 Asian children... adoption. So you get married to Potatoes and YOU live at the Arctic.. in Antartica.. and you have 1 child, 75 penguin children, 3 walrus', and 126 cats. Um..... and that all happens within a year of your um um um release. The end for now! Clap clap clap clap clap. :)
I love us :)
Well, ya see... you're on a date with Tardy [VedoSmot's new name for JB] and you're driving on the highway.. and Cherry [A~] sees you. He's standing up on the exit ramp. He pulls out his pistol. He's pretty angry because he was on a date with you earlier that day. So he starts shooting people. And you're like "Oooooh no dude, you are not gonna mess up MY date with MY man." So you push Tardy's leg and you force him to stop the car. And you jump out in the middle of the highway, pull out your rifle, and blast off Cherry's head. And then! You go to jail.. prison.. whatever works for you. And Tardy being the sweet boy that he is, visits you every day. And brings you a rose, every day. For 25 years. When you get out, you get 500 dollars from VedySmot and VedySmot turns on "Open Arms" by Journey as you run in to Potatoe's open arms. Now, where is Tardy, you may ask? Well, he fell in love with your German cell mate, Helga. She has five teeth, they're gigantic.. and a gigantic mole with 10 hairs and blonde cornrolls.. plus she's like 7 feet and size 26. Aaaand they got married and moved to hm........ China and had 72 Asian children... adoption. So you get married to Potatoes and YOU live at the Arctic.. in Antartica.. and you have 1 child, 75 penguin children, 3 walrus', and 126 cats. Um..... and that all happens within a year of your um um um release. The end for now! Clap clap clap clap clap. :)
I love us :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Dory's Story
Written by Stripes and The Queen... for Snyder's class.
This was SOOO fun! :D
A fish encased is found
From golden tomb we pound
Our tools do clinking sound
We find her there
After stories told
We went in search of gold
And now this character hold
Mem’ry half bare
The fish we found is Dory
She began to tell her story
In random spastic glory
And here’s her tale
She seemed to remember a search
Goggles on a perch
Then her memory did lurch
She spoke in whale
I can speak this way!
Exclaimed with a “Hey!”
Oh yeah! I swam away
I looked back
Ocean big enough?
Trying to act tough
It’s an obvious bluff
Mem’ry attack
A meeting with a shark
Balloons that made a spark
A chase, and now we part.
To the jelly!
Bouncing to and fro
I escaped, I know
Sea turtles say "Like woah!"
Gliding very fast
Blurred shadows we did cast
Must say, it was a blast
We now shoot out
Encounter with the gulls
To safety, pelican pulls
Over our story mulls
And then a shout
Of our journey he’d heard
From another bird
Coincidence quite absurd
Exclaimed "right on!"
Closed window makes thunk sound
Water all around
Little Orange found
Something is wrong
In the dentist’s lair
Screams of “Fish in my hair!”
I and others stare
Tools flying.
Shrimp cleans the dirt
Such a little twirp
Now let’s not get hurt
A fish is dying?
Remembering dismay
As friend refused to stay
New mem'ries gone away
My mind a game
My emotions flow
Remembering? No.
Meet a new friend, Nemo.
"Nice name."
Marvin for Nemo is found
Then fish “Keep swimming!” do sound
Smiles all around
Friends anew
Of a new story, she told
How she got to the city of gold
Her memory wouldn’t unfold
“Do I know you?”
This was SOOO fun! :D
A fish encased is found
From golden tomb we pound
Our tools do clinking sound
We find her there
After stories told
We went in search of gold
And now this character hold
Mem’ry half bare
The fish we found is Dory
She began to tell her story
In random spastic glory
And here’s her tale
She seemed to remember a search
Goggles on a perch
Then her memory did lurch
She spoke in whale
I can speak this way!
Exclaimed with a “Hey!”
Oh yeah! I swam away
I looked back
Ocean big enough?
Trying to act tough
It’s an obvious bluff
Mem’ry attack
A meeting with a shark
Balloons that made a spark
A chase, and now we part.
To the jelly!
Bouncing to and fro
I escaped, I know
Sea turtles say "Like woah!"
Gliding very fast
Blurred shadows we did cast
Must say, it was a blast
We now shoot out
Encounter with the gulls
To safety, pelican pulls
Over our story mulls
And then a shout
Of our journey he’d heard
From another bird
Coincidence quite absurd
Exclaimed "right on!"
Closed window makes thunk sound
Water all around
Little Orange found
Something is wrong
In the dentist’s lair
Screams of “Fish in my hair!”
I and others stare
Tools flying.
Shrimp cleans the dirt
Such a little twirp
Now let’s not get hurt
A fish is dying?
Remembering dismay
As friend refused to stay
New mem'ries gone away
My mind a game
My emotions flow
Remembering? No.
Meet a new friend, Nemo.
"Nice name."
Marvin for Nemo is found
Then fish “Keep swimming!” do sound
Smiles all around
Friends anew
Of a new story, she told
How she got to the city of gold
Her memory wouldn’t unfold
“Do I know you?”
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Back to "I wish"
I know it will be better this way
And I responded "so be it"
Who knows if there will come a day
(Though right now we may not see it)
When exactly what is here now may quit
It may come to an end
Wont we be glad, if right on through it
We can still call the other a friend?
The kind of friends we want to be
I'll be one you can count on, as I know you'll be for me
That wall I've spoken of is down, it's true
I'll clean up the rubble, make a clear path for you
This path will become my way too
I know as friends we'll make it through
What I feel for you has not changed
Only now, it has new perspective
I wouldn't say much has been rearranged
Back, now, to almost my original objective
"True friends", the only thing I did originally seek
Back when my feelings were guarded and meek
So now at the future I begin to peek
Though, to me, my exact feelings my heart refuses to speak
And I responded "so be it"
Who knows if there will come a day
(Though right now we may not see it)
When exactly what is here now may quit
It may come to an end
Wont we be glad, if right on through it
We can still call the other a friend?
The kind of friends we want to be
I'll be one you can count on, as I know you'll be for me
That wall I've spoken of is down, it's true
I'll clean up the rubble, make a clear path for you
This path will become my way too
I know as friends we'll make it through
What I feel for you has not changed
Only now, it has new perspective
I wouldn't say much has been rearranged
Back, now, to almost my original objective
"True friends", the only thing I did originally seek
Back when my feelings were guarded and meek
So now at the future I begin to peek
Though, to me, my exact feelings my heart refuses to speak
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The Origin Of My [First] Name
written and told by - the amazing, one of a kind, absitively posilutely awesome Lemons =]
It'll clarify why popcorn is a leading product in your household.
It began hundreds of years ago. In fact, it began on 700 BC. There was a man. And he disliked butter. For he was Shark Boy. (That was for The Muffin if shes reading this)
and he had gingivitis. A doctor figured out he didn't like butter...so the doctor one day visisted his house. He knocked. Twice. But no one answered. Two answered.
"Hello!" asked the doctor. Shark Boy smiled and the doctor passed out. The boys gums were so red that his eyeballs looked white, when they were.
So shark boy looked at the doctor and licked his passed out face. Then he walked away. Into his living room in fact. He sat on his piano bench. In front of him there was not a piano. There was a large pancake he hung on the wall. He wanted to name the pancake. It was his greatest treasure. He slept with the butter that some day would go with the pancake, even though he didn't like butter.
And he was disgraced for that. In fact he was banned from two sates for it. Yes, the us was back in 700 BC. It died two years later,you'll see. James Madison never made up the Virginia Plan, it was already made. He didn't like butter either.
Anyway, Shark Boy stared at the pancake and realized he was missing syrup. So he went skipping down the sidewalk, as a crowd began to form around the unconscious man on the porch. He didn't seem to care though.
Anyway, as he was skipping, he realized it was Friday the 13. So he turned around, laughed, and stepped on a crack. And he realized he broke his mothers back, but he didn't care, she was a skeleton. So he kept skipping, and was hit by a car the next moment. So he woke up in a court session, where they were consulting his innocence while he was passed out. He objected his own attorney and was sent to jail. For 6 years.
During those six years he mourned for his pancake. He forgot to buy the syrup for it. He didn't want to eat a 6 year old pancake with butter, which he didn't like.
A guard walked up to him, 5 minutes after he was first in his prison cell. And the guard was like,"hey, wanna know how to escape?" Shark Boy turned and answered that that would be delicious. And the guard replied, "you cant." And shark boy passed out.
Meanwhile the doctor came back to life 3 days later and was still on the porch. No body cared he was there. So the doctor began to search Shark Boy's home. And saw the huge pancake. And said, holy gingivitis....ope, that's an oxymoron." And he walked in, and bit the pancake. he was so amazied at the taste, that he was exalted on high, as the manager of himself! Because he ate a pancake, he no longer need to live with his mom!! So he finished the pancake...
and he passed out...on the porch as he was leaving.
when he passed out shark boy woke up. He wanted his pancake really badly. So he bit through the jail bars, and walked home. The guards didn't care. He found the fat doctor on his porch. And ate him, to eat the pancake. The pancake was inside the doctor. And Shark Boy gained a lot of calories. Lots and lots of calories. You cant even imagine. So he decided to go to Dr. Oz, and ask him about his large tummy. But then he realized his last name was Oz... and so Doctor Oz was the wizard of oz, and so he decided to take care of it himself. So he dug to the center of the earth to burn his calories. Literally. And he went and saw on the core, the words engraved on paper, "synthetic aaah ulgh" and he whispered to himself..."stout." huh, and he burnt the paper. Then decided that he wanted to put his own words there.
(If you listened to Gordo's story you would get the "synthetic aah ulgh"
Stripes: I didn't catch that part..
Lemons: geez. It was on a paper on the wall in the center of the earth. It was the key to Jorda's soul, that Genghis Khan established with a fork and a napkin. Anyway)
He wrote in substitution for that, letters that were like this.
and he said, how grand! And then he opened the door, to the huge flame in the center of the earth, and attempted to burn his calories. The doctor died too, because he was inside of the Shark Boy. And some dude walked down there 3 years later. He decided to re organize the letters. The only managed for it to say K. Then he burned. Then the ugly duckling came down. He wanted to burn his face and become the darth vader of ducklings. But instead, he slipped on his rubber gloves, but on his shades, and wrote on a piece of paper, "lemons." Then he ate it, and was happy once again. Then he pulled out water, and threw it at the paper that said K and he felt like a cow. So he turned into a cow, after asking his mom if she would paint his room purple, like the skittles he used to eat. And he walked down to the center of the earth as a sexy cow.
And decided to fulfill his life dream, and name mother earth something. So he named earth, Irth. He thought he was genius. He was partying with himself all the next minute, when all the sudden a reindeer walked in. And with its super deep voice it yelled, "Goodbye." and he charged at the sexy cow, but right before the reindeer hit it, it decided it was attracted to it. So she looked at it for a minute, then looked at Irth, and renamed it....
And the name was so out of this world that the cow died from lack of oxygen.
The reindeer named it mars.
And then walked up the stairs and was trying to rhyme with mars. She somehow bumped into a rock and died. Your soul (yes, you Stripes. in 689 bc.) then came and looked at the reindeer and laughed. Then went back where you came from.
The reindeer got up and yelled, "THATS IT!" and she ran down into the center of the earth and wondered..."now how do i spell it????" So she went to a professor. when she asked him, he died, and so did the next two professors.
So she made up how to spell it. It caused an epidemic because she spelled it wrong. And a cookie fell from the sky with a name on it. Yes, the cookie said "a name" and the reindeer was inspired to spell the name right. But it died right there. From the epidemic.
And so the name Stripes was forgotten until your mom for some reason remembered it. And now for your last name...
To be continued...
Lemons! This was really really fun. Loves you =]
It'll clarify why popcorn is a leading product in your household.
It began hundreds of years ago. In fact, it began on 700 BC. There was a man. And he disliked butter. For he was Shark Boy. (That was for The Muffin if shes reading this)
and he had gingivitis. A doctor figured out he didn't like butter...so the doctor one day visisted his house. He knocked. Twice. But no one answered. Two answered.
"Hello!" asked the doctor. Shark Boy smiled and the doctor passed out. The boys gums were so red that his eyeballs looked white, when they were.
So shark boy looked at the doctor and licked his passed out face. Then he walked away. Into his living room in fact. He sat on his piano bench. In front of him there was not a piano. There was a large pancake he hung on the wall. He wanted to name the pancake. It was his greatest treasure. He slept with the butter that some day would go with the pancake, even though he didn't like butter.
And he was disgraced for that. In fact he was banned from two sates for it. Yes, the us was back in 700 BC. It died two years later,you'll see. James Madison never made up the Virginia Plan, it was already made. He didn't like butter either.
Anyway, Shark Boy stared at the pancake and realized he was missing syrup. So he went skipping down the sidewalk, as a crowd began to form around the unconscious man on the porch. He didn't seem to care though.
Anyway, as he was skipping, he realized it was Friday the 13. So he turned around, laughed, and stepped on a crack. And he realized he broke his mothers back, but he didn't care, she was a skeleton. So he kept skipping, and was hit by a car the next moment. So he woke up in a court session, where they were consulting his innocence while he was passed out. He objected his own attorney and was sent to jail. For 6 years.
During those six years he mourned for his pancake. He forgot to buy the syrup for it. He didn't want to eat a 6 year old pancake with butter, which he didn't like.
A guard walked up to him, 5 minutes after he was first in his prison cell. And the guard was like,"hey, wanna know how to escape?" Shark Boy turned and answered that that would be delicious. And the guard replied, "you cant." And shark boy passed out.
Meanwhile the doctor came back to life 3 days later and was still on the porch. No body cared he was there. So the doctor began to search Shark Boy's home. And saw the huge pancake. And said, holy gingivitis....ope, that's an oxymoron." And he walked in, and bit the pancake. he was so amazied at the taste, that he was exalted on high, as the manager of himself! Because he ate a pancake, he no longer need to live with his mom!! So he finished the pancake...
and he passed out...on the porch as he was leaving.
when he passed out shark boy woke up. He wanted his pancake really badly. So he bit through the jail bars, and walked home. The guards didn't care. He found the fat doctor on his porch. And ate him, to eat the pancake. The pancake was inside the doctor. And Shark Boy gained a lot of calories. Lots and lots of calories. You cant even imagine. So he decided to go to Dr. Oz, and ask him about his large tummy. But then he realized his last name was Oz... and so Doctor Oz was the wizard of oz, and so he decided to take care of it himself. So he dug to the center of the earth to burn his calories. Literally. And he went and saw on the core, the words engraved on paper, "synthetic aaah ulgh" and he whispered to himself..."stout." huh, and he burnt the paper. Then decided that he wanted to put his own words there.
(If you listened to Gordo's story you would get the "synthetic aah ulgh"
Stripes: I didn't catch that part..
Lemons: geez. It was on a paper on the wall in the center of the earth. It was the key to Jorda's soul, that Genghis Khan established with a fork and a napkin. Anyway)
He wrote in substitution for that, letters that were like this.
and he said, how grand! And then he opened the door, to the huge flame in the center of the earth, and attempted to burn his calories. The doctor died too, because he was inside of the Shark Boy. And some dude walked down there 3 years later. He decided to re organize the letters. The only managed for it to say K. Then he burned. Then the ugly duckling came down. He wanted to burn his face and become the darth vader of ducklings. But instead, he slipped on his rubber gloves, but on his shades, and wrote on a piece of paper, "lemons." Then he ate it, and was happy once again. Then he pulled out water, and threw it at the paper that said K and he felt like a cow. So he turned into a cow, after asking his mom if she would paint his room purple, like the skittles he used to eat. And he walked down to the center of the earth as a sexy cow.
And decided to fulfill his life dream, and name mother earth something. So he named earth, Irth. He thought he was genius. He was partying with himself all the next minute, when all the sudden a reindeer walked in. And with its super deep voice it yelled, "Goodbye." and he charged at the sexy cow, but right before the reindeer hit it, it decided it was attracted to it. So she looked at it for a minute, then looked at Irth, and renamed it....
And the name was so out of this world that the cow died from lack of oxygen.
The reindeer named it mars.
And then walked up the stairs and was trying to rhyme with mars. She somehow bumped into a rock and died. Your soul (yes, you Stripes. in 689 bc.) then came and looked at the reindeer and laughed. Then went back where you came from.
The reindeer got up and yelled, "THATS IT!" and she ran down into the center of the earth and wondered..."now how do i spell it????" So she went to a professor. when she asked him, he died, and so did the next two professors.
So she made up how to spell it. It caused an epidemic because she spelled it wrong. And a cookie fell from the sky with a name on it. Yes, the cookie said "a name" and the reindeer was inspired to spell the name right. But it died right there. From the epidemic.
And so the name Stripes was forgotten until your mom for some reason remembered it. And now for your last name...
To be continued...
Lemons! This was really really fun. Loves you =]
Thursday, December 3, 2009
More little kid stories!
Ok, so when I was little, I had this funny little whimper.. didn't we all? Well, sometimes when I would do it, my mom would mimick me and fakie cry as well. Here's what I would respond:
No mom! Don't you cry then me!
OH OH!!! And there's this one:
Mommy, what's a tantrum?
Well it's when someone gets down on the floor and kicks there legs and arms around screaming. Here, you want to try it? [Proof that my mom is slightly crazy. What parent in their right mind would ASK their child to throw a tantrum?? Haha, love you mom :)]
Little Stripes then gets down on the floor, moves her arms and legs violently and exclaims
A couple seconds later, Little Stripes stops and comments:
Mommy, that's stupid. Why would anyone want to do that? This is slightly ironic because a couple years ago I was a reeeeeal tantrum thrower. Not *exactly* that kind, but kicking things when I got frustrated, which happened easily, so pretty close.
Now? I hardly ever get angry.. or at least, it takes a whole lot more to get me mad. When I am angry though it's not a pretty sight....... don't make me mad :) But that shouldn't be a problem because, like I said, I really don't get mad easily. At all.
No mom! Don't you cry then me!
OH OH!!! And there's this one:
Mommy, what's a tantrum?
Well it's when someone gets down on the floor and kicks there legs and arms around screaming. Here, you want to try it? [Proof that my mom is slightly crazy. What parent in their right mind would ASK their child to throw a tantrum?? Haha, love you mom :)]
Little Stripes then gets down on the floor, moves her arms and legs violently and exclaims
A couple seconds later, Little Stripes stops and comments:
Mommy, that's stupid. Why would anyone want to do that? This is slightly ironic because a couple years ago I was a reeeeeal tantrum thrower. Not *exactly* that kind, but kicking things when I got frustrated, which happened easily, so pretty close.
Now? I hardly ever get angry.. or at least, it takes a whole lot more to get me mad. When I am angry though it's not a pretty sight....... don't make me mad :) But that shouldn't be a problem because, like I said, I really don't get mad easily. At all.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Moon Wishes
You put me at a loss for words
I wish I could say things you've never heard
The kinds of things that would make you smile
Things you would want to save
But because I don't always have those on file
I'll have to show you by how I behave
My actions, in part, tell you how I feel
They convey the thoughts of my heart, and them seal.
I wish I could say so much more
As I stare to my darkened door
But I know it must needs be enough
As I write by this dim, flickering light
And also glance up at the glow of the moon
I am thinking mostly of things that are happy tonight
And wish to be dreaming of you soon
I wish I could say things you've never heard
The kinds of things that would make you smile
Things you would want to save
But because I don't always have those on file
I'll have to show you by how I behave
My actions, in part, tell you how I feel
They convey the thoughts of my heart, and them seal.
I wish I could say so much more
As I stare to my darkened door
But I know it must needs be enough
As I write by this dim, flickering light
And also glance up at the glow of the moon
I am thinking mostly of things that are happy tonight
And wish to be dreaming of you soon
A Rosebud, commonly beautiful, pieces in wait to open
Pieces because she cannot completely comprehend her full potential
But is vibrant, surviving only with each token
Each of smiles, laughter, love...
Adoring looks from eyes above her place
In the ground, where she stands firm
Firm, save the winds that may sway her
Or the occasional rain that can disturb her soil and wear her down.
But, during her season, the sun more often is out
Though she has no mouth, she would sing and shout.
Oh, but what of the thorns?
Though she may sit in happy display
She will wilt at the dismay
When she finds a prick she's caused
For some only a prick, but for some more a rip
Originating from that small but potentially painful tip.
Dismay, much dismay. Maybe somewhat concealed
Must figure a way to make this rip healed.
It hurts her inside that most glowing exterior
If she can't fix this, she must be inferior
Inferior of at least what thought she could become
Maybe these petals will never fully blossom
A Rosebud, commonly beautiful, pieces in wait to open
Pieces because she cannot completely comprehend her full potential
But is vibrant, surviving only with each token
Pieces because she cannot completely comprehend her full potential
But is vibrant, surviving only with each token
Each of smiles, laughter, love...
Adoring looks from eyes above her place
In the ground, where she stands firm
Firm, save the winds that may sway her
Or the occasional rain that can disturb her soil and wear her down.
But, during her season, the sun more often is out
Though she has no mouth, she would sing and shout.
Oh, but what of the thorns?
Though she may sit in happy display
She will wilt at the dismay
When she finds a prick she's caused
For some only a prick, but for some more a rip
Originating from that small but potentially painful tip.
Dismay, much dismay. Maybe somewhat concealed
Must figure a way to make this rip healed.
It hurts her inside that most glowing exterior
If she can't fix this, she must be inferior
Inferior of at least what thought she could become
Maybe these petals will never fully blossom
A Rosebud, commonly beautiful, pieces in wait to open
Pieces because she cannot completely comprehend her full potential
But is vibrant, surviving only with each token
Shining Demise
An Edgar Allen Poe style poem, written by Potatoes and yours truly, for Snyder's class. I've never written something.. dark.. before. We had fun writing this.... muahaha :)
Hand upon this gruesome sore, I’ve collapsed here on the floor.
As I’m crawling out the door, escaping her echoed yell.
Running from my home once dear, every creaking limb I hear
And I cannot help but fear if this abandoned path should end well.
If to darkness it may steer, how much more of my story is there to tell?
Or when will I escape this hell?
From each tangly, gnarled tree, I every so often hear a plea
As if they’re calling me to see some unknown perilous end.
A tortured spirit I seem to sense, I cannot ignore it’s presence
Or is all this only false pretense? Is my mind only playing pretend?
As I walk these dusk ridden woods, a light from the brush appears through the blend
My feet through these leaves, I send.
I enter, and see a clearing so bright, filled with a strangely eerie light.
I shudder at this contrary sight, for a moment it makes me go blind.
I can’t decide quite how to feel, this psychedelic glow makes my head reel
I sense that away all this light will soon peel, causing only darkness to be left behind.
Like the calm before the storm, peace and tension combined.
Soon torment, correct? Or am I losing my mind?
I then see, in the direct center of this illumination, a delicate flower - bizarre creation.
Can it be no more than imagination? Any ounce of reason my mind seems to lack.
It’s petals are velvet, and seem to shimmer. Did this blossom appear as a hopeful glimmer?
No. Now, at hope that I thought couldn’t get any slimmer, some invisible force seemed to hack.
Still I follow further this mysterious track, even as each twig I step on warns with a loud crack
Of this entrancing rose - black.
Suddenly my vision went dark. Then snowy white, cold, and stark.
A writhing being came in to my view, and over the scene a bold sign.
Twas an image of the rose, only it’s petals were closed
An unseen power this picture proposed, I felt soon this cursed fate would be mine.
The pain then struck me! Oh, punishment divine!
And thus my end. My death I did find.
Now we go back to that once called home, inside there she sat, alone.
Looking on this scene with malignant tone - then so quick you can’t see with your eyes
It did cease to exist. Now, that forest setting you may miss
Does not here desist. It cane back, with the same shrubby disguise
There appears that same clearing with the black flower, and sits in wait for the next one to surprise
With this Shining Demise.
Hand upon this gruesome sore, I’ve collapsed here on the floor.
As I’m crawling out the door, escaping her echoed yell.
Running from my home once dear, every creaking limb I hear
And I cannot help but fear if this abandoned path should end well.
If to darkness it may steer, how much more of my story is there to tell?
Or when will I escape this hell?
From each tangly, gnarled tree, I every so often hear a plea
As if they’re calling me to see some unknown perilous end.
A tortured spirit I seem to sense, I cannot ignore it’s presence
Or is all this only false pretense? Is my mind only playing pretend?
As I walk these dusk ridden woods, a light from the brush appears through the blend
My feet through these leaves, I send.
I enter, and see a clearing so bright, filled with a strangely eerie light.
I shudder at this contrary sight, for a moment it makes me go blind.
I can’t decide quite how to feel, this psychedelic glow makes my head reel
I sense that away all this light will soon peel, causing only darkness to be left behind.
Like the calm before the storm, peace and tension combined.
Soon torment, correct? Or am I losing my mind?
I then see, in the direct center of this illumination, a delicate flower - bizarre creation.
Can it be no more than imagination? Any ounce of reason my mind seems to lack.
It’s petals are velvet, and seem to shimmer. Did this blossom appear as a hopeful glimmer?
No. Now, at hope that I thought couldn’t get any slimmer, some invisible force seemed to hack.
Still I follow further this mysterious track, even as each twig I step on warns with a loud crack
Of this entrancing rose - black.
Suddenly my vision went dark. Then snowy white, cold, and stark.
A writhing being came in to my view, and over the scene a bold sign.
Twas an image of the rose, only it’s petals were closed
An unseen power this picture proposed, I felt soon this cursed fate would be mine.
The pain then struck me! Oh, punishment divine!
And thus my end. My death I did find.
Now we go back to that once called home, inside there she sat, alone.
Looking on this scene with malignant tone - then so quick you can’t see with your eyes
It did cease to exist. Now, that forest setting you may miss
Does not here desist. It cane back, with the same shrubby disguise
There appears that same clearing with the black flower, and sits in wait for the next one to surprise
With this Shining Demise.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Falling Down and There's You
Yes, this is the one I was talking about before. I'm posting it now.
Like watching a clock from side to side
The pendulum comes into view half the time
I don't think there was really a first moment
No first look or fleeting glance
It seems to me it was every moment
And I think it's not by chance
You always stood out to me.
To let the feeling go I knew
I couldn't even begin to try
I ever so slightly gave up
Put out a wall between you and I
I now hear my heart's outcry
*My head is dizzy
My heart is flustered
I can't find words to tell you
Love's in the making
That wall is breaking
Falling down, falling down and there's you
It's falling down and there's you*
Your arms around me, I half in slumber
How or when this came
I hardly take thought to wonder
And as the night whisks by
Toward heaven I seem to fly
(stanza with stars around it)
The pendulum comes into view
My wall is breaking and there's you
Like watching a clock from side to side
The pendulum comes into view half the time
I don't think there was really a first moment
No first look or fleeting glance
It seems to me it was every moment
And I think it's not by chance
You always stood out to me.
To let the feeling go I knew
I couldn't even begin to try
I ever so slightly gave up
Put out a wall between you and I
I now hear my heart's outcry
*My head is dizzy
My heart is flustered
I can't find words to tell you
Love's in the making
That wall is breaking
Falling down, falling down and there's you
It's falling down and there's you*
Your arms around me, I half in slumber
How or when this came
I hardly take thought to wonder
And as the night whisks by
Toward heaven I seem to fly
(stanza with stars around it)
The pendulum comes into view
My wall is breaking and there's you
Dear Heart,
I'm still caught in that moment
Encircled in your warm embrace
My fears, the cold, it did chase... away.
Dear Heart, am I afraid?
Are the crumbled pieces of that wall
Causing me to slip or fall?
If you would only tell me all, oh dear heart.
How did I start to feel this way?
Seems so simple and so clean
But I don't know what it means!
Could you help me with this please, oh, dear heart?
And although my thoughts are tangles
To you my heart has this to say
Chorus: Your voice sends the butterflies turnin' and
Your eyes let me know my heart's burnin'
My burdened mind, when will all confusion be spent?
Your embrace takes my fears, makes them rent.
Your smile sends my soul soaring and
Your laugh just gets me adoring
I wish I knew what to say besides this.
Dear heart let me know if there's anything I've missed.
Been hearing these words since we part:
Your name tickles my heart.
Precisely like this I haven't felt before
Enchantment. Is that all?
What is this, really?
Dear heart is there more?
[Chorus again]
Your voice sends the butterflies turnin' and
Your eyes let me know my heart's burnin'
My burdened mind, oh these tangles please clear
So I can know if that feeling is here!
Your smile sends my heart soaring and
Your laugh just gets me adoring
I hope these words full explanation impart
This is true for me too:
Your name tickles my heart.
[Chorus again]
Encircled in your warm embrace
My fears, the cold, it did chase... away.
Dear Heart, am I afraid?
Are the crumbled pieces of that wall
Causing me to slip or fall?
If you would only tell me all, oh dear heart.
How did I start to feel this way?
Seems so simple and so clean
But I don't know what it means!
Could you help me with this please, oh, dear heart?
And although my thoughts are tangles
To you my heart has this to say
Chorus: Your voice sends the butterflies turnin' and
Your eyes let me know my heart's burnin'
My burdened mind, when will all confusion be spent?
Your embrace takes my fears, makes them rent.
Your smile sends my soul soaring and
Your laugh just gets me adoring
I wish I knew what to say besides this.
Dear heart let me know if there's anything I've missed.
Been hearing these words since we part:
Your name tickles my heart.
Precisely like this I haven't felt before
Enchantment. Is that all?
What is this, really?
Dear heart is there more?
[Chorus again]
Your voice sends the butterflies turnin' and
Your eyes let me know my heart's burnin'
My burdened mind, oh these tangles please clear
So I can know if that feeling is here!
Your smile sends my heart soaring and
Your laugh just gets me adoring
I hope these words full explanation impart
This is true for me too:
Your name tickles my heart.
[Chorus again]
As most of you know, I got my wisdom teeth out on my birthday. Don't feel sorry, it's not so bad. Here's what I was acting like just after I woke up at the hospital, my mom told me all of this.
"We waited for nearly an hour for the doctor to come in. When he did, he put in the IV so quickly and smoothly, you didn't feel it at all. (There's something in my arm??)
He gave you valium through the IV, which he said would make you feel loopy. Then he gave you the sedative, and said you'd start to feel sleepy. Your speech started to slur almost immediately. You said, "I don't feel sleepy, I don't think it's having any effect on me." The nurse smiled and said, "You don't think it's working?" No, you answered. Then the doctor said, "Well, try counting backward from 100." "Okay. One hundred.....(long pause)... 89... mumble.... mumble..." The nurse laughed. "Did she just say '100, 89'? You eyes fluttered, you mumbled very softly, and you were gone.
It only took them about 30 minutes to pull the teeth. It took you at least another 30 minutes to wake up. When I came into the recovery room, you said "I was thinking about JB. You know, the one who plays the guitar?" You made an air guitar gesture under the blanket they'd covered you with. Then you mumbled really fast, and Icouldn't understand you. I heard "Christmas" and "Facebook", but that's about all I could get. A few moments later, you said "Is Potatoes here? I though he was here." You made blinking motions with your hands in front of your face, and asked if you could open your eyes now.
You were confused that you couldn't close your mouth all the way, that something was stopping it. I told you it was because you had gauze in you mouth. "I have gauze in my mouth?!?" That conversation was repeated at least five more times.
You told me I looked like Turtle.
With your eyes closed, you asked "Am I on facebook? Because I swear I'm looking at the Facebook page, and I'm scrolling down with this hand."
You were worried that you coulnd't feel your feet. [Insert! I remember thinking "This remind me of The Princess Bride, when Westly had just taken the Resurrection pill and couldn't move yet. End of insert.]
The nurse was giving me all the post-op instructions, and you wouldn't stop talking. She kept trying to tell you that you needed to stop talking, because it was moving the gauze in your mouth. "I have gauze in my mouth?!?"
You told me to film you, and I told you I hadn't brought my camera. "Is it in the car?" "No, I left it at home."
"Then I'll film myself whie you drive home." "Honey, I didn't bring my camera." "But it's in the car, right?" You asked me two or three more times where my camera was.
The nurse had you sit in a wheelchair so she could take you out to the car. You seemed mostly awake when you got in the car. I covered you with a blanket and turned on the heater. I told you it would be best to just stay quiet and rest for a little while. "But I'm not tired." You fell asleep almost immediately. Once we were nearly home, you woke up and said, "How did I get in the car?"
By the time we got home, you weren't very "funny" anymore. You ate some mashed banana and a yogurt drink, then you fell asleep for a couple hours. Around 8:30, you woke up in a lot of pain. You ate small survings of tomato soup, mashed potatoes, mashed avocado, ice cream, and applesauce. "Whoah, that's a lot of applesauce." Sixty seconds later, you'd polished the whole thing off. I gave you Lortab and Phenergan, and you were geeling much better within about 15 minutes.
I really do wish I'd had my carea at the doctor's office. You were hillarious."
Yeah, I wish that too, mom. :P
I can't post the vids of me once I got home yet. They're on the computer at my moms house, I'll post them later. They're funny :) and a bit embarrassing, but hey, I was on drugs :)
"We waited for nearly an hour for the doctor to come in. When he did, he put in the IV so quickly and smoothly, you didn't feel it at all. (There's something in my arm??)
He gave you valium through the IV, which he said would make you feel loopy. Then he gave you the sedative, and said you'd start to feel sleepy. Your speech started to slur almost immediately. You said, "I don't feel sleepy, I don't think it's having any effect on me." The nurse smiled and said, "You don't think it's working?" No, you answered. Then the doctor said, "Well, try counting backward from 100." "Okay. One hundred.....(long pause)... 89... mumble.... mumble..." The nurse laughed. "Did she just say '100, 89'? You eyes fluttered, you mumbled very softly, and you were gone.
It only took them about 30 minutes to pull the teeth. It took you at least another 30 minutes to wake up. When I came into the recovery room, you said "I was thinking about JB. You know, the one who plays the guitar?" You made an air guitar gesture under the blanket they'd covered you with. Then you mumbled really fast, and Icouldn't understand you. I heard "Christmas" and "Facebook", but that's about all I could get. A few moments later, you said "Is Potatoes here? I though he was here." You made blinking motions with your hands in front of your face, and asked if you could open your eyes now.
You were confused that you couldn't close your mouth all the way, that something was stopping it. I told you it was because you had gauze in you mouth. "I have gauze in my mouth?!?" That conversation was repeated at least five more times.
You told me I looked like Turtle.
With your eyes closed, you asked "Am I on facebook? Because I swear I'm looking at the Facebook page, and I'm scrolling down with this hand."
You were worried that you coulnd't feel your feet. [Insert! I remember thinking "This remind me of The Princess Bride, when Westly had just taken the Resurrection pill and couldn't move yet. End of insert.]
The nurse was giving me all the post-op instructions, and you wouldn't stop talking. She kept trying to tell you that you needed to stop talking, because it was moving the gauze in your mouth. "I have gauze in my mouth?!?"
You told me to film you, and I told you I hadn't brought my camera. "Is it in the car?" "No, I left it at home."
"Then I'll film myself whie you drive home." "Honey, I didn't bring my camera." "But it's in the car, right?" You asked me two or three more times where my camera was.
The nurse had you sit in a wheelchair so she could take you out to the car. You seemed mostly awake when you got in the car. I covered you with a blanket and turned on the heater. I told you it would be best to just stay quiet and rest for a little while. "But I'm not tired." You fell asleep almost immediately. Once we were nearly home, you woke up and said, "How did I get in the car?"
By the time we got home, you weren't very "funny" anymore. You ate some mashed banana and a yogurt drink, then you fell asleep for a couple hours. Around 8:30, you woke up in a lot of pain. You ate small survings of tomato soup, mashed potatoes, mashed avocado, ice cream, and applesauce. "Whoah, that's a lot of applesauce." Sixty seconds later, you'd polished the whole thing off. I gave you Lortab and Phenergan, and you were geeling much better within about 15 minutes.
I really do wish I'd had my carea at the doctor's office. You were hillarious."
Yeah, I wish that too, mom. :P
I can't post the vids of me once I got home yet. They're on the computer at my moms house, I'll post them later. They're funny :) and a bit embarrassing, but hey, I was on drugs :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
"It's complicated."
I'm so glad I decided to take notes in church today. I think I'll do that every week now, I get more out of it that way. Call me a goody-two-shoes if you like, but yes, I'm going to take notes in church (: and there's nothin you can do about it!
It was a farewell, but the missionaries talk isn't what struck me. I'm just going to say a couple words from his - There are many rakes to be leaved. Pahaha.
Ok, the one who I took more notes on was his dad. Funny thing is, his dad didn't even know he'd be speaking on his son's farewell day, he had been told far back he'd be speaking for our ward. He's a stake somethin or other. And I really needed to hear what he had to say today.. cool how that works, eh? (: Here's his message:
People always say "Oh it's a lot more complicated than that." about life. But really, it isn't. Love the Lord thy God, love thy neighboor as thyself, it's not "a lot more complicated than that." People make things too complicated, we get involved in complicated things, when really, it *isn't* that complicated. The Lord loves us, he is love, and we need to remember that. *Simply* [oppostie of complicated] understand that love and success will be almost automatic.
There's a real short version of what he said, and he spoke of other things too, because he was talking about missionary work, but this part is the part I needed. He's right, people make things complicated, and it really doesn't need to be. My mind has been confuzzled lately, but thinking about what Brother D said I'm finding my mind a little less frustrating. I'll just.. live. Live and remember the Lord's love for me.. and love other's.. then really, I'm good. For the most part anyway.
It was a farewell, but the missionaries talk isn't what struck me. I'm just going to say a couple words from his - There are many rakes to be leaved. Pahaha.
Ok, the one who I took more notes on was his dad. Funny thing is, his dad didn't even know he'd be speaking on his son's farewell day, he had been told far back he'd be speaking for our ward. He's a stake somethin or other. And I really needed to hear what he had to say today.. cool how that works, eh? (: Here's his message:
People always say "Oh it's a lot more complicated than that." about life. But really, it isn't. Love the Lord thy God, love thy neighboor as thyself, it's not "a lot more complicated than that." People make things too complicated, we get involved in complicated things, when really, it *isn't* that complicated. The Lord loves us, he is love, and we need to remember that. *Simply* [oppostie of complicated] understand that love and success will be almost automatic.
There's a real short version of what he said, and he spoke of other things too, because he was talking about missionary work, but this part is the part I needed. He's right, people make things complicated, and it really doesn't need to be. My mind has been confuzzled lately, but thinking about what Brother D said I'm finding my mind a little less frustrating. I'll just.. live. Live and remember the Lord's love for me.. and love other's.. then really, I'm good. For the most part anyway.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
That was Kallie. Aw man, you gotta love primary kids. The primary program is so fun to watch. Little kids are SO cute.
Firstly, that Kallie girl? She likes to sing. Loud. Problem is, she only remembers every fifth word, and it's usually 2 seconds too late. So we get this funny one child echo during every song.
There are lots of cute things about those kids, but I just picked out some of the ones that made me laugh the most [mostly inside, but sometimes I just couldn't keep it in, oops.]
~ "The famnee is orgained of Dod." -- Grayson
~ Sweet Boy Swindler [at least, I think that's the one] pulling quotes out of his head. Literally. He was making a little fist on his forehead and withdrawing it when he tried to remember it.
~ Sophie waving at people in the congregation, then turning to her teacher bashfully. "oops.."
~ 'Fewf, I'm done... oops! forgot to smile!' DING! -- Quincey
~ Hand gestures. No, I'm serious. Breezers was in her own little world, using her own little sign language.
~ I never knew John 3:5 began with "scoot over"
~ "I think being baptized is WAY cool and I can't wait 'til it's my turn." Brook
~ You must say "The temple is a house of God" very fast for full affect. According to Quincy that is.
~ "Grandpa Swinder read the whole book [of mormon] very quickly, trying to find a way to prove it wrong. He soon found out it was all true. Grandma was annoyed." --Atticus Swindler
Last but definitely not least...
"Oh I love how this microphone doesn't make krinkley noises!" -- Sammy
Firstly, that Kallie girl? She likes to sing. Loud. Problem is, she only remembers every fifth word, and it's usually 2 seconds too late. So we get this funny one child echo during every song.
There are lots of cute things about those kids, but I just picked out some of the ones that made me laugh the most [mostly inside, but sometimes I just couldn't keep it in, oops.]
~ "The famnee is orgained of Dod." -- Grayson
~ Sweet Boy Swindler [at least, I think that's the one] pulling quotes out of his head. Literally. He was making a little fist on his forehead and withdrawing it when he tried to remember it.
~ Sophie waving at people in the congregation, then turning to her teacher bashfully. "oops.."
~ 'Fewf, I'm done... oops! forgot to smile!' DING! -- Quincey
~ Hand gestures. No, I'm serious. Breezers was in her own little world, using her own little sign language.
~ I never knew John 3:5 began with "scoot over"
~ "I think being baptized is WAY cool and I can't wait 'til it's my turn." Brook
~ You must say "The temple is a house of God" very fast for full affect. According to Quincy that is.
~ "Grandpa Swinder read the whole book [of mormon] very quickly, trying to find a way to prove it wrong. He soon found out it was all true. Grandma was annoyed." --Atticus Swindler
Last but definitely not least...
"Oh I love how this microphone doesn't make krinkley noises!" -- Sammy
Monday, November 9, 2009
....The Teddy Bear Ones... (:
I was such a silly little kid. Still am a lot of the time :) My mom told me this story just tonight, and I have to post it 'cause it made me laugh.
Little Stripes is sitting behind the banister upstairs, at eye level with mommy. It's time to get ready for bed, actually, probably past time, and what is little stripes doing? Playing with toys, off in her own little world...
Mom - Are you getting ready for bed?
Little Stripes - Yes mommy.
Mom - Are you putting your PJs on?
Little Stripes - Yes mommy.
Mom - Which ones are you putting on?
Little Stripes - .... The teddy bear ones.
Mom - Kelsey, look at me.
Little Stripes then realizes that mommy is looking straight at her while she's playing with her toys. Woopsie (:
Little Stripes is sitting behind the banister upstairs, at eye level with mommy. It's time to get ready for bed, actually, probably past time, and what is little stripes doing? Playing with toys, off in her own little world...
Mom - Are you getting ready for bed?
Little Stripes - Yes mommy.
Mom - Are you putting your PJs on?
Little Stripes - Yes mommy.
Mom - Which ones are you putting on?
Little Stripes - .... The teddy bear ones.
Mom - Kelsey, look at me.
Little Stripes then realizes that mommy is looking straight at her while she's playing with her toys. Woopsie (:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Passerby
There once was a man sitting near the street
Laiden with sorrow, looking at his feet
He noticed a peculiar passerby
And couldn't help but wonder why
This person stood out today.
Then he realized, with some shock
The direction this person seemed to walk
Toward him? Is that possible?
He, the lonely one who spend his days watching the clock
When this passerby reached him, they began to talk
Simple conversation, but soon it evolved
And the man could tell
This person wanted his sorrow to be solved
Why should she care?
Of the things on his mind, she must not be aware.
Because the things he had done would certainly scare
Her away. Wouldn't they?
This passerby seemed to somehow know him well
Had they spoken before? He could hardly tell.
Everyone felt so distant in this lonely one's eyes
As if they were all wearing some disguise
He remembered this girl,
Somehow... but from what?
All he remembers doing is sitting in that spot...
Still she seemed to know about his life
And... care... about him? Yes.
Then it came. He did know her.
And he remembers telling her she was once a cure
A cure from some other rough time that he had
She noticed his realization, and thought "Ok, now this wont be so bad."
Or did she only imagine it?
Does he really remember?
She feels the distance from him
Just as he feels it from the world.
Would that ever change back?
Would that friendship she so enjoyed
Ever cease to lack?
She can only hope
And try her best
To remind him she cares
And make the bond last
She knows how close they had been, not long ago
And is slightly confused as to how it changed so.
How, in so little a time, had he distanced himself?
Should she let it go?
NO. She refuses to put her feelings to the shelf.
She would keep trying
Keep praying too -- and all the while thinking
"I believe it will come back... even if now I'm only a Passerby to you."
Laiden with sorrow, looking at his feet
He noticed a peculiar passerby
And couldn't help but wonder why
This person stood out today.
Then he realized, with some shock
The direction this person seemed to walk
Toward him? Is that possible?
He, the lonely one who spend his days watching the clock
When this passerby reached him, they began to talk
Simple conversation, but soon it evolved
And the man could tell
This person wanted his sorrow to be solved
Why should she care?
Of the things on his mind, she must not be aware.
Because the things he had done would certainly scare
Her away. Wouldn't they?
This passerby seemed to somehow know him well
Had they spoken before? He could hardly tell.
Everyone felt so distant in this lonely one's eyes
As if they were all wearing some disguise
He remembered this girl,
Somehow... but from what?
All he remembers doing is sitting in that spot...
Still she seemed to know about his life
And... care... about him? Yes.
Then it came. He did know her.
And he remembers telling her she was once a cure
A cure from some other rough time that he had
She noticed his realization, and thought "Ok, now this wont be so bad."
Or did she only imagine it?
Does he really remember?
She feels the distance from him
Just as he feels it from the world.
Would that ever change back?
Would that friendship she so enjoyed
Ever cease to lack?
She can only hope
And try her best
To remind him she cares
And make the bond last
She knows how close they had been, not long ago
And is slightly confused as to how it changed so.
How, in so little a time, had he distanced himself?
Should she let it go?
NO. She refuses to put her feelings to the shelf.
She would keep trying
Keep praying too -- and all the while thinking
"I believe it will come back... even if now I'm only a Passerby to you."
Monday, October 26, 2009
Unceasingly (Little Mottos)
Never regret something that once made you smile
Remember tears need to come every once in a while
Remind your friends how much you care
That if they ever need someone, you'll be there
You know they'd do the same for you
Each time you thank them their love grows too
Little mottos, tiny ponderings
Scribbled sentences of my mind's wonderings
Favorite sayings and things to live by
If you ask how I'm so happy I'll say this is why
I laugh. Unceasingly.
Laughing is like hugs, fixes everything
Cure. Period. Laughter is amazing.
I write. Unceasingly.
My passion, my everything.
Whenever I need to sort feelings out
Or let them free and let my heart shout
I turn to my pen
Again, and again.
I SING! Unceasingly.
Life is a musical
Music rejuvinates the soul
One can only smile, bright eyed, when this wonderful thing
Comes from themselves
From inside their own heart
I believe. Unceasingly.
Believe it will all turn out ok,
Even when I fall apart
I know healing will come to any broken heart
Believing makes up most of my hope, which keeps me glad
I love. Unceasingly.
Sisters, friends, aquantences, passions
I never stop loving, no not once
And I tell those I love of my care when I get the chance
I LIVE. Unceasingly.
Really and truly give it my all
To enjoy life, have a ball
All these things I do Unceasingly
A few things that make me...
Laugh. Write. Sing. Believe. Love. Live.
Unceasingly. Definition: constant, continuous, without stopping, always
That is how I live, how I stay happy
Remember tears need to come every once in a while
Remind your friends how much you care
That if they ever need someone, you'll be there
You know they'd do the same for you
Each time you thank them their love grows too
Little mottos, tiny ponderings
Scribbled sentences of my mind's wonderings
Favorite sayings and things to live by
If you ask how I'm so happy I'll say this is why
I laugh. Unceasingly.
Laughing is like hugs, fixes everything
Cure. Period. Laughter is amazing.
I write. Unceasingly.
My passion, my everything.
Whenever I need to sort feelings out
Or let them free and let my heart shout
I turn to my pen
Again, and again.
I SING! Unceasingly.
Life is a musical
Music rejuvinates the soul
One can only smile, bright eyed, when this wonderful thing
Comes from themselves
From inside their own heart
I believe. Unceasingly.
Believe it will all turn out ok,
Even when I fall apart
I know healing will come to any broken heart
Believing makes up most of my hope, which keeps me glad
I love. Unceasingly.
Sisters, friends, aquantences, passions
I never stop loving, no not once
And I tell those I love of my care when I get the chance
I LIVE. Unceasingly.
Really and truly give it my all
To enjoy life, have a ball
All these things I do Unceasingly
A few things that make me...
Laugh. Write. Sing. Believe. Love. Live.
Unceasingly. Definition: constant, continuous, without stopping, always
That is how I live, how I stay happy
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I Am Today
I Am Today
Verse One:
Don't think, just feel, don't feel just do
Be someone else because it sucks to be you
Nothing matters, no one cares
That's just life, full of tears [like 'rip', not 'cry']
It doens't matter how you live
Soon you wont have much else to give
Poppycock! There's always something more there
To change your life you must be the one to dare!
Verse Two:
These are the thoughts inside my head
Not just trite words that I prefer to be said
All experiences are what help make me
No nonsense drama can overtake me
I'll write my book, it's my pen
And I will never need complain
Everything that happens I know I need
You may call me a dreamer, but I don't care!
You are today, you make or break it
Though some may say it's best to fake it
All these colors are thrown at you
You must choose what next to do
You hold the brush, this is your painting
You command the picture!
But I too have those moments when life brings me down
And I feel I can't go any lower in the ground
Then you ask how I am, with an "are you ok" and I respond
I am today!
Ending verse/ altered chorus:
I am today, I make or break it
I can promise you I never fake it
I live each day try to make things right
The artwork changes with each new light
I hold the brush, this is my painting
I command the picture.
[Chorus again]
AND NOW!..... for the duet version, because Gordo said he might come back for this one
I Am Today [Duet Version]
Verse One:
(Person 1) Don't think, just feel, don't feel, just do
Be someone else because it sucks to be you
Nothing matters, no one cares
That's just life, full of tears [again, not 'teers']
It doesn't matter how you live
Soon you wont have much else to give
(Person 2) Poppycock! There's always something more there
To change your life you must be the one to dare!
Verse Two:
(Person 2) These are the thoughts inside my head
Not just trite words that I prefer to be said
All experiences are what help make me
No nonsense drama can overtake me
(Both Peoples) I'll write my book, it's my pen
And I will never need complain
Everything that happens I know I need
You may call me a dreamer, but I don't care!
(Person 2) You are today, you make or break it
Though some may say it's best to fake it
All these colors are thrown at you
You must choose what next to do
You hold the brush, this is your painting
You command the picture!
(Person 1) I still have those moments when life brings me down
And I feel I can't go any lower in the ground
Then you ask how I am, with an "are you ok" and I respond
I am today!
Ending Verse/ Altered Chorus:
(Both Peoples) I am today, I make or break it
I can promise you I never fake it
I live each day try to make things right
The artwork changes with each new light
I hold the brush, this is my painting
I command the picture
[Chorus again, both people]
Verse One:
Don't think, just feel, don't feel just do
Be someone else because it sucks to be you
Nothing matters, no one cares
That's just life, full of tears [like 'rip', not 'cry']
It doens't matter how you live
Soon you wont have much else to give
Poppycock! There's always something more there
To change your life you must be the one to dare!
Verse Two:
These are the thoughts inside my head
Not just trite words that I prefer to be said
All experiences are what help make me
No nonsense drama can overtake me
I'll write my book, it's my pen
And I will never need complain
Everything that happens I know I need
You may call me a dreamer, but I don't care!
You are today, you make or break it
Though some may say it's best to fake it
All these colors are thrown at you
You must choose what next to do
You hold the brush, this is your painting
You command the picture!
But I too have those moments when life brings me down
And I feel I can't go any lower in the ground
Then you ask how I am, with an "are you ok" and I respond
I am today!
Ending verse/ altered chorus:
I am today, I make or break it
I can promise you I never fake it
I live each day try to make things right
The artwork changes with each new light
I hold the brush, this is my painting
I command the picture.
[Chorus again]
AND NOW!..... for the duet version, because Gordo said he might come back for this one
I Am Today [Duet Version]
Verse One:
(Person 1) Don't think, just feel, don't feel, just do
Be someone else because it sucks to be you
Nothing matters, no one cares
That's just life, full of tears [again, not 'teers']
It doesn't matter how you live
Soon you wont have much else to give
(Person 2) Poppycock! There's always something more there
To change your life you must be the one to dare!
Verse Two:
(Person 2) These are the thoughts inside my head
Not just trite words that I prefer to be said
All experiences are what help make me
No nonsense drama can overtake me
(Both Peoples) I'll write my book, it's my pen
And I will never need complain
Everything that happens I know I need
You may call me a dreamer, but I don't care!
(Person 2) You are today, you make or break it
Though some may say it's best to fake it
All these colors are thrown at you
You must choose what next to do
You hold the brush, this is your painting
You command the picture!
(Person 1) I still have those moments when life brings me down
And I feel I can't go any lower in the ground
Then you ask how I am, with an "are you ok" and I respond
I am today!
Ending Verse/ Altered Chorus:
(Both Peoples) I am today, I make or break it
I can promise you I never fake it
I live each day try to make things right
The artwork changes with each new light
I hold the brush, this is my painting
I command the picture
[Chorus again, both people]
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Hello Again
I think about you all the time
Time. If feels like it's been so long.
I wonder if you still trust me,
Still remember that I care
Care. More like carelessly. That's exactly how I let our friendship run through.
I never took the time to say those simple words to you...
I have a very small knowledge of how you feel today.
I remember when we talked a lot, and now I have this to say:
Hello again. I'm sorry we don't speak much.
I miss your pretty smile, your laughter, our good times.
What I'll try to say to you in not in prewritten lines
So I'm sorry if I stumble, or if this doesn't flow very well
Because exactly what I think now is a little hard to tell
I know it's an understatement
When I say you've been through a lot.
You're strong, and ya know...
There will always be a spot
In my friends and in my heart for you
I don't really know what to tell you, but I know this much is true:
I miss you. And I'm sorry it's taken me so long.
I love you friend, I'm sorry I've been gone.
Time. If feels like it's been so long.
I wonder if you still trust me,
Still remember that I care
Care. More like carelessly. That's exactly how I let our friendship run through.
I never took the time to say those simple words to you...
I have a very small knowledge of how you feel today.
I remember when we talked a lot, and now I have this to say:
Hello again. I'm sorry we don't speak much.
I miss your pretty smile, your laughter, our good times.
What I'll try to say to you in not in prewritten lines
So I'm sorry if I stumble, or if this doesn't flow very well
Because exactly what I think now is a little hard to tell
I know it's an understatement
When I say you've been through a lot.
You're strong, and ya know...
There will always be a spot
In my friends and in my heart for you
I don't really know what to tell you, but I know this much is true:
I miss you. And I'm sorry it's taken me so long.
I love you friend, I'm sorry I've been gone.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Adventure with Mr. Smooth and the Indescribable
This week has been super fun so far! On Monday and Tuesday we had consultation schedule at school, so we got out early. After I ate lunch I was heading to the band room, I turned the corner and... Oh hi Mr. Smooth! I gave him a hug, noticing Indescribable was with him, and then he kinda kept walking while still holding on to me. "Come with us!" (Oh, and this friend of Mr. Smooth's nickname is because he's just.. un-name-able, can't describe the guy, he's way cool though.)
Indescribable agreed "Yes I was just about to ask you to come myself."
"Oh, um ok! Where are we going?"
"To make TShirts" [Indescribable designed tshirts for drumline, they're pretty legit! :)]
So I was kinda sorta kindnapped, but I went willingly so not really. It was just spur of the moment. Really really spur of the moment. But, twas fun!
Indescribable had taken the middle seat out of his ...minivan(?) I asked him about it and he responded:
"It's so there's more room to party [pause...] interpret that how you will."
"Oooooooook!" Haha :)
We got the TShirts and Indescribable found some really swasome sunglasses, but he didn't end up buying them. They were pretty cool though.
Then we went back to the school...
Indescribable: "I'm drinking and driving! Hah!" [Don't worry, it was only soda... as far as I know.... ;)]
The graphics teacher wasn't there... then we went to Indescribable's house [picking up a free recliner on the way.. pretty sweet awesome right??] and had potstickers and fries.... yes, potstickers. And fries. Together. Shows the utterly funny randomness that is Indescribable. We watched some funny vids that Indescribable recorded, including one of himself and Mr. Smooth on the coolio raft they made. Motor and all! Except the motor made it so they need to license it, lame sauce.. though I don't know if they actually will... maybe eventually.
Indescribable agreed "Yes I was just about to ask you to come myself."
"Oh, um ok! Where are we going?"
"To make TShirts" [Indescribable designed tshirts for drumline, they're pretty legit! :)]
So I was kinda sorta kindnapped, but I went willingly so not really. It was just spur of the moment. Really really spur of the moment. But, twas fun!
Indescribable had taken the middle seat out of his ...minivan(?) I asked him about it and he responded:
"It's so there's more room to party [pause...] interpret that how you will."
"Oooooooook!" Haha :)
We got the TShirts and Indescribable found some really swasome sunglasses, but he didn't end up buying them. They were pretty cool though.
Then we went back to the school...
Indescribable: "I'm drinking and driving! Hah!" [Don't worry, it was only soda... as far as I know.... ;)]
The graphics teacher wasn't there... then we went to Indescribable's house [picking up a free recliner on the way.. pretty sweet awesome right??] and had potstickers and fries.... yes, potstickers. And fries. Together. Shows the utterly funny randomness that is Indescribable. We watched some funny vids that Indescribable recorded, including one of himself and Mr. Smooth on the coolio raft they made. Motor and all! Except the motor made it so they need to license it, lame sauce.. though I don't know if they actually will... maybe eventually.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Golden Ignominy
She descends the steps of the prison
Arrayed in beauty, that glittering symbol upon her
And though she knows of the judgment and scorn
That came when they knew of her baby born
Her pride and confidence shine forth.
There she stands on the scaffold
Some silently staring
Some murmuring, glaring
She has prepared herself for this
And takes it all in.
Then he sees her
And she him
She, grateful for the crowd between them
Soon realizes she cannot avoid their meeting again.
While her fear lingers
This mystery man curls his fingers
His temper he has practiced to own.
Yet learning the story of this maiden so fair
His revengeful voice sounds
He will be known!
As she stepped back into life
He shadowed behind searching for a clue
No one else knowing she was his wife
She fears for the other...
The father of her child
What’s a girl to do?
He finds the culprit
A penitent town minister
Now that he knows it, he’ll use it against her.
Or maybe
The revenge doesn’t regard her at all
Maybe it’s only the minister he feels must fall.
So pinching and prying he tortures that poor heart
It already hurt, the minister’s hand over it from the start.
During this ministers mutilation
Is the growth of the child, a strange creation
Outwardly perfect, beautiful, hence - Pearl
Though her actions portray her as some sort of elf-girl.
Toddler chanting
Revenge Aflame
She later visits
Who’s to blame?
Minister’s heart seething
Husband deformed
Her feelings still linger
Do his?
He’s torn.
Torn between her
His heart
His position
Should he run away?
Just avoid the collision?
This torn heart he has is attached to his people
The crowd who intently listens under the steeple
He knows if he doesn’t first detach himself from them, his heart will only tear more.
Final day.
End his preaching.
Yet with a flare
He’s still teaching!
Secret out.
Emotions run about.
His heart can’t take in any longer
Relieving that anguish didn’t make him much stronger.
Away from this world he ascends
Fully repented
He’s made amends.
Now what of she with that glitter letter?
For years she disappeared, no one met her
She returns later, once the story has simmered
But without the child which shimmered
And thus ends the tale of the Scarlet Letter
Though in that town no one would forget her.
I wrote this for an English project. Obvs, for the classic novel "The Scarlet Letter"
Arrayed in beauty, that glittering symbol upon her
And though she knows of the judgment and scorn
That came when they knew of her baby born
Her pride and confidence shine forth.
There she stands on the scaffold
Some silently staring
Some murmuring, glaring
She has prepared herself for this
And takes it all in.
Then he sees her
And she him
She, grateful for the crowd between them
Soon realizes she cannot avoid their meeting again.
While her fear lingers
This mystery man curls his fingers
His temper he has practiced to own.
Yet learning the story of this maiden so fair
His revengeful voice sounds
He will be known!
As she stepped back into life
He shadowed behind searching for a clue
No one else knowing she was his wife
She fears for the other...
The father of her child
What’s a girl to do?
He finds the culprit
A penitent town minister
Now that he knows it, he’ll use it against her.
Or maybe
The revenge doesn’t regard her at all
Maybe it’s only the minister he feels must fall.
So pinching and prying he tortures that poor heart
It already hurt, the minister’s hand over it from the start.
During this ministers mutilation
Is the growth of the child, a strange creation
Outwardly perfect, beautiful, hence - Pearl
Though her actions portray her as some sort of elf-girl.
Toddler chanting
Revenge Aflame
She later visits
Who’s to blame?
Minister’s heart seething
Husband deformed
Her feelings still linger
Do his?
He’s torn.
Torn between her
His heart
His position
Should he run away?
Just avoid the collision?
This torn heart he has is attached to his people
The crowd who intently listens under the steeple
He knows if he doesn’t first detach himself from them, his heart will only tear more.
Final day.
End his preaching.
Yet with a flare
He’s still teaching!
Secret out.
Emotions run about.
His heart can’t take in any longer
Relieving that anguish didn’t make him much stronger.
Away from this world he ascends
Fully repented
He’s made amends.
Now what of she with that glitter letter?
For years she disappeared, no one met her
She returns later, once the story has simmered
But without the child which shimmered
And thus ends the tale of the Scarlet Letter
Though in that town no one would forget her.
I wrote this for an English project. Obvs, for the classic novel "The Scarlet Letter"
Forget hugs...
I'm going to attack you next time I see you!!

That's how I feel whenever I think about seeing any of my good friends. I just want to run up to them and give them a HUGENORMOUS hug! I love this pic, btw, I think it's so super duper uberdeedoober cute! Major hug attacking. Awesome.
Anywhoosen, life has been getting easier lately. A little less confuzzling, I think I've finally figured everything out. And of course, Scales helped, again =)
Her and I were talking in Weights the other day and she mentioned that she thinks a crush and liking someone are different things.... Here, on a scale of less feeling to more feeling:
1. Crush
2. Like
3. [or 2.5... it fits in here somewhere] Friend love
4. In love, but 'puppy love', or 'teenage love'. Not the absolute mostest. That's the next one...
5. In love. True love. The mostest. What you'd feel for a spouse, and no one else.
Scales helped me with just the first two, I'd figured out the others before. That helped me be a little less confuzzled... [thanks Bert!] here's the stats: 3 likes, and 2 crushes. Same people as the before 5.

That's how I feel whenever I think about seeing any of my good friends. I just want to run up to them and give them a HUGENORMOUS hug! I love this pic, btw, I think it's so super duper uberdeedoober cute! Major hug attacking. Awesome.
Anywhoosen, life has been getting easier lately. A little less confuzzling, I think I've finally figured everything out. And of course, Scales helped, again =)
Her and I were talking in Weights the other day and she mentioned that she thinks a crush and liking someone are different things.... Here, on a scale of less feeling to more feeling:
1. Crush
2. Like
3. [or 2.5... it fits in here somewhere] Friend love
4. In love, but 'puppy love', or 'teenage love'. Not the absolute mostest. That's the next one...
5. In love. True love. The mostest. What you'd feel for a spouse, and no one else.
Scales helped me with just the first two, I'd figured out the others before. That helped me be a little less confuzzled... [thanks Bert!] here's the stats: 3 likes, and 2 crushes. Same people as the before 5.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Still Aflame
I write to you again as I read over those words
I did "silently walk away"
But I was too thick to see
How could I have forgotten, even for a second
What you mean to me?
I know I got caught up in life
I'm nowhere close to perfect
Why didn't I realize your hand was "outstretched still"?
Until your hand had dropped it hardly crossed my mind
And when I found what happened
I wished I would have noticed the whole time.
These words I've read over and over
I have them memorized...
That stopper which you made to extend the story of our lives
I didn't think that story would read quite this way
How do I feel about it?
It's hard to say
You brought out my passion for writing
For that I'll be ever in debt
You gave my life joy again when I had lost it
How much you helped me you don't even know, I bet
You lit up my life, and that fire you lit
Is still aflame in me, it never quit.
But your yearning heart, I forgot to see
Truly 'beating only for the thought of you and me"
I have this to ask:
What music has set you free?
I've let your outstretched hand sink
And with myself I'm not too happy
Because I made you think
"The flame has gone out in her"
So yours drifted to ash
I now wish I could find one flicker
To rekindle the fire that you thought clashed.
But if not...
I'll adjust my fire
Make this friendship a great one
My next hope is that you will as well
What the next page will read I cannot tell
Maybe the best way for me to be...
Is find a way to change my heart
And set it free...
I did "silently walk away"
But I was too thick to see
How could I have forgotten, even for a second
What you mean to me?
I know I got caught up in life
I'm nowhere close to perfect
Why didn't I realize your hand was "outstretched still"?
Until your hand had dropped it hardly crossed my mind
And when I found what happened
I wished I would have noticed the whole time.
These words I've read over and over
I have them memorized...
That stopper which you made to extend the story of our lives
I didn't think that story would read quite this way
How do I feel about it?
It's hard to say
You brought out my passion for writing
For that I'll be ever in debt
You gave my life joy again when I had lost it
How much you helped me you don't even know, I bet
You lit up my life, and that fire you lit
Is still aflame in me, it never quit.
But your yearning heart, I forgot to see
Truly 'beating only for the thought of you and me"
I have this to ask:
What music has set you free?
I've let your outstretched hand sink
And with myself I'm not too happy
Because I made you think
"The flame has gone out in her"
So yours drifted to ash
I now wish I could find one flicker
To rekindle the fire that you thought clashed.
But if not...
I'll adjust my fire
Make this friendship a great one
My next hope is that you will as well
What the next page will read I cannot tell
Maybe the best way for me to be...
Is find a way to change my heart
And set it free...
Friday, October 2, 2009
My Box
I wrote this in seminary today, we were likening stuff.. gotta love Woodward's class =)
It's not my best by any means...
My life is like a box of chocolates
Overall, it's really good,
But every once in a while
I run into a nut that's hard to get through
These tough spots aren't ever all bad
They're meant to be there
[But that doesn't make them any easier to get through]
They contribute to the overall goodness of
My box
I like the dark chocolates...
The richer, more real parts of
My box
Sometimes I bite into something so good
A surprise, I didn't expect this...
Caramel, so sweet, so.... great
You are the caramel of
My box
All flavors
All tough spots
All the sweetness
I love my box ^_^
It's not my best by any means...
My life is like a box of chocolates
Overall, it's really good,
But every once in a while
I run into a nut that's hard to get through
These tough spots aren't ever all bad
They're meant to be there
[But that doesn't make them any easier to get through]
They contribute to the overall goodness of
My box
I like the dark chocolates...
The richer, more real parts of
My box
Sometimes I bite into something so good
A surprise, I didn't expect this...
Caramel, so sweet, so.... great
You are the caramel of
My box
All flavors
All tough spots
All the sweetness
I love my box ^_^
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
written Sept. 28, 2009
A butterfly
Colorful, happy.
Bringing joy to everyone she flies by
Flutter here
Flutter there
She discovers new things where ere she goes
Somethings make her shine bright
Others worry her
And cause her to lose her glow
But she continues fluttering
Happy with how she makes others smile
Flattered by the care they give her
Laughter, as she flutters through life.
She continues fluttering.
But sometimes when the dimmed glow turns
Even darker...
A Shadowfly she feels she has become
Between the sun, sky, stars, and air
All these things she needs to live
She lives for them
Shadowfly needs this the most
Though sometimes she doesn't appreciate it's presence
She cannot survive without it
Though she may not notice one star or another
She sees the glory they make together
And every day, she sees at least one's individual brightness.
The power of one star is immense
The most obvious in her life
Shadowfly is thankful, ever so much
For the Son
It surrounds her
Is always there
As she
Continues fluttering
now Shadowfly
Any moment she could become dust
And one more blow
Would scatter her sad remnants
But she continues fluttering
Ever so delicately
Still trying to share what flow she has
With those she loves.
And Shadowfly keeps on fluttering.
A butterfly
Colorful, happy.
Bringing joy to everyone she flies by
Flutter here
Flutter there
She discovers new things where ere she goes
Somethings make her shine bright
Others worry her
And cause her to lose her glow
But she continues fluttering
Happy with how she makes others smile
Flattered by the care they give her
Laughter, as she flutters through life.
She continues fluttering.
But sometimes when the dimmed glow turns
Even darker...
A Shadowfly she feels she has become
Between the sun, sky, stars, and air
All these things she needs to live
She lives for them
Shadowfly needs this the most
Though sometimes she doesn't appreciate it's presence
She cannot survive without it
Though she may not notice one star or another
She sees the glory they make together
And every day, she sees at least one's individual brightness.
The power of one star is immense
The most obvious in her life
Shadowfly is thankful, ever so much
For the Son
It surrounds her
Is always there
As she
Continues fluttering
now Shadowfly
Any moment she could become dust
And one more blow
Would scatter her sad remnants
But she continues fluttering
Ever so delicately
Still trying to share what flow she has
With those she loves.
And Shadowfly keeps on fluttering.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I can't wait....
... so far so great! My sister's are watching Sonny with a Chance, so I decided to put what I hear as my title. Not that it's totally irrelevant, the song talks about how she can't wait for the rest of life because so far, it's been awesome. And this is so true for me! I feel very blessed to have as good of a life as I do. My friends are amazing, my hobby never ceases to make me happy, and life all around is just... well - so far so great! :)
So, we had a marching comp. today. I was just expecting to have some fun, cause I LOVE performing, our show is so so awesome! But I wasn't really expecting what happened.. scratch that, I wasn't expecting what happened at all! We march on, of course that's when the adrenaline rush starts, I'm not really really nervous, mostly just excited, but here we go. We perform, I'm still not perfect at the show, and I drop my swing flag.. OOPS! But the show felt awesome. The ending was ammmmazing. :)
And guess what?! We totally dominated! We won
Best music
Best percussion
Best COLORGUARD [oh yeah!!! :D]
Best visual effect and....
We swept it. AmazingnessOCITY with a double capital OCITY [and a half on wheels in three different languages and ten quarter eighths of a half with mac'n' cheese and a but wouldn't that make the jello jealous? and a whale mixed in there somewhere.. and I forgot most of it :P]
Later some of us had a movie party at Z's house. We watched Forever Strong. I had never seen it before, and I'd heard it was good. Guess what? It is :)
I like to flirt. Hey, who doesn't? [I was gonna say "sorry if that bugs anyone" but I don't think that's necessary because.. really.. who would it bug?] It's just fun. Makes me smile, and laugh and all. Though most would argue it's not that hard to get me to smile and laugh, as I do it pretty often. Well, it means I'm happy. Good for me :)
That was a little tangent I just decided to blurt in here. Ees for fun.
After watching Forever Strong, Mr. Smooth, Osborn, and Gladiater [he picked his name, it's Sc~, you know, cause he's a glad person in general] started throwing a football around. Of course, tackling insued. Ju~ got fed up with it and stole the ball, people pretended Mr. Smooth had it.. or something.. I was a little confuzzled.. but anyway, I was sitting next to Mr. Smooth and they're like "Ch~ has it!" and they dive at him. He ducks or something.. somehow they ended up behind him.. I then call out "Hey! I'm not a football." Hehe.....^_^ Then Mr. Smooth said "Well kinda, I mean there are always guys fighting over you." I respond with "They're not fighting... yet." :P
Speaking of, I was talking to BluntGuitarMan today about stuff... and he said there are at *least* 12 guys who like me. Six if which are in band... Ok, so I know three of them, and I figured out who BluntGuitarMan thinks is the fourth, but the other two, don't know. And what about the other six not in band? Ok, so I know one of those. OBVIOUSLY there are more guys out there that like me that I really have no idea.. ok! It's actually pretty flattering =)
So, we had a marching comp. today. I was just expecting to have some fun, cause I LOVE performing, our show is so so awesome! But I wasn't really expecting what happened.. scratch that, I wasn't expecting what happened at all! We march on, of course that's when the adrenaline rush starts, I'm not really really nervous, mostly just excited, but here we go. We perform, I'm still not perfect at the show, and I drop my swing flag.. OOPS! But the show felt awesome. The ending was ammmmazing. :)
And guess what?! We totally dominated! We won
Best music
Best percussion
Best COLORGUARD [oh yeah!!! :D]
Best visual effect and....
We swept it. AmazingnessOCITY with a double capital OCITY [and a half on wheels in three different languages and ten quarter eighths of a half with mac'n' cheese and a but wouldn't that make the jello jealous? and a whale mixed in there somewhere.. and I forgot most of it :P]
Later some of us had a movie party at Z's house. We watched Forever Strong. I had never seen it before, and I'd heard it was good. Guess what? It is :)
I like to flirt. Hey, who doesn't? [I was gonna say "sorry if that bugs anyone" but I don't think that's necessary because.. really.. who would it bug?] It's just fun. Makes me smile, and laugh and all. Though most would argue it's not that hard to get me to smile and laugh, as I do it pretty often. Well, it means I'm happy. Good for me :)
That was a little tangent I just decided to blurt in here. Ees for fun.
After watching Forever Strong, Mr. Smooth, Osborn, and Gladiater [he picked his name, it's Sc~, you know, cause he's a glad person in general] started throwing a football around. Of course, tackling insued. Ju~ got fed up with it and stole the ball, people pretended Mr. Smooth had it.. or something.. I was a little confuzzled.. but anyway, I was sitting next to Mr. Smooth and they're like "Ch~ has it!" and they dive at him. He ducks or something.. somehow they ended up behind him.. I then call out "Hey! I'm not a football." Hehe.....^_^ Then Mr. Smooth said "Well kinda, I mean there are always guys fighting over you." I respond with "They're not fighting... yet." :P
Speaking of, I was talking to BluntGuitarMan today about stuff... and he said there are at *least* 12 guys who like me. Six if which are in band... Ok, so I know three of them, and I figured out who BluntGuitarMan thinks is the fourth, but the other two, don't know. And what about the other six not in band? Ok, so I know one of those. OBVIOUSLY there are more guys out there that like me that I really have no idea.. ok! It's actually pretty flattering =)
Friday, September 11, 2009
One Group
As the wings of this creature expand.
How wonderfully exciting.
How utterly beautiful.
The wings spread and flow
Creating an array of color for all who see it.
This creature creates a feeling of magnificence
As it snaps and circles through the air.
Clack! As it smacks in to position.
Smaller than the winged one
Yet fierce.
Who controls these creatures?
Who absorbs that Joy and Power,
Exploding it into the crowd?
One group.
One group,
Works to control the creatures.
Over time, and practice, each member becomes one with their creature
As they become one with each other.
One group.
One feel.
One guard.
Colorguard is the best thing that's ever happened to me. The best thing I've EVER decided to do. It's.. my life now. It's part of what makes me, I was literally incomplete without it. And I felt it. when I decided to try it, I had no idea how much I would love it. Thank you J~ and Cl~ for getting me into it! You're amazing! And thank you to my instructors and all you guard girls for making it what it is to me. Love you!
As the wings of this creature expand.
How wonderfully exciting.
How utterly beautiful.
The wings spread and flow
Creating an array of color for all who see it.
This creature creates a feeling of magnificence
As it snaps and circles through the air.
Clack! As it smacks in to position.
Smaller than the winged one
Yet fierce.
Who controls these creatures?
Who absorbs that Joy and Power,
Exploding it into the crowd?
One group.
One group,
Works to control the creatures.
Over time, and practice, each member becomes one with their creature
As they become one with each other.
One group.
One feel.
One guard.
Colorguard is the best thing that's ever happened to me. The best thing I've EVER decided to do. It's.. my life now. It's part of what makes me, I was literally incomplete without it. And I felt it. when I decided to try it, I had no idea how much I would love it. Thank you J~ and Cl~ for getting me into it! You're amazing! And thank you to my instructors and all you guard girls for making it what it is to me. Love you!
Monday, September 7, 2009
From The Start
It was like you already knew me.
Or at least, so it seemed.
You know how to make me laugh, and when you did
I beamed.
I felt like I could tell you anything
You were always so supportive
From the start.
Whenever we talked I'd learn something new.
About you, about me
About things I hadn't a clue.
You're so insightful
You always cause me to think
Some new wheel in my mind clicked to life
"Dink dink"
I am a puzzle.
Whenever something isn't right,
It takes me apart
Then goes back together
Adding on to my heart.
A new kind of understanding
A different way to see things.
You're one of those people
Who's helped me to be things
I'm destined to be.
You'll continue to build me
I know that you will.
You may think that we're broken
but still....
We became friends so fast
Why did it momentarily feel
Like it wasn't meant to last?
How did we act
Before the connection thought not to stay?
I get the impression
That it will come back
If we act the same way
That we did
From the start.
If I remember correctly,
The reason it came
Was because we acted like friends
From the start.
So, let's make it the same.
I think it's in yours
'Cause it's in my heart too
This connection we've got
Will help pull us through.
This hope I have
That things will be brighter...
The fact you have it too
Makes it seem even lighter.
I love you, know you that?
...cared for you since the beginning.
And as I write on the verge of tears,
I've known that love is winning
From the start
Or at least, so it seemed.
You know how to make me laugh, and when you did
I beamed.
I felt like I could tell you anything
You were always so supportive
From the start.
Whenever we talked I'd learn something new.
About you, about me
About things I hadn't a clue.
You're so insightful
You always cause me to think
Some new wheel in my mind clicked to life
"Dink dink"
I am a puzzle.
Whenever something isn't right,
It takes me apart
Then goes back together
Adding on to my heart.
A new kind of understanding
A different way to see things.
You're one of those people
Who's helped me to be things
I'm destined to be.
You'll continue to build me
I know that you will.
You may think that we're broken
but still....
We became friends so fast
Why did it momentarily feel
Like it wasn't meant to last?
How did we act
Before the connection thought not to stay?
I get the impression
That it will come back
If we act the same way
That we did
From the start.
If I remember correctly,
The reason it came
Was because we acted like friends
From the start.
So, let's make it the same.
I think it's in yours
'Cause it's in my heart too
This connection we've got
Will help pull us through.
This hope I have
That things will be brighter...
The fact you have it too
Makes it seem even lighter.
I love you, know you that?
...cared for you since the beginning.
And as I write on the verge of tears,
I've known that love is winning
From the start
Sunday, August 30, 2009
There You Are
When I'm around you
I feel like a different person.
A better one.
A happier one.
You bring out all the good in me
When I am blind, you help me see.
I close my eyes and there you are
You make me feel like I'm a star.
I shoot across the sky to you,
In hopes you'll feel the brightness too.
Because joy is what I feel,
When I'm with you.
I didn't know what to make of this feeling.
At first I ignored it
Then began to explore it.
The more I did so,
The more radiant the glow.
I close my eyes and there you are
You make me feel like I'm a star.
And in your arms my shine is brighter
You make each burden so much lighter.
I feel safe, and right, there
Wish I could stay there.
I close my eyes....
And there you are.
P.S. Five
I feel like a different person.
A better one.
A happier one.
You bring out all the good in me
When I am blind, you help me see.
I close my eyes and there you are
You make me feel like I'm a star.
I shoot across the sky to you,
In hopes you'll feel the brightness too.
Because joy is what I feel,
When I'm with you.
I didn't know what to make of this feeling.
At first I ignored it
Then began to explore it.
The more I did so,
The more radiant the glow.
I close my eyes and there you are
You make me feel like I'm a star.
And in your arms my shine is brighter
You make each burden so much lighter.
I feel safe, and right, there
Wish I could stay there.
I close my eyes....
And there you are.
P.S. Five
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Missing III: Infra Red
remember these other two poems with the "Missing" title? [they're in that link somewhere, further down]
here's the third part:
As I searched for the answer
it came to me....
I didn't think it would be this way
And the red kept getting clearer
"It's all coming back to me."
And I felt, I had found it.
I couldn't contain my joy.
My feelings for you grow ever stronger
As I learn more about you
Now I feel the red become more Infra
I can see it
but it's becoming unreachable
As you become unreachable too.
Your story carries powerful emotion
That glass wall
you have been broken.
I'm here
can't I help?
You helped me
find what was missing
I only wish
I could fill a similar gap
for you.
But you seem to be drifting further away
becoming the Infra.
I miss you.
here's the third part:
As I searched for the answer
it came to me....
I didn't think it would be this way
And the red kept getting clearer
"It's all coming back to me."
And I felt, I had found it.
I couldn't contain my joy.
My feelings for you grow ever stronger
As I learn more about you
Now I feel the red become more Infra
I can see it
but it's becoming unreachable
As you become unreachable too.
Your story carries powerful emotion
That glass wall
you have been broken.
I'm here
can't I help?
You helped me
find what was missing
I only wish
I could fill a similar gap
for you.
But you seem to be drifting further away
becoming the Infra.
I miss you.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
You know you really like someone when...
-Just seeing their name makes you smile
-you *love* their smile, and if they ever smile at you, you go ballistic inside
-you find yourself enjoying the sound of their voice, no matter how weird it is
-you miss them, even if it's only been a day since you last saw them
-seeing them makes you almost sure you're floating
-you melt when they hug you
-you think almost everything they do is cute
-you'd be perfectly happy even if you were 'just friends', if you were *good* friends, of course :)
-you find it an accomplishment if you manage to NOT think about them for one day.
-[if you're a girl] you don't just laugh when you're around them, you giggle.
- you love how they smell, and always remember it
- their eyes are the most beautiful gems in the history of forever, to you anyway
-you've been thinking about that person the whole time you were reading this
-you are now chuckling to yourself because the above is true
Oh, and those four? Status' have slightly changed. It's now three definites, and one maybe. [The same, recent maybe.]
-you *love* their smile, and if they ever smile at you, you go ballistic inside
-you find yourself enjoying the sound of their voice, no matter how weird it is
-you miss them, even if it's only been a day since you last saw them
-seeing them makes you almost sure you're floating
-you melt when they hug you
-you think almost everything they do is cute
-you'd be perfectly happy even if you were 'just friends', if you were *good* friends, of course :)
-you find it an accomplishment if you manage to NOT think about them for one day.
-[if you're a girl] you don't just laugh when you're around them, you giggle.
- you love how they smell, and always remember it
- their eyes are the most beautiful gems in the history of forever, to you anyway
-you've been thinking about that person the whole time you were reading this
-you are now chuckling to yourself because the above is true
Oh, and those four? Status' have slightly changed. It's now three definites, and one maybe. [The same, recent maybe.]
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Flee, Flee Fly, Flee Fly Flo
Veesta! Kumala, kumala, kumala veesta. Oh no no no not the Veesta! Eenie meenie decamenie oowah oowah ameenie exameenie solameenie oowah oowah. A beep dope skillyope skeebop deedootn datn. SSSSSssssssshhhhhh.......... VEESTA!
Girls camp was absolutely amazing! Most spiritual experience of my life! I am SO so so glad I went! Full of laughter, funny jokes, smiles, some boredom [I have to admit] hiking, water, lots and lots of food [they always make too much..] and definitely crying. If you really want to know more about it, just ask me.
Girls camp was absolutely amazing! Most spiritual experience of my life! I am SO so so glad I went! Full of laughter, funny jokes, smiles, some boredom [I have to admit] hiking, water, lots and lots of food [they always make too much..] and definitely crying. If you really want to know more about it, just ask me.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
It's ok, I have trouble understanding me, too.
Stripes = way more emotional breakdowns than she's used to. I used to not get those, but lately they've come pretty often. My guess is it's a combination of lack of sleep, lack of food, hormones, and just life in general. Whatever it is, it's weird. These breakdowns only last - at the most - half an hour. When they happen I just feel totally hopeless and that almost nothing will help. For those of you who are around when this happens, I apologize. But, you've been such a great help to me. I'd be even more of a wreck without you! I love you all, I really do.
I had one of those breakdowns today. I get frustrated with my mistakes very easily, and I've been making a lot of them - specifically on the rifle. It seemed every time I tried- I'd mess up, and I didn't know how to fix it. But, as one of my good friends [who happens to be very good at spinning] said: You don't become an expert over night. Ironically enough, I did just learn this stuff yesterday, so that saying was very much applicable. I still felt very very hopeless, and I wanted to cease to exist. Not a happy feeling, not at all. However, I just needed some pep-talk type stuff. Thanks a TON to Sync, Jess, and Jecca - I feel better now.
Interestingly, I find myself having more dedication after every time it seems hopeless. I didn't know any more dedication could fit in me! But, it can, 'cause I feel it. And this is why I'm sticking to Colorguard, I just have such a passion for it. I have another person to say thanks to. This person suggested I join guard in the first place, and I wouldn't have something I love so much if it weren't for him. Thanks John!
I laugh at myself for being such a mess. But, I'll get the hang of these silly breakdowns soon. And, I'll get better at spinning, with all this over-the-top dedication. Then I'll be completely and extremely happy! Woohoo!
I had one of those breakdowns today. I get frustrated with my mistakes very easily, and I've been making a lot of them - specifically on the rifle. It seemed every time I tried- I'd mess up, and I didn't know how to fix it. But, as one of my good friends [who happens to be very good at spinning] said: You don't become an expert over night. Ironically enough, I did just learn this stuff yesterday, so that saying was very much applicable. I still felt very very hopeless, and I wanted to cease to exist. Not a happy feeling, not at all. However, I just needed some pep-talk type stuff. Thanks a TON to Sync, Jess, and Jecca - I feel better now.
Interestingly, I find myself having more dedication after every time it seems hopeless. I didn't know any more dedication could fit in me! But, it can, 'cause I feel it. And this is why I'm sticking to Colorguard, I just have such a passion for it. I have another person to say thanks to. This person suggested I join guard in the first place, and I wouldn't have something I love so much if it weren't for him. Thanks John!
I laugh at myself for being such a mess. But, I'll get the hang of these silly breakdowns soon. And, I'll get better at spinning, with all this over-the-top dedication. Then I'll be completely and extremely happy! Woohoo!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Just Words
I read over and over,
The words which you said
And when I've finished reading,
They run through my head.
How I feel when these words find me,
Is hard to express.
But I know they make me happy,
And well, you know the rest.
I feel my words are inadequate,
Next to those perfect lines.
You know you're good with words,
So was it just that the whole time?
Just words?
Were you only toying?
Are you easily trusted,
Or do I trust too easily?
I don't care what part of my mind thinks,
I believe those words really are for me.
Still I can't help but have some doubt.
Do I build hope too fast?
Is it not how I made it seem?
Those powerful words...
Did the feeling behind them
Run away with the stream?
Are they
Just words?
I think not. How can they be?
Something so sincere...
And I once again convince myself
That you really do care.
How did I do that? How did I make myself see
That all your words are true?
I remember
The way you look at me when we part
Those eyes that always make me smile
And somehow in my heart
I know.
The words which you said
And when I've finished reading,
They run through my head.
How I feel when these words find me,
Is hard to express.
But I know they make me happy,
And well, you know the rest.
I feel my words are inadequate,
Next to those perfect lines.
You know you're good with words,
So was it just that the whole time?
Just words?
Were you only toying?
Are you easily trusted,
Or do I trust too easily?
I don't care what part of my mind thinks,
I believe those words really are for me.
Still I can't help but have some doubt.
Do I build hope too fast?
Is it not how I made it seem?
Those powerful words...
Did the feeling behind them
Run away with the stream?
Are they
Just words?
I think not. How can they be?
Something so sincere...
And I once again convince myself
That you really do care.
How did I do that? How did I make myself see
That all your words are true?
I remember
The way you look at me when we part
Those eyes that always make me smile
And somehow in my heart
I know.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Crystals that show feeling
That can be a pathway to the soul.
Magnificent things that get my mind reeling
Yet somehow help me feel whole.
It's been too long, I think
Since such wonderful diamonds have met mine.
Full of smiles, peace, sincerity
If I'm upset I see them
And suddenly
I feel fine.
And when I'm already at my best,
There are hardly words that can express...
So I just smile back, you see.
Hey, I finally feel like me!
I've always loved those gems,
They are my favorite part,
Just something about them
Finds it's way to my heart.
Though, that's not too much of a surprise.
You have amazing eyes.
That can be a pathway to the soul.
Magnificent things that get my mind reeling
Yet somehow help me feel whole.
It's been too long, I think
Since such wonderful diamonds have met mine.
Full of smiles, peace, sincerity
If I'm upset I see them
And suddenly
I feel fine.
And when I'm already at my best,
There are hardly words that can express...
So I just smile back, you see.
Hey, I finally feel like me!
I've always loved those gems,
They are my favorite part,
Just something about them
Finds it's way to my heart.
Though, that's not too much of a surprise.
You have amazing eyes.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Marching Band
Yeah today the guard pretty much sucked at marching. You need to be extremely coordinated to march, keep in line, keep in time, do the right flag routine, and on top of that.. gate turns. Right now it's a little discouraging, but we'll get it! Just need to practice... at least I hope we'll get it, and really REALLY soon.. cause we need to. BUT even though I'm not so good with the marching coordination and all that, I still love it! Yes I know I'm crazy for actually liking marching out in the hot sun, but I really do! There's just something in me that really really likes dancing, marching, and flag.. it's great!
Life is a bit confusing right now.. actually a lot bit.. but I know it will work out!
Life is a bit confusing right now.. actually a lot bit.. but I know it will work out!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Nature to People
Open the window, and hear a sudden rush.
Look up, see the movement
then feel a gust, it's expressing itself.
Does nature have moods?
Snow, Rain, Wind, Sun
Every time a new season has begun,
does nature change moods?
Just like people...
People have moods.
Happy, Angry, Confused, Sad
Some change quickly and dramatically
others hardly ever seem to differ
but people change moods.
Nature to People.
Not often thought of
Does nature show emotion through weather?
Then... what makes it cry?
Why does the sun shine?
What makes nature Happy?
Look up, see the movement
then feel a gust, it's expressing itself.
Does nature have moods?
Snow, Rain, Wind, Sun
Every time a new season has begun,
does nature change moods?
Just like people...
People have moods.
Happy, Angry, Confused, Sad
Some change quickly and dramatically
others hardly ever seem to differ
but people change moods.
Nature to People.
Not often thought of
Does nature show emotion through weather?
Then... what makes it cry?
Why does the sun shine?
What makes nature Happy?
And when you hear thunder...
What makes nature Angry?
If weather is nature's way of expression...
[Nature to People]
maybe people express in a similar fashion.
But then... what weather would nature choose if love was it's feeling?
And would people show it by reflecting that weather?
Nature to People
As the weather can be difficult to read,
emotions can be too.
What makes nature Angry?
If weather is nature's way of expression...
[Nature to People]
maybe people express in a similar fashion.
But then... what weather would nature choose if love was it's feeling?
And would people show it by reflecting that weather?
Nature to People
As the weather can be difficult to read,
emotions can be too.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Popsicles are my new Stalker Food.
When you give Stripes and Bri~ crayons, strange things happen....
I drew the first thing that came to my head, and it went from there. If you ask me what it is, I'll just say "That's what happened when the crayon hit the paper!" Because it is. That's probably what happened with Bri~ too, but we didn't use her creation when we went Stalking.
We also had an extra popsicle, a green one. It was slightly melted, but we decided to do it anyway. We texted Mr. Tumble (Sp~) and asked if he was home. "Depends what you're plotting" He responded. So we came, set my random creation on the doorstep, knocked, and ran away. But not far away. The next thing we heard was "umm... thanks!" and we came out of our hiding spot laughing like idiots! :) We explained to Mr. Tumble's family that.. well we couldn't really 'explain' because it's unexplainable, but we tried. They called Mr. Tumble out and you could so tell he was thinking "Here we go again..." We laughed like a bunch of hiyena's on drugs.. and semi- explained the weird gift to him too.
Then Bri~ took me home.
And I ate Peanut Butter.
It made my mouth all sticky!
I drew the first thing that came to my head, and it went from there. If you ask me what it is, I'll just say "That's what happened when the crayon hit the paper!" Because it is. That's probably what happened with Bri~ too, but we didn't use her creation when we went Stalking.
We also had an extra popsicle, a green one. It was slightly melted, but we decided to do it anyway. We texted Mr. Tumble (Sp~) and asked if he was home. "Depends what you're plotting" He responded. So we came, set my random creation on the doorstep, knocked, and ran away. But not far away. The next thing we heard was "umm... thanks!" and we came out of our hiding spot laughing like idiots! :) We explained to Mr. Tumble's family that.. well we couldn't really 'explain' because it's unexplainable, but we tried. They called Mr. Tumble out and you could so tell he was thinking "Here we go again..." We laughed like a bunch of hiyena's on drugs.. and semi- explained the weird gift to him too.
Then Bri~ took me home.
And I ate Peanut Butter.
It made my mouth all sticky!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Poems Poems POEMS!!!!
HOLY MOLEY!!! I've written a whole lot!! Here we go!!
Never Ending Night
Night. As I sit here, wanting it all to end
I think how lately
sometimes things seem to be endless night.
Will it ever end?
End. Just keep pushing hard
a few more moments
moments? hours? days?
when will I have peace?
Peace. Quite an interesting word.
A synonym to piece,
which is only a part of something
only a part of life is peace
A piece of peace.
The room is quiet.
Quiet. Only the sound of a computer thinking...
not only a computer
but the computer of my mind.
My mind. Ha! Right now my mind is mush.
I can hardly think straight
I'm writing this only to keep my mind going
keep the creativity flowing
so that it doesn't altogether stop.
Stop. Do I need to stop?
Is there a reason to?
No, I cannot.
Instead I should begin.
Begin anew
Try something different.
Push through a few more days
of this endless night.
Blar bang bam boom
kerflabba... zoom!
Zer zer zer zer
gee gee gee
Stop. Pop. Hop! Spot?
Bad? Zar. Blub. Zub nub.
Silly. :)
Nonsense words.
A good interpretation of sound and feeling.
Especially good when the mind is reeling
I feel like Dr. Suess.
What fun!
We were never here...
you didn't see anything.
Wow time to go.
Or is it?
Lingering is also an option.
Talking. Talking is good.
Up we go.
Hey look! A pig!
A Guy original.
At the Franci house.
Exciting. Goodbye.
Now is a good time.
Each day I try to think this.
Now is a good time
to pray
to work
to laugh
to play
a time to love
a time to talk
to be happy
Am I happy now?
Or did I only think I was?
I always feel like there is something missing.
But I don't know what it is.
When will I be able to find it?
Now is a good time.
A time to talk
to make new friends
and strengthen old relationships
to renew ones knowledge of themself
to be more caring
Now is a good time.
A time to love
think before you say and do
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
love everyone, life is better when you try it
Now is a good time.
Don't wait
because now is a good time
all those things you said you'd do
but never did,
Now is a good time.
A time to say goodbye?
Goodbye to old wrongs
goodbye to the past
Don't hold on to the past
but reach for the future
the future is in your grasp.
The past is gone. Let it go.
Now is a good time.
My blanket is golden
the sun is golden
gold is golden
friends are golden.
blood is scarlet
scarlet red
death is scarlet
pain is scarlet
hurt is scarlet
the grass is green
green comes after scarlet
meaning the new life after that red death
water is blue
tears are blue
sadness is blue
Am I blue?
No. I am golden.
Golden and green in that new life.
MissingLike a color you can't see
a kind of air you can't breath
it's ultraviolet and it's quiet
But at times you know it's there
it's so prevalent.
that emptiness
What fits in that empty space?
Will I ever find
what goes in it's place?
It's ultraviolet.
Missing II: Ultraviolet
I see a dim purple glow
and I think I begin to know
the ultraviolet
as the warmth of the sun
like the comfort of a blanket
the safe and happy feeling that comes...
I can breath the air now
as the violet becomes less ultra
I can see it
But only just.
I still know there's something missing
is it deeper ultra violet?
Of is it completely on the other side of the spectrum?
Infra red.
writing is a sixth sense.
we all see deeper into each other through it
out souls are poured out in our writing
am I writing for you?
or is it really for me?
We see more of ourselves too,
when we write.
Because the soul we pour out
has to be thought about
and forced to be words.
But they are more than words...
Writing is a mirror
whoever looks into it
finds themselves
and those around them too
and there is no limit to how far writing can reflect,
how far it can see.
Become the mirror.
I might turn a couple of these into songs eventually.. and the "Missing" poem isn't complete yet, if you noticed it leaves one hanging. That was on purpose, it leaves ME hanging. I still need to figure it out.
well, there you go!
Never Ending Night
Night. As I sit here, wanting it all to end
I think how lately
sometimes things seem to be endless night.
Will it ever end?
End. Just keep pushing hard
a few more moments
moments? hours? days?
when will I have peace?
Peace. Quite an interesting word.
A synonym to piece,
which is only a part of something
only a part of life is peace
A piece of peace.
The room is quiet.
Quiet. Only the sound of a computer thinking...
not only a computer
but the computer of my mind.
My mind. Ha! Right now my mind is mush.
I can hardly think straight
I'm writing this only to keep my mind going
keep the creativity flowing
so that it doesn't altogether stop.
Stop. Do I need to stop?
Is there a reason to?
No, I cannot.
Instead I should begin.
Begin anew
Try something different.
Push through a few more days
of this endless night.
Blar bang bam boom
kerflabba... zoom!
Zer zer zer zer
gee gee gee
Stop. Pop. Hop! Spot?
Bad? Zar. Blub. Zub nub.
Silly. :)
Nonsense words.
A good interpretation of sound and feeling.
Especially good when the mind is reeling
I feel like Dr. Suess.
What fun!
We were never here...
you didn't see anything.
Wow time to go.
Or is it?
Lingering is also an option.
Talking. Talking is good.
Up we go.
Hey look! A pig!
A Guy original.
At the Franci house.
Exciting. Goodbye.
Now is a good time.
Each day I try to think this.
Now is a good time
to pray
to work
to laugh
to play
a time to love
a time to talk
to be happy
Am I happy now?
Or did I only think I was?
I always feel like there is something missing.
But I don't know what it is.
When will I be able to find it?
Now is a good time.
A time to talk
to make new friends
and strengthen old relationships
to renew ones knowledge of themself
to be more caring
Now is a good time.
A time to love
think before you say and do
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
love everyone, life is better when you try it
Now is a good time.
Don't wait
because now is a good time
all those things you said you'd do
but never did,
Now is a good time.
A time to say goodbye?
Goodbye to old wrongs
goodbye to the past
Don't hold on to the past
but reach for the future
the future is in your grasp.
The past is gone. Let it go.
Now is a good time.
My blanket is golden
the sun is golden
gold is golden
friends are golden.
blood is scarlet
scarlet red
death is scarlet
pain is scarlet
hurt is scarlet
the grass is green
green comes after scarlet
meaning the new life after that red death
water is blue
tears are blue
sadness is blue
Am I blue?
No. I am golden.
Golden and green in that new life.
MissingLike a color you can't see
a kind of air you can't breath
it's ultraviolet and it's quiet
But at times you know it's there
it's so prevalent.
that emptiness
What fits in that empty space?
Will I ever find
what goes in it's place?
It's ultraviolet.
Missing II: Ultraviolet
I see a dim purple glow
and I think I begin to know
the ultraviolet
as the warmth of the sun
like the comfort of a blanket
the safe and happy feeling that comes...
I can breath the air now
as the violet becomes less ultra
I can see it
But only just.
I still know there's something missing
is it deeper ultra violet?
Of is it completely on the other side of the spectrum?
Infra red.
writing is a sixth sense.
we all see deeper into each other through it
out souls are poured out in our writing
am I writing for you?
or is it really for me?
We see more of ourselves too,
when we write.
Because the soul we pour out
has to be thought about
and forced to be words.
But they are more than words...
Writing is a mirror
whoever looks into it
finds themselves
and those around them too
and there is no limit to how far writing can reflect,
how far it can see.
Become the mirror.
I might turn a couple of these into songs eventually.. and the "Missing" poem isn't complete yet, if you noticed it leaves one hanging. That was on purpose, it leaves ME hanging. I still need to figure it out.
well, there you go!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I love me :)
Ok, that sounded really vain... I'm sorry if that bothers you, but I do! At least, I do at the moment. I like being me!!! :D [and it helps me see, I'm somebody special... lol song pop alert!] Anyways.. I was really hyper today.. was I really going to write about that?? I don't even remember... well I will! I was laughing at the dumbest things.. because I was running on like 4-5 hours of sleep.. I couldn't sleep for the longest time last night.. to many things running through my head. And and I think I freaked people out today, like a lot. I was SOOOO slap happy it was insane!! [good thing I didn't have any fudge... :D] Oh and I was totally blonde today too... I know I know, 'why am I not surprised?' right?? But today I was being 'extra special' LOL! So, J.B. had my bag, and I knew he had it. Then after the bell rang I looked over and it didn't look like he had it anymore, I guess I got a confused look on my face, because Potatoes, J.B., and T~ all started snickering... they thought it was very entertaining. "Ok, where is it??" they just laugh as I walk around them, searching for who might have it... ugh!! I couldn't see it!! Then I notice it.. J.B. had tucked it under his backpack.. it was really well hidden ok??? :P As soon as I see it I'm like 'oh, der... he still had it... oops' I try to take it from him, which doesn't work.. they start walking off and laughing.. how is it that entertaining?? I must have been making really interesting faces or sounds or.. something! They wont just hand it over so... I didn't need it in my next class.. so I just said "Ok I'll find you after school" and started walking off. I think that surprised them, because I didn't just start walking and come back, I kept going, I really DIDN'T need it in Ceramics. Soon enough, J.B. walks over to me with my bag, saying "It's not fun when you don't chase us for it." Hah. Gotcha there! muahahahaha......ha :)
OHOHOHOHOHOH!!! Then, in ceramics J.C. made a little clay boyfriend... hahaha.. his name is [umm... was... we squished him.. no more like splatted] SIR Charles George the second of Louisianna and Indianna.. fun huh?!?!?! I was hyper there too, and having too much fun punching the clay.... J.C. says next time we have free time we're making my boyfriend.. hahaha we were having too much fun.. people were looking at us weird but that's one of the most fun parts!!!! :D
Anyway, hope I made somebody laugh :) I know I definitely did. Love you all! [I say all because I figured out kinda recently that more people read this than I thought.... :)]
OHOHOHOHOHOH!!! Then, in ceramics J.C. made a little clay boyfriend... hahaha.. his name is [umm... was... we squished him.. no more like splatted] SIR Charles George the second of Louisianna and Indianna.. fun huh?!?!?! I was hyper there too, and having too much fun punching the clay.... J.C. says next time we have free time we're making my boyfriend.. hahaha we were having too much fun.. people were looking at us weird but that's one of the most fun parts!!!! :D
Anyway, hope I made somebody laugh :) I know I definitely did. Love you all! [I say all because I figured out kinda recently that more people read this than I thought.... :)]
Monday, April 13, 2009
Like the sun's rays
I swear there's a human reaction
can't help the happy feeling;
it shoots up as a smile, one that reaches my eyes.
I light up.
Like when the wind comes
I get this strange sensation it sends shivers up my spine.
And that air can see right through me,
flows into my soul,
knows my thoughts, my likes, my fears.
As a river,
in a way it stays the same, yet that water
always changing.
Every time I step in;
at first it seems the same as the last time.
But I sense it's somehow different.
Then like a fire, warms me.
The eyes of the flames looking right at me
When in the presence, that comfort and warmth
can only be followed by joy.
The sun - lighting me up
The air - knowing my soul
A river - looks the same, but deeper ever changing
A fire - filling me with joyful warmth
All together, these separate things join
in one complex Element.
I swear there's a human reaction
can't help the happy feeling;
it shoots up as a smile, one that reaches my eyes.
I light up.
Like when the wind comes
I get this strange sensation it sends shivers up my spine.
And that air can see right through me,
flows into my soul,
knows my thoughts, my likes, my fears.
As a river,
in a way it stays the same, yet that water
always changing.
Every time I step in;
at first it seems the same as the last time.
But I sense it's somehow different.
Then like a fire, warms me.
The eyes of the flames looking right at me
When in the presence, that comfort and warmth
can only be followed by joy.
The sun - lighting me up
The air - knowing my soul
A river - looks the same, but deeper ever changing
A fire - filling me with joyful warmth
All together, these separate things join
in one complex Element.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Color guard!
Dancing is the most beautiful, the most loftiest, the most moving of the arts. it is not mere translation or abstraction of life; it is life itself. --Tiave
I am in love... with color gaurd! :) I really enjoy going, even though I'm not good yet, at all. I'll get better, and I'll really try because this is something I actually enjoy. I like this more than.. anything else I've ever tried. Even when I do something wrong and look stupid I still feel happy doing it. Tiave (one of our instructors) said "I promise you I will work you harder than you have ever worked before." I'm so excited!Sunday, March 8, 2009
Golden Rule
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Really, think about it, this is the best thing to go by. It covers everything. If you wouldn't want someone to steal from you, don't steal! If you wouldn't want someone to poke you, don't poke. Don't want someone to call you names? Then don't call names!!
On the upside of things...
If you want to be loved, love. If you want people to smile more, smile! If you want more people to say nice things, say nice things!! I think you get the jist of this now, right!? It's not that difficult. Just do it.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
My number one motto is PAI [[pray about it]] it always works, and that's that.
My second motto is: The less you get of something you like, the more special it is when you get it. I believe that with everything in me. It can be applied to everything, really. Think about it, it can.
luffs!! [[yes Bri~ with two effs, two of dems!]]
My second motto is: The less you get of something you like, the more special it is when you get it. I believe that with everything in me. It can be applied to everything, really. Think about it, it can.
luffs!! [[yes Bri~ with two effs, two of dems!]]
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
My Sister: the GARGOYLE!
So, last night my sister and I were really really... really.. hyper. She was taking random pictures and dancing around.. it was so much fun! Anyway, I went out of the room for a sec, and turned the lights off as I went out.. for some reason. Haha I don't know why ^_^ and when I got back in the room, I was expecting B~ to be laying on her bed, about to make some funny face at me. But when I looked, I didn't see anyone on it, and there was this distorted face with glowing eyes between our beds!! It freaked me out SO bad! I screamed, no joke.
Anyway, just now, my friend Je~ brought me a smoothie.. lol.. I am pretty much addicted to his smoothies. Plus, it's his 'stalker' thing :) Bri~'s thing is slurpies, J~'s is cookies, Sh~'s is doughnuts, and um.. I don't have one yet. Hehe. So I am sitting here having this DELICIOUS smoothie and wanted to blog!
Anyway, just now, my friend Je~ brought me a smoothie.. lol.. I am pretty much addicted to his smoothies. Plus, it's his 'stalker' thing :) Bri~'s thing is slurpies, J~'s is cookies, Sh~'s is doughnuts, and um.. I don't have one yet. Hehe. So I am sitting here having this DELICIOUS smoothie and wanted to blog!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
CORRECTION!!! The song I have for Bella's Lullaby is really called A River Flows in You, by Yiruma. It was considered for Bella's Lullaby but Carter Burwell's version was chosen. Sooo... even though A River Flows in You is not really Bella's Lullaby, I like it better. It's really pretty.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Top Ten
I took a quiz... "Things that Attract Me"... and decided to blog a bit :P
1) They've got to be fun! I love getting crazy hyper! And I enjoy myself a lot more with people like that.
2) Awesome sense of humor - the more they make me laugh, the more I like them. Laughter is my cure for.. everything! If I don't laugh, I get sad more easily. I NEED laughter. This goes with 'fun', if they don't get crazy and laugh a lot, I don't really enjoy being around them as much.
3) Sweet - the cuter the personality, the better!
4) Ok, face it, the good looks factor has to go here somewhere. =)
5) A friend - someone you can go to, and they feel they can come to you.
6) [Oh I almost forgot!] Acoustic Guitar - oooohhh yessss :D 'nuff said!
7) Listener - um... pretty sure everyone knows what I mean by this.
8) Careful - I don't know how to explain it, I guess it has to do with the speed they go, if you know what I mean. Being concious and considerate. [Bri~ would know what I'm talking about.]
9) Romantic - Yes, according to books I read, movies I watch, and quizzes I've taken, I'm one of those hopeless ones... haha
10) Writer - It's super cute when a guy can write (poems, songs, stories, etc.)
1) They've got to be fun! I love getting crazy hyper! And I enjoy myself a lot more with people like that.
2) Awesome sense of humor - the more they make me laugh, the more I like them. Laughter is my cure for.. everything! If I don't laugh, I get sad more easily. I NEED laughter. This goes with 'fun', if they don't get crazy and laugh a lot, I don't really enjoy being around them as much.
3) Sweet - the cuter the personality, the better!
4) Ok, face it, the good looks factor has to go here somewhere. =)
5) A friend - someone you can go to, and they feel they can come to you.
6) [Oh I almost forgot!] Acoustic Guitar - oooohhh yessss :D 'nuff said!
7) Listener - um... pretty sure everyone knows what I mean by this.
8) Careful - I don't know how to explain it, I guess it has to do with the speed they go, if you know what I mean. Being concious and considerate. [Bri~ would know what I'm talking about.]
9) Romantic - Yes, according to books I read, movies I watch, and quizzes I've taken, I'm one of those hopeless ones... haha
10) Writer - It's super cute when a guy can write (poems, songs, stories, etc.)
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